C 连续录制音频时出现内存问题

C 连续录制音频时出现内存问题,c,audio,memory-management,deep-copy,portaudio,C,Audio,Memory Management,Deep Copy,Portaudio,在这里,我试图为连续录音的音频系统编写一些代码。然后,当某个振幅阈值被打破时,我尝试在一定时间内录制音频 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <portaudio.h> #include <sndfile.h> #define FRAMES_


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <portaudio.h>
#include <sndfile.h>

#define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER (1024)
#define SAMPLE_SIZE (4)

typedef struct
    uint16_t formatType;
    uint16_t numberOfChannels;
    uint32_t sampleRate;
    float* recordedSamples;
} AudioData;

AudioData initAudioData(uint32_t sampleRate, uint16_t channels, int type)
    AudioData data;
    data.formatType = type;
    data.numberOfChannels = channels;
    data.sampleRate = sampleRate;
    return data;

float avg(float *data)
    int elems = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);
    float sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < elems; i++)
        sum += fabs(*(data + i));
    return (float) sum / elems;

int main(void)
    AudioData data = initAudioData(44100, 2, paFloat32);
    PaStream *stream = NULL;
    PaError err = paNoError;
    int size = FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * data.numberOfChannels * SAMPLE_SIZE;
    float *sampleBlock = malloc(size);
    float *recordedSamples = NULL;
    time_t talking = 0;
    time_t silence = 0;

    if((err = Pa_Initialize())) goto done;
    PaStreamParameters inputParameters =
        .device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(),
        .channelCount = data.numberOfChannels,
        .sampleFormat = data.formatType,
        .suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice())->defaultHighInputLatency,
        .hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL
    if((err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, &inputParameters, NULL, data.sampleRate, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, paClipOff, NULL, NULL))) goto done;
    if((err = Pa_StartStream(stream))) goto done;
    for(int i = 0;;)
        err = Pa_ReadStream(stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);
        if(avg(sampleBlock) > 0.000550) // talking
            printf("You're talking! %d\n", i);
            recordedSamples = realloc(recordedSamples, size * i);
            if (recordedSamples) memcpy(recordedSamples + ((i - 1) * size), sampleBlock, size); // problem here writing to memory at i = 16?
            else free(recordedSamples);
        else //silence
            double test = difftime(time(&silence), talking);
            printf("Time diff: %g\n", test);
            if (test >= 1.5)
                // TODO: finish code processing audio snippet
                talking = 0;
                free(recordedSamples); // problem freeing memory?

    return err;



// Note: I do not have the portaudio.h and sndfile.h so could not compile/test

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "portaudio.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

#define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER  (1024)
#define SAMPLE_SIZE        (4)
#define SAMPLE_RATE        (44100)

static const int size = SIZE;

struct AudioData_t
    uint16_t formatType;
    uint16_t numberOfChannels;
    uint32_t sampleRate;
    float* recordedSamples;

void initAudioData(
    struct AudioData_t *pData,
    uint32_t sampleRate,
    uint16_t channels,
    int type)
    (*pData).formatType = type;
    (*pData).numberOfChannels = channels;
    (*pData).sampleRate = sampleRate;
} // end function: initAudioData

float averageAudioLevel(float *data)
    int elems = size / sizeof(float); // <--
    float sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < elems; i++)
        sum += fabs(*(data + i));
    return  sum / elems; // sum is float so result is float
} // end function: averageAudioLevel

int main(void)
    struct AudioData_t data;
    initAudioData(&data, SAMPLE_RATE, NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS, paFloat32);

    PaStream *stream = NULL;
    PaError err = paNoError;

    float *sampleBlock = NULL;

    if(NULL == (sampleBlock = malloc(size) ) )
    { // then, malloc failed
        perror( "malloc failed" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, malloc successful

    float *recordedSamples = NULL;

    time_t talking = 0;
    time_t silence = 0;

    if( 0 == (err = Pa_Initialize()))
    { // then init successful

        PaStreamParameters inputParameters =
            .device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(),
            .channelCount = data.numberOfChannels,
            .sampleFormat = data.formatType,
            .suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice())->defaultHighInputLatency,
            .hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL

        // if err >0, exit
        if( 0 == (err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, &inputParameters, NULL, SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, paClipOff, NULL, NULL)))
        { // then success
            if( 0 == (err = Pa_StartStream(stream)) )
            { // then success

                int i = 0;
                while(1) // this loop never exits
                    talking = 0;
                    if( 0 == (err = Pa_ReadStream(stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER) ) )
                        if(averageAudioLevel(sampleBlock) > 0.000550) // talking
                            printf("You're talking! %d\n", i);

                            i++; // counting usable audio samples

                            if( !talking ) {talking = time(NULL);} // only do once per audio sample

                            // increase allocation for another audio sample (starts at 0 allocated)
                            float *temp;
                            if( NULL == (temp = realloc(recordedSamples, size * i ) )
                            { // then realloc failed
                                perror( ""realloc failed" ");
                                free( sampleBlock );
                                free( recordedSamples );
                                exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

                            // implied else, realloc successful

                            // update the actual allocated memory pointer
                            recordedSamples = temp;

                            // save the new sample into array of samples
                            memcpy(recordedSamples + ((i - 1) * size), sampleBlock, size);}
                        } // end if

                    else //silence
                        if( 0 < i )
                        { // then some samples to evaluate

                            double elapsedTime = difftime(time(NULL), talking);
                            printf("Time diff: %g\n", elapsedTime);

                            if (elapsedTime >= 1.5)
                                // TODO: finish code processing audio snippet

                                // reset time indicators so do not process silence unless proceed by audio sound
                                talking = 0;

                                // reset audio sample counter
                                i = 0;

                                // dispose of recorded samples
                                free( recordedSamples );

                                // prep for next recording
                                recordedSamples = NULL;
                            } // end if
                        } // end if
                    } // end if
                } //  end forever loop
            } // end if
        } // end if
    } // end if

    free( sampleBlock );
    free( recordedSamples );
    return err;
} // end function: main
#包括 #包括 #包括 #包括 #包括 #包括“portaudio.h” #包括“sndfile.h” #为每个缓冲区定义帧(1024) #定义样本大小(4) #定义\u通道的数量(2) #定义采样率(44100) #定义大小(每个缓冲区的帧数*通道数*样本大小) 静态常量int size=大小; 结构音频数据 { uint16格式类型; uint16个信道; uint32_t采样器; 浮动*记录样本; }; 无效音频数据( 结构音频数据, uint32_t采样器, uint16_t频道, int类型) { (*pData).formatType=type; (*pData).numberOfChannels=通道数; (*pData)。采样器=采样器; }//结束函数:initAudioData 浮点平均音频电平(浮点*数据) { int elems=size/sizeof(float);//defaultHighInputLatency, .hostApiSpecificStreamInfo=NULL }; //如果错误>0,则退出 if(0==(err=Pa_OpenStream(&stream,&inputParameters,NULL,采样率,每缓冲区帧数,paClipOff,NULL,NULL))) {//那就成功了 如果(0==(err=Pa_开始流(stream))) {//那就成功了 int i=0; while(1)//此循环从不存在 { 交谈=0; 如果(0==(err=Pa_ReadStream(流、采样块、每缓冲区帧))) { if(平均音频电平(采样块)>0.000550)//通话 { printf(“你在说话!%d\n”,i); i++;//计算可用音频样本 如果(!talking){talking=time(NULL);}//每个音频样本只执行一次 //增加另一个音频样本的分配(从分配的0开始) 浮动*温度; if(NULL==(temp=realloc(recordedSamples,size*i)) {//然后realloc失败了 perror(“realloc失败”); 自由(样本块); 免费(记录样品); 退出(退出失败); } //否则,realloc将成功 //更新实际分配的内存指针 记录样本=温度; //将新样本保存到样本数组中 memcpy(recordedSamples+((i-1)*大小),sampleBlock,大小);} }//如果结束,则结束 } 否则,请保持沉默 { if(0=1.5) { //TODO:完成代码处理音频片段 //重置时间指示器,因此除非通过音频继续,否则不处理静音 交谈=0; //重置音频采样计数器 i=0; //处理记录的样品 免费(记录样品); //准备下一次录音 recordedSamples=NULL; }//如果结束,则结束 }//如果结束,则结束 }//如果结束,则结束 }//结束永久循环 }//如果结束,则结束 }//如果结束,则结束 }//如果结束,则结束 自由(样本块); 免费(记录样品); Pa_Terminate(); 返回错误; }//结束函数:main




recordSamples = NULL; 


// Note: I do not have the portaudio.h and sndfile.h so could not compile/test

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "portaudio.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

#define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER  (1024)
#define SAMPLE_SIZE        (4)
#define SAMPLE_RATE        (44100)

static const int size = SIZE;

struct AudioData_t
    uint16_t formatType;
    uint16_t numberOfChannels;
    uint32_t sampleRate;
    float* recordedSamples;

void initAudioData(
    struct AudioData_t *pData,
    uint32_t sampleRate,
    uint16_t channels,
    int type)
    (*pData).formatType = type;
    (*pData).numberOfChannels = channels;
    (*pData).sampleRate = sampleRate;
} // end function: initAudioData

float averageAudioLevel(float *data)
    int elems = size / sizeof(float); // <--
    float sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < elems; i++)
        sum += fabs(*(data + i));
    return  sum / elems; // sum is float so result is float
} // end function: averageAudioLevel

int main(void)
    struct AudioData_t data;
    initAudioData(&data, SAMPLE_RATE, NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS, paFloat32);

    PaStream *stream = NULL;
    PaError err = paNoError;

    float *sampleBlock = NULL;

    if(NULL == (sampleBlock = malloc(size) ) )
    { // then, malloc failed
        perror( "malloc failed" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, malloc successful

    float *recordedSamples = NULL;

    time_t talking = 0;
    time_t silence = 0;

    if( 0 == (err = Pa_Initialize()))
    { // then init successful

        PaStreamParameters inputParameters =
            .device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(),
            .channelCount = data.numberOfChannels,
            .sampleFormat = data.formatType,
            .suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice())->defaultHighInputLatency,
            .hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL

        // if err >0, exit
        if( 0 == (err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, &inputParameters, NULL, SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, paClipOff, NULL, NULL)))
        { // then success
            if( 0 == (err = Pa_StartStream(stream)) )
            { // then success

                int i = 0;
                while(1) // this loop never exits
                    talking = 0;
                    if( 0 == (err = Pa_ReadStream(stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER) ) )
                        if(averageAudioLevel(sampleBlock) > 0.000550) // talking
                            printf("You're talking! %d\n", i);

                            i++; // counting usable audio samples

                            if( !talking ) {talking = time(NULL);} // only do once per audio sample

                            // increase allocation for another audio sample (starts at 0 allocated)
                            float *temp;
                            if( NULL == (temp = realloc(recordedSamples, size * i ) )
                            { // then realloc failed
                                perror( ""realloc failed" ");
                                free( sampleBlock );
                                free( recordedSamples );
                                exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

                            // implied else, realloc successful

                            // update the actual allocated memory pointer
                            recordedSamples = temp;

                            // save the new sample into array of samples
                            memcpy(recordedSamples + ((i - 1) * size), sampleBlock, size);}
                        } // end if

                    else //silence
                        if( 0 < i )
                        { // then some samples to evaluate

                            double elapsedTime = difftime(time(NULL), talking);
                            printf("Time diff: %g\n", elapsedTime);

                            if (elapsedTime >= 1.5)
                                // TODO: finish code processing audio snippet

                                // reset time indicators so do not process silence unless proceed by audio sound
                                talking = 0;

                                // reset audio sample counter
                                i = 0;

                                // dispose of recorded samples
                                free( recordedSamples );

                                // prep for next recording
                                recordedSamples = NULL;
                            } // end if
                        } // end if
                    } // end if
                } //  end forever loop
            } // end if
        } // end if
    } // end if

    free( sampleBlock );
    free( recordedSamples );
    return err;
} // end function: main
recordSamples = NULL; 
recordedSamples = realloc(recordedSamples, size * i);
memcpy(recordedSamples + ((i - 1) * size), sampleBlock, size);