
chatbot中的多意图处理,chatbot,rasa,Chatbot,Rasa,我正在使用RASA开发一个用于银行目的的bot。我有资金转账、交易历史记录、贷款、余额、账单支付等意图。我已经实现了一次处理一个功能的意图。现在,我想一次处理多个意图 例如,如果用户说 显示我最近的交易记录,然后在显示余额后支付账单。 如果用户在一次讲话中要求一个或两个以上的功能,我如何处理这些类型的输入 我知道,我可以用多个实体实现意图,但这似乎对我不起作用,因为我有太多的意图,以至于我无法用2或3个实体的组合来实现意图 甚至可以使用RASA或任何其他技术来构建聊天机器人吗?方法1-多意图 您







方法1-多意图 您可以使用多意图(不要与多实体混淆)。您需要做的是:

  • 分别为意图编写示例nlu数据(您已经拥有的)
  • 为多意图组合写入nlu数据。理论上,Rasa将使用来自单一意图和多意图示例的信息来正确分类。这意味着您不需要在multi-intent中使用那么多的培训示例
  • 写一些关于这些多重意图的故事
  • 在标记器配置中指定分隔符:
    intent\u split\u symbol:“+”


  • (请小心,此后配置已更改,您应该遵循文档)
实例 这可能会给你这样的东西:

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

language: "en"

- name: "WhitespaceTokenizer"
  intent_split_symbol: "+"
- name: "CountVectorsFeaturizer"
- name: "EmbeddingIntentClassifier"

方法2-作为实体的指令 另一种方法是使用单个意图

action\u execute\u指令



# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions
建议 我强烈建议使用最简单的方法。一旦你的机器人上线,你应该检查你的用户如何使用它,看看是否需要更复杂的意图组合(如果你有多个意图)

方法1-多重意图 您可以使用多意图(不要与多实体混淆)。您需要做的是:

  • 分别为意图编写示例nlu数据(您已经拥有的)
  • 为多意图组合写入nlu数据。理论上,Rasa将使用来自单一意图和多意图示例的信息来正确分类。这意味着您不需要在multi-intent中使用那么多的培训示例
  • 写一些关于这些多重意图的故事
  • 在标记器配置中指定分隔符:
    intent\u split\u symbol:“+”


  • (请小心,此后配置已更改,您应该遵循文档)
实例 这可能会给你这样的东西:

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

language: "en"

- name: "WhitespaceTokenizer"
  intent_split_symbol: "+"
- name: "CountVectorsFeaturizer"
- name: "EmbeddingIntentClassifier"

方法2-作为实体的指令 另一种方法是使用单个意图

action\u execute\u指令



# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions

# intent:show transactions
- please show me my latest transactions
- show me my transactions
- ...

# intent:pay bill
- pay my bill please
- i want to pay my bill
- go ahead and pay the bills
- ...

# intent:show transactions+pay bill
- Show my latest transactions and then pay my bill after showing the balance.
- show me my transactions and go ahead and pay the bills
# story 1
* show transactions
- action_show_transactions

# story 2
* pay bill
- action_pay_bill

# story 3 (combined)
* show transactions+pay bill
- action_show_transactions
- action_pay_bill
# intent:ask_action
- [Show my latest transactions](instruction) and then [pay my bill](instruction) after showing the balance.
- [show me my transactions](instruction) and go ahead and [pay the bills](instruction)
- [pay the bill](instruction)
# story 1
* ask_action
- action_execute_instructions
建议 我强烈建议使用最简单的方法。一旦你的机器人上线,你应该检查你的用户如何使用它,看看是否需要更复杂的意图组合(如果你有多个意图)
