Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/clojure/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Clojure 有没有更好的方法来实现这个算法来返回一个单词的所有字母顺序组合的列表?_Clojure - Fatal编程技术网

Clojure 有没有更好的方法来实现这个算法来返回一个单词的所有字母顺序组合的列表?

Clojure 有没有更好的方法来实现这个算法来返回一个单词的所有字母顺序组合的列表?,clojure,Clojure,我记得在过去写过一个Python程序,它也做过同样的事情。我记得我认为这个算法很聪明,但现在试图在Clojure中从内存实现它,我遇到了一些问题 我对Clojure很陌生,所以我知道我可能没有用最好的方式来做这件事 下面我使用单词“herps”作为测试,它应该会返回一个单词所有可能组合的列表。我终于找到了正确的组合,但它们是嵌套的,我想要一个简单的单词列表。我认为这是因为for返回了一个懒惰的seq,但我不知道如何绕过它 (ns combos.core (:gen-class)) (use




(ns combos.core
(use '[clojure.string :only [join]])

(defn rmletter [in letter]
    (join (remove #(= letter %) in)))

(defn combo [total in]
    (if (= (count in) 1)
        (concat total (list in))
        (for [item in] 
            (if (= (count in) 5) (print "top: "))
            (combo (concat total (list item)) (rmletter in item)))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  ;; work around dangerous default behaviour in Clojure
  (alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false))
  (doseq [item (combo nil "herps")] (print "item:")(println item))
  (println "Hello, World!"))

top: item:((((h e r p s) (h e r s p)) ((h e p r s) (h e p s r)) ((h e s r p) (h
e s p r))) (((h r e p s) (h r e s p)) ((h r p e s) (h r p s e)) ((h r s e p) (h
r s p e))) (((h p e r s) (h p e s r)) ((h p r e s) (h p r s e)) ((h p s e r) (h
p s r e))) (((h s e r p) (h s e p r)) ((h s r e p) (h s r p e)) ((h s p e r) (h
s p r e))))
top: item:((((e h r p s) (e h r s p)) ((e h p r s) (e h p s r)) ((e h s r p) (e
h s p r))) (((e r h p s) (e r h s p)) ((e r p h s) (e r p s h)) ((e r s h p) (e
r s p h))) (((e p h r s) (e p h s r)) ((e p r h s) (e p r s h)) ((e p s h r) (e
p s r h))) (((e s h r p) (e s h p r)) ((e s r h p) (e s r p h)) ((e s p h r) (e
s p r h))))
top: item:((((r h e p s) (r h e s p)) ((r h p e s) (r h p s e)) ((r h s e p) (r
h s p e))) (((r e h p s) (r e h s p)) ((r e p h s) (r e p s h)) ((r e s h p) (r
e s p h))) (((r p h e s) (r p h s e)) ((r p e h s) (r p e s h)) ((r p s h e) (r
p s e h))) (((r s h e p) (r s h p e)) ((r s e h p) (r s e p h)) ((r s p h e) (r
s p e h))))
top: item:((((p h e r s) (p h e s r)) ((p h r e s) (p h r s e)) ((p h s e r) (p
h s r e))) (((p e h r s) (p e h s r)) ((p e r h s) (p e r s h)) ((p e s h r) (p
e s r h))) (((p r h e s) (p r h s e)) ((p r e h s) (p r e s h)) ((p r s h e) (p
r s e h))) (((p s h e r) (p s h r e)) ((p s e h r) (p s e r h)) ((p s r h e) (p
s r e h))))
top: item:((((s h e r p) (s h e p r)) ((s h r e p) (s h r p e)) ((s h p e r) (s
h p r e))) (((s e h r p) (s e h p r)) ((s e r h p) (s e r p h)) ((s e p h r) (s
e p r h))) (((s r h e p) (s r h p e)) ((s r e h p) (s r e p h)) ((s r p h e) (s
r p e h))) (((s p h e r) (s p h r e)) ((s p e h r) (s p e r h)) ((s p r h e) (s
p r e h))))
Hello, World!



(defn perms [v]
  (cond (= 1 (count v)) v                        ; one permutation is it's self 
        (= 2 (count v)) [[(second v) (first v)]  ; two items is [[ab][b a]]
                         [(first v) (second v)]]
        (apply concat                   
               (for [i (range (count v))]        ; take the first item     
                 (->> (assoc v i (v 0))          ; add it in each position 
                      (#(subvec % 1))            ; find the permutations of 
                      perms                      ; the rest of each of them 
                      (mapv #(conj % (nth v i)))))))) ; then stick the 
                                                 ; one that was assoced back
                                                 ; onto the start of each of them 

hello.exp> (pprint (perms (vec "1234")))                                                                                                                                           
([\4 \3 \2 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \4 \2 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\4 \2 \3 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \4 \3 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \3 \4 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \2 \4 \1]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\4 \3 \1 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \4 \1 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\4 \1 \3 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \4 \3 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \3 \4 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \1 \4 \2]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\4 \1 \2 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \4 \2 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\4 \2 \1 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \4 \1 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \1 \4 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \2 \4 \3]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \3 \2 \4]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \1 \2 \4]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\1 \2 \3 \4]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \1 \3 \4]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\2 \3 \1 \4]                                                                                                                                                                     
 [\3 \2 \1 \4])                                                                                                                                                                    
hello.exp> (count (perms (vec "hello")))  

实际上,使用组合数学库中的lazy perm来避免像这个版本那样破坏堆栈。


(defn perms1 [xs] (if-not (next xs) [xs] (->> [[] xs] (iterate (fn [[a [x & b]]] ;; seq of all splits of xs [(conj a x) b])) (take-while second) (mapcat (fn [[a [x & b]]] (map #(cons x %) ;; cons split point onto each comb of the rest (perms1 (concat a b)))))))) (defn perms1[xs] (如果不是(下一个xs) [xs] (->[]xs] (迭代(fn[[a[x&b]];;x的所有拆分的顺序) [(联合a x)b])) (稍等片刻) (mapcat(fn[[a[x&b]]] (映射#(cons x%);cons拆分点到其余的每个梳子上 (perms1(concat a b(()())()))) 注意:perms1通过在输出序列中生成重复的组合来处理输入集合中的重复项。如果我们确定输入中没有DUP,我们可以使用集合来保存集合中的其余项,从而稍微收紧代码:

(defn perms2 [xs] (if-not (next xs) [xs] (mapcat (fn [x] (map cons (repeat x) (perms2 (disj (set xs) x)))) xs))) (defn perms2[xs] (如果不是(下一个xs) [xs] (mapcat(fn[x] (地图) (重复x) (perms2(disj(set xs)x))) (xs)) 原始解决方案中的嵌套seq是因为您的组合总是返回seq,for总是返回其主体返回的seq,因此您最终得到了seq的seq,嵌套到递归的深度。请注意我的解决方案如何使用mapcat而不是for来避免此问题。对for的结果调用(应用concat…)将是另一种使结果平坦化的方法。


(defn but-nth [s i]
  [(get s i) (into [] (concat (take i s) (take-last (dec (- (count s) i)) s)))])

(defn combs [sofar r]
  (if (empty? r)
    (for [[c z] (map (partial but-nth r) (range (count r)))]
      (combs (conj sofar c) z))))

(defn r-combs [s]
  (map (fn [x] (apply str x)) (partition (count s) (flatten (combs [] (vec s))))))

(r-combs "herps")

*read eval*