C++ RPG统计问题

C++ RPG统计问题,c++,C++,我的RPG统计代码有点问题。我希望人们使用6个基本数据(力量、灵巧度、体质、智力、智慧和魅力),最小值为10。当创建角色时,我希望他们有15点可以使用,在我的代码中,一切都很好,除非你在到达最后一个属性之前用完了要放置的点。假设你把所有15点都放在了力量上。显示器上显示你将拥有25个力量,32478493个灵巧度,42734627个体质,1个智力等等(这些不是确切的数字,只是它看起来像什么的例子)。下面是代码 CharCreate.h #ifndef CharCreate_H #define C



#ifndef CharCreate_H
#define CharCreate_H

using namespace std;

int charcreate(){

      fstream file;

      char gender, choice;
      string name, dummy;
      int points;
      int str, dex, con, intel, wis, cha;
      float level;
      double experience;

      level = 1;
      experience = 0;

      ofstream myFile;
      myFile.open ("T:\\character.txt");

      system("color 2");
      cout << "Welcome to the character creator." << endl;
      genderchoice:cout << "First, are you male or female? (M/F)" << endl;
      cin >> gender;

      if (gender == 'M' || gender == 'm'){
                 cout << "You're male? (Y/N)" << endl;
                 cin >> choice;
                          if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y'){
                                    cout << "Great!" << endl;
                                    goto name;
                          } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                     goto genderchoice;
      } else if (gender == 'F' || gender == 'f'){
                cout << "You're female? (Y/N)" << endl;
                cin >> choice;
                         if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y'){
                                     cout << "Great!" << endl;
                                     goto name;
                          } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                     goto genderchoice;
      system("color 3");
      cout << "What is your name, traveler?" <<endl;
      getline(cin, name);
      cout << "" << endl;
      cout << "Your name is " << name << "? (Y/N)" << endl;
      cin >> choice;

          if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y'){
                     cout << "Greetings, " << name << "!" << endl;
          } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                     cout << "You must provide your name, stranger."  << endl;
                     goto name;
      system("color 4");
      cout << "You have 6 stats to deal with in this game, and 15 points" << endl;
      cout << "to allocate between them all." << endl;
      cout << "These are: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON)," << endl;
      cout << "Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA)." << endl;
      cout << "Continue: C" << endl;
      cout << "Help: H" << endl;
      cin >> choice;

      if (choice == 'C' || choice == 'c'){

          attrib:points = 15;

             str:cout << "You have 10 Strength. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> str;
                 points = points - str;
                        if (str > points > 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                str = str - points;
                                goto str;
                        } else if (str == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto str;
                        } else if (str < points){
                               goto dex;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 str = str + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << str << " Strength" << endl;

             dex:cout << "You have 10 Dexterity. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> dex;
                 points = points - dex;
                        if (dex > points > 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                dex = dex - points;
                                goto dex;
                        } else if (dex == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto dex;
                        } else if (dex < points){
                               goto con;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 dex = dex + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << dex << " Dexterity" << endl;

             con:cout << "You have 10 Constitution. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> con;
                 points = points - con;
                        if (con > points > 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                con = con - points;
                                goto con;
                        } else if (con == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto con;
                        } else if (con < points){
                               goto intel;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 con = con + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << con << " Constitution" << endl;

           intel:cout << "You have 10 Intelligence. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> intel;
                 points = points - intel;
                  if (intel > points > 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                intel = intel - points;
                                goto intel;
                        } else if (intel == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto intel;
                        } else if (intel < points){
                               goto wis;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 intel = intel + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << intel << " Intelligence" << endl;

             wis:cout << "You have 10 Wisdom. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> wis;
                 points = points - wis;
                  if (wis > points > 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                wis = wis - points;
                                goto wis;
                        } else if (wis == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto wis;
                        } else if (con < points){
                               goto cha;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 wis = wis + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << wis << " Wisdom" << endl;

             cha:cout << "You have 10 Charisma. How many more points do you wish to add?" << endl;
                 cin >> cha;
                 points = points - cha;
                  if (cha > points == 15){
                                cout << "Not enough points!" << endl;
                                cha = cha - points;
                                goto cha;
                        } else if (cha == points){
                                cout << "Are you sure you want to put all of your points here?" << endl;
                                cin >> choice;
                                    if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
                                               goto fin;
                                    } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){
                                               goto cha;
                        } else if (con < points){
                               goto fin;
                 cout << "Remaining points: " << points;
                 cout << "" << endl;
                 cha = cha + 10;
                 cout << "You have " << cha << " Charisma." << endl;

             fin:cout << "Your stats are:" << endl;
                 cout << "Strength: " << str << endl;
                 cout << "Dexterity: " << dex << endl;
                 cout << "Constitution: " << con << endl;
                 cout << "Intelligence: " << intel << endl;
                 cout << "Wisdom: " << wis << endl;
                 cout << "Charisma: " << cha << endl;
                 cout << "Are these correct? (Y/N)" << endl;
                 cin >> choice;
                 cout << "" << endl;

                  if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y'){
                   cout << "Congratulations, you have successfully finished your character." << endl;
                  } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n')
                    goto attrib;
      } else if (choice == 'H' || choice == 'h'){
             cout << "Strength is how easily you can crush a tomato." << endl;
             cout << "Dexterity is how easily you can handle a tomato with your hands." << endl;
             cout << "Constitution is how easily you can eat a bad tomato." << endl;
             cout << "Intelligence is knowing that tomato is a fruit." << endl;
             cout << "Wisdom is not putting tomato in a fruit salad." << endl;
             cout << "Charisma is selling a tomato-based fruit salad." << endl;
             goto stats;

          myFile << "Name: " << name << "\n";
          myFile << "Gender: " << gender << "\n";
          myFile << "\n";
          myFile << "Level: " << level << "\n";
          myFile << "Experience: " << experience << "\n";
          myFile << "\n";
          myFile << "Strength: " << str << "\n";
          myFile << "Dexterity: " << dex << "\n";
          myFile << "Constitution: " << con << "\n";
          myFile << "Intelligence: " << intel << "\n";
          myFile << "Wisdom: " << wis << "\n";
          myFile << "Charisma: " << cha << "\n";
\ifndef CharCreate\u H
int charcreate(){
int str、dex、con、英特尔、威斯康星州、cha;



#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "CharCreate.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;