C++ 为什么打印字符串数组会输出十六进制?

C++ 为什么打印字符串数组会输出十六进制?,c++,string,c++11,C++,String,C++11,为什么以下程序将“0x2ffee4”打印到控制台 #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string city1[] = "toronto"; cout << city1; return 0; } #包括 #包括 使用名称空间std; int main(){ 字符串city1[]=“多伦多”; cout第一行不应该编译,但是有


#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string city1[] = "toronto";
    cout << city1;
    return 0;
int main(){

std::string city1[] = {"toronto", "toronto", "toronto", "toronto",
                       "toronto", "toronto", "toronto", "toronto"};



include <string>
include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    // string city1[] = "toronto"; // Compiler Error - Do Next Line Instead
    string city1[] = { "toronto" };
    cout << city1[0];

    return 0;

如果您没有使用带索引值的括号运算符发送到控制台输出流std::cout,那么您得到的十六进制值是正确的 T.C.已经声明;它返回第一个索引的地址。这就是为什么C/C++数组和指针是相似的(它们不一样,但几乎彼此相似)。数组的主要区别在于,它们的大小是恒定的,必须在编译时知道大小,并且在创建一个较大的新数组时,不必将内容存储到临时变量中,就不能动态地更改大小,然后将所有数据复制到新数组中,然后清理旧数组。对于指针,它们不会以这种方式运行,可以使用new在堆上动态分配指针,但当该变量不再用于防止内存泄漏时,也必须删除指针,如果指针已被删除,并且有东西试图访问它,则内存地址不再有效且不属于调用者,这些异常通常被视为未经处理的异常、堆损坏等,会使程序崩溃。当您尝试将数组索引到超出其边界时,数组也是如此

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Arrays Are 0 Indexed
    int iArray[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };

    // If you try to do this to access the last element
    std::cout << iArray[3] << std::endl; // Program Will Crash

    // Since Arrays Are 0 Indexed And The Size Of The Array Is 3
    // The 3rd Value Is Indexed At 2, And By Trying To Index Location Of Array
    // At 3, This Memory Doesn't Belong To You, And It Is Undefined Behavior.
    // This Memory Could Contain Nothing, Random Data, Or Even Data That Belongs To 
    // Something Else Which If Changed Can Even Cause System Failure          

    return 0;
int main(){

STD:太长了,读不下去了。克里斯,你好。你能不能解释一下这是什么?@ TC,你的评论使我们想起了一些常见的问题。我很遗憾,我没有遇到过这个问题。他得到了,KUOSO。瓦泽尔,但是对于TL,T.C.博士,你应该把这张纸条移到为什么要打印地址而不是字符串。因为那部分就是答案。@user4581301我不知道,对我来说答案是“它不应该打印任何东西,因为它不会编译”。。。
int main() {
    int iArray[]; // Compiler Error
    int iArray[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1, 6 }; // Okay and is the same as

    int iArray[5];  // Okay
    iArray[0] = 4;
    iArray[1] = 3;
    iArray[2] = 2;
    iArray[3] = 1;
    iArray[4] = 6;

    return 0;
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Arrays Are 0 Indexed
    int iArray[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };

    // If you try to do this to access the last element
    std::cout << iArray[3] << std::endl; // Program Will Crash

    // Since Arrays Are 0 Indexed And The Size Of The Array Is 3
    // The 3rd Value Is Indexed At 2, And By Trying To Index Location Of Array
    // At 3, This Memory Doesn't Belong To You, And It Is Undefined Behavior.
    // This Memory Could Contain Nothing, Random Data, Or Even Data That Belongs To 
    // Something Else Which If Changed Can Even Cause System Failure          

    return 0;