
C++字符串(int)+字符串(int),c++,string,add,uint64,C++,String,Add,Uint64,我有两个字符串,都只包含数字。这些数字大于uint64\t的最大值 如何添加这两个数字,然后将结果转换为字符串?您需要一个BigInt实现。你可以找到几个不同的 无论您选择什么样的BigInt实现,都需要在字符串之间进行转换。您需要一个BigInt实现。你可以找到几个不同的 无论您选择什么样的BigInt实现,都需要与通常使用的字符串进行转换。好的,您可以使用更大的数据类型,例如处理大整数的库,也可以快速创建自己的数据类型 我会建议,如果这是一次性的,你可以做长加法,就像你在学校的头几年所学的那










string Add( const string& a, const string& b )
    // Reserve storage for the result.
    string result;
    result.reserve( 1 + std::max(a.size(), b.size()) );

    // Column positions and carry flag.
    int apos = a.size();
    int bpos = b.size();
    int carry = 0;

    // Add columns
    while( carry > 0 || apos > 0 || bpos > 0 )
        if( apos > 0 ) carry += a[--apos] - '0';
        if( bpos > 0 ) carry += b[--bpos] - '0';
        result.push_back('0' + (carry%10));
        carry /= 10;

    // The result string is backwards.  Reverse and return it.
    reverse( result.begin(), result.end() );
    return result;





string Add( const string& a, const string& b )
    // Reserve storage for the result.
    string result;
    result.reserve( 1 + std::max(a.size(), b.size()) );

    // Column positions and carry flag.
    int apos = a.size();
    int bpos = b.size();
    int carry = 0;

    // Add columns
    while( carry > 0 || apos > 0 || bpos > 0 )
        if( apos > 0 ) carry += a[--apos] - '0';
        if( bpos > 0 ) carry += b[--bpos] - '0';
        result.push_back('0' + (carry%10));
        carry /= 10;

    // The result string is backwards.  Reverse and return it.
    reverse( result.begin(), result.end() );
    return result;



static std::string add (const std::string& num1, const std::string& num2) {
    // Make num1 the wider number to simplify further code.

    int digit, idx1 = num1.length() - 1, idx2 = num2.length() - 1;
    if (idx1 < idx2) return add (num2, num1);

    // Initialise loop variables.

    int carry = 0;
    std::string res;  // reserve idx1+2 chars if you want.

    // Add digits from right until thinner number finished.

    while (idx2 >= 0) {
        digit = num1[idx1--] - '0' + num2[idx2--] - '0' + carry;
        carry = (digit > 9);
        res.insert (0, 1, (digit % 10) + '0');

    // Then just process rest of wider number and any leftover carry.

    while (idx1 >= 0) {
        digit = num1[idx1--] - '0' + carry;
        carry = (digit > 9);
        res.insert (0, 1, (digit % 10) + '0');
    if (carry) res.insert (0, 1, '1');

    return res;



static std::string add (const std::string& num1, const std::string& num2) {
    // Make num1 the wider number to simplify further code.

    int digit, idx1 = num1.length() - 1, idx2 = num2.length() - 1;
    if (idx1 < idx2) return add (num2, num1);

    // Initialise loop variables.

    int carry = 0;
    std::string res;  // reserve idx1+2 chars if you want.

    // Add digits from right until thinner number finished.

    while (idx2 >= 0) {
        digit = num1[idx1--] - '0' + num2[idx2--] - '0' + carry;
        carry = (digit > 9);
        res.insert (0, 1, (digit % 10) + '0');

    // Then just process rest of wider number and any leftover carry.

    while (idx1 >= 0) {
        digit = num1[idx1--] - '0' + carry;
        carry = (digit > 9);
        res.insert (0, 1, (digit % 10) + '0');
    if (carry) res.insert (0, 1, '1');

    return res;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string StrAdd(string a, string b) {
  string::reverse_iterator rit_a = a.rbegin();
  string::reverse_iterator rit_b = b.rbegin();
  string c;
  int val_c_adv = 0;
  while(rit_a != a.rend() && rit_b != b.rend() ) {
    int val_a_i = *rit_a - '0';
    int val_b_i = *rit_b - '0';
    int val_c_i = val_a_i + val_b_i + val_c_adv;
    if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
      val_c_adv = 1;
      val_c_i -= 10;
    } else {
      val_c_adv = 0;
    c.insert(0,1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  if(rit_a == a.rend() ) {
    while( rit_b != b.rend() ) {
      int val_b_i = *rit_b - '0';
      int val_c_i = val_b_i + val_c_adv;
      if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
        val_c_adv = 1;
        val_c_i -= 10;
      } else {
        val_c_adv = 0;
      c.insert(0, 1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  } else if( rit_b == b.rend() ) {
    while( rit_a != a.rend() ) {
      int val_a_i = *rit_a - '0';
      int val_c_i = val_a_i + val_c_adv;
      if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
        val_c_adv = 1;
        val_c_i -= 10;
      } else {
        val_c_adv = 0;
      c.insert(0, 1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  return c;

int main() {
  string res, a, b;
  cout << "a=" << endl;
  cin >> a;
  cout << "b=" << endl;
  cin >> b;
  res = StrAdd(a, b);
  cout << "Result=" << res << endl;    


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string StrAdd(string a, string b) {
  string::reverse_iterator rit_a = a.rbegin();
  string::reverse_iterator rit_b = b.rbegin();
  string c;
  int val_c_adv = 0;
  while(rit_a != a.rend() && rit_b != b.rend() ) {
    int val_a_i = *rit_a - '0';
    int val_b_i = *rit_b - '0';
    int val_c_i = val_a_i + val_b_i + val_c_adv;
    if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
      val_c_adv = 1;
      val_c_i -= 10;
    } else {
      val_c_adv = 0;
    c.insert(0,1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  if(rit_a == a.rend() ) {
    while( rit_b != b.rend() ) {
      int val_b_i = *rit_b - '0';
      int val_c_i = val_b_i + val_c_adv;
      if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
        val_c_adv = 1;
        val_c_i -= 10;
      } else {
        val_c_adv = 0;
      c.insert(0, 1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  } else if( rit_b == b.rend() ) {
    while( rit_a != a.rend() ) {
      int val_a_i = *rit_a - '0';
      int val_c_i = val_a_i + val_c_adv;
      if(val_c_i >= 10 ) {
        val_c_adv = 1;
        val_c_i -= 10;
      } else {
        val_c_adv = 0;
      c.insert(0, 1, (char)(val_c_i+'0'));
  return c;

int main() {
  string res, a, b;
  cout << "a=" << endl;
  cin >> a;
  cout << "b=" << endl;
  cin >> b;
  res = StrAdd(a, b);
  cout << "Result=" << res << endl;    
