
由结构向量引起的C++内存泄漏,c++,memory-management,vector,memory-leaks,C++,Memory Management,Vector,Memory Leaks,所示线路导致内存泄漏。悬而未决的需求推回&f;在sendreq方法中。我是新的C++,所以我似乎无法弄清楚为什么内存泄漏发生。泄漏的内存大小为16字节 class Station { struct Frame { enum { Token, Data, Ack } type; // type of frame unsigned int src; // sourc


class Station {
    struct Frame {
        enum { Token, Data, Ack } type;                  // type of frame
        unsigned int src;                                // source id
        unsigned int dst;                                // destination id
        unsigned int prio;                               // priority
    } frame;

    unsigned int stnId;
    static unsigned int requests;                        // total send requests (if needed)
    void data( Frame frame );                            // pass frame
    void main();                                         // coroutine main
    Station *nextStation;
    vector<Frame*> pendingSendReqs;
    Station( unsigned int id ) : stnId(id) { }
    ~Station() {
        for (int i = 0; i < pendingSendReqs.size(); i++) {
            delete pendingSendReqs.at(i);
            cout << "~: " << pendingSendReqs.at(i) << endl;
    //unsigned int getId() { return stnId; }
    void setup( Station *nexthop ) {                     // supply next hop
        //*nexthop is the object
        nextStation = nexthop;
        //cout << "size: " << sizeof(*nexthop) << endl;
    void sendreq( unsigned int round, unsigned int dst, unsigned int prio ) { // store send request
        Frame f;
        f.type = Frame::Data;
        f.src = stnId;
        f.dst = dst;
        f.prio = prio;

        pendingSendReqs.push_back(&f); //MEMORY LEAK CAUSED BY THIS LINE
    void start();                                        // inject token and start


 vector<Frame*> pendingSendReqs;
 // this is a vector of pointers to struct and not a vector of structs

void sendreq( unsigned int round, unsigned int dst, unsigned int prio ) {
    Frame f;     // this automatic variable will get destroyed when sendreq returns
    f.type = Frame::Data;
    f.src = stnId;
    f.dst = dst;
    f.prio = prio;

    pendingSendReqs.push_back(&f); //MEMORY LEAK CAUSED BY THIS LINE
    // because you're going to hold on to this address which will mean
    // nothing when this function returns





void sendreq无符号整数舍入、无符号整数dst、无符号整数优先


您的vector PendingSendReq将包含指向已消除的变量的指针,因为这些变量是局部变量,并且将包含垃圾,并将导致崩溃。

代码中没有结构向量。只需使用向量即可。不需要指针。目前,这是一个问题:是否删除了delete pendingSendReqs.ati;在切换到存储对象而不是指针之后?向量的析构函数将自动为您销毁它们,因此您不必手动调用delete来删除未使用new分配的内容。事实上,因为这是你在~Station内做的唯一一件事,你可以完全摆脱析构函数。那么在这种情况下,存储这个结构的正确方法是什么呢?
pendingSendReqs.push_back(f); // store the object's copy instead of it's address so that it outlives the life of this local