C++ 编译器认为int是字符串。发生了什么事?

C++ 编译器认为int是字符串。发生了什么事?,c++,arrays,sorting,C++,Arrays,Sorting,我尝试使用这个选择排序算法对数组的内容进行排序。但是,我使用的代码块编译器给了我一个错误,说明无法在赋值|中将'std::string{aka std::basic_string}'转换为'int'。这是指读取minvalue=wordarray[startscan]的行;minvalue和startscan都是整数,wordarray是数组。这是我的密码: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespa

我尝试使用这个选择排序算法对数组的内容进行排序。但是,我使用的代码块编译器给了我一个错误,说明无法在赋值|中将'std::string{aka std::basic_string}'转换为'int'。这是指读取minvalue=wordarray[startscan]的行;minvalue和startscan都是整数,wordarray是数组。这是我的密码:

    #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

string wordarray [1024];
int main()
    int wordcount = 0;
    string filename;
    cout << "Please enter the name and location of your file." << endl;
    cin >> filename;
    ifstream testfile;
    testfile.open (filename.c_str());
    for (int i=0; i < 1024; ++i)
        testfile >> wordarray[i];
        cout << wordarray[i] << endl;
void arraysort (int size)
        int startscan, minindex;
        int minvalue;
        for (startscan = 0; startscan < (size - 1); startscan++)
        minindex = startscan;
        minvalue = wordarray[startscan]; //here
            for (int index = startscan + 1; index < size; index ++)
                if (wordarray[index] < minvalue)
                     minvalue = wordarray[index];
                     minindex = index;
             wordarray[minindex] = wordarray[startscan];
             wordarray[startscan] = minvalue;


    #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

string wordarray [1024];
int main()
    int wordcount = 0;
    string filename;
    cout << "Please enter the name and location of your file." << endl;
    cin >> filename;
    ifstream testfile;
    testfile.open (filename.c_str());
    for (int i=0; i < 1024; ++i)
        testfile >> wordarray[i];
        cout << wordarray[i] << endl;
void arraysort (int size)
        int startscan, minindex;
        int minvalue;
        for (startscan = 0; startscan < (size - 1); startscan++)
        minindex = startscan;
        minvalue = wordarray[startscan]; //here
            for (int index = startscan + 1; index < size; index ++)
                if (wordarray[index] < minvalue)
                     minvalue = wordarray[index];
                     minindex = index;
             wordarray[minindex] = wordarray[startscan];
             wordarray[startscan] = minvalue;

auto word = wordarray[someInt]; //word is a string


< P>错误消息以清晰的方式描述您的代码。
    #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

string wordarray [1024];
int main()
    int wordcount = 0;
    string filename;
    cout << "Please enter the name and location of your file." << endl;
    cin >> filename;
    ifstream testfile;
    testfile.open (filename.c_str());
    for (int i=0; i < 1024; ++i)
        testfile >> wordarray[i];
        cout << wordarray[i] << endl;
void arraysort (int size)
        int startscan, minindex;
        int minvalue;
        for (startscan = 0; startscan < (size - 1); startscan++)
        minindex = startscan;
        minvalue = wordarray[startscan]; //here
            for (int index = startscan + 1; index < size; index ++)
                if (wordarray[index] < minvalue)
                     minvalue = wordarray[index];
                     minindex = index;
             wordarray[minindex] = wordarray[startscan];
             wordarray[startscan] = minvalue;

string wordarray [1024]; // strings
int minvalue; // int
minvalue = wordarray[startscan]; // attempt to assign a string to an int


    #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

string wordarray [1024];
int main()
    int wordcount = 0;
    string filename;
    cout << "Please enter the name and location of your file." << endl;
    cin >> filename;
    ifstream testfile;
    testfile.open (filename.c_str());
    for (int i=0; i < 1024; ++i)
        testfile >> wordarray[i];
        cout << wordarray[i] << endl;
void arraysort (int size)
        int startscan, minindex;
        int minvalue;
        for (startscan = 0; startscan < (size - 1); startscan++)
        minindex = startscan;
        minvalue = wordarray[startscan]; //here
            for (int index = startscan + 1; index < size; index ++)
                if (wordarray[index] < minvalue)
                     minvalue = wordarray[index];
                     minindex = index;
             wordarray[minindex] = wordarray[startscan];
             wordarray[startscan] = minvalue;
