
C++传递函数指针,c++,C++,我在将指针传递到函数时遇到问题。这是代码 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int age = 14; int weight = 66; int SetAge(int &rAge); int SetWeight(int *pWeight); int main() { int &rAge = age; int *pWeight = &weight; cout << "I


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int age = 14;
int weight = 66;

int SetAge(int &rAge);
int SetWeight(int *pWeight);

int main()
    int &rAge = age;
    int *pWeight = &weight;

    cout << "I am " << rAge << " years old." << endl;   
    cout << "And I am " << *pWeight << " kg." << endl;

    cout << "Next year I will be " << SetAge(rAge) << " years old." << endl;
    cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(*pWeight);
    cout << " kg." << endl;
    return 0;

int SetAge(int &rAge) 
    return rAge;

int SetWeight(int *pWeight)
    return *pWeight;

|| C:\Users\Ivan\Desktop\Exercise01.cpp: In function 'int main()':
Exercise01.cpp|20 col 65 error| invalid conversion from 'int' to 'int*' [-fpermissive]
||   cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(*pWeight);
||                                                                  ^
Exercise01.cpp|9 col 5 error| initializing argument 1 of 'int SetWeight(int*)'    [-fpermissive]
||  int SetWeight(int *pWeight);
||      ^



cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(pWeight);
int SetWeight(int *pWeight)
    return *pWeight;

cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(pWeight);


cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(*pWeight);
// to
cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(pWeight);

// But after that I changed also:
// to
*pWeight += 1;


cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(*pWeight);
// to
cout << "And after a big meal I will be " << SetWeight(pWeight);

// But after that I changed also:
// to
*pWeight += 1;