C++ 如何在c++;

C++ 如何在c++;,c++,C++,我只希望从用户处接收小于或等于4 这是我的代码: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { unsigned int n; cin>>n; unsigned int arr[n]; for (int i =0 ;i<n ; i++){ if (arr[i]<=4) cin>>arr[i]; } } #包括 使用名称空间std; int



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   unsigned int n;
   unsigned int arr[n];
   for (int i =0 ;i<n ; i++){
   if (arr[i]<=4)

int main()
对于(int i=0;iarr[i];




注意,可变长度数组不是标准C++(<代码>未签名INTARR[N];< /COD>声明这样的数组)。使用<代码> STD::vector < /COD>改为“< /P>” 实际上,解决这些问题的最佳方法是使用一个好的逐行调试器。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    unsigned int input = 0u; // Holds user input
    unsigned int nextPos = 0u; // Next free position in our array
    unsigned int arraySize = 0u; // The size of the dynamic array
    unsigned int* array = nullptr; // Pointer to our dynamic array

    // Ask the user for the array size
    cout << "Please Enter The Array Length" << endl;
    cin >> arraySize;

    // using array = int[arraySize] wouldn't work because the compiler won't know what value the number is at compile time.
    // instead we use the 'new' keyword to allocate some memory while the program is running
    // this is called dynamic allocation
    array = new unsigned int[arraySize];

    // The reason it's a while loop instead of a for loop is to only insert numbers into the array
    // when the pass the rule if input <= 4u (the u part just means it's unsigned)
    while(nextPos < arraySize) {
        // Here we ask for an input and store it in the same named input variable
        cout << "Please Enter A Valid Number" << endl;
        cin >> input;

        // Does the input pass the check?
        if (input <= 4u) {
            // If so store it in the current position in the array and increment
            // the line below is the same as doing
            // array[nextPos] = input;
            // nextPos = nextPos + 1u;
            array[nextPos++] = input;
        } else {
            // When the input doesn't meet the rule, complain about an invalid number
            cout << input << " is an invalid number" << endl;

    // A rule in C++ is that we need to manually release any memory we allocate using new
    // it would be 'delete variable' for objects or 'delete[] variable' for arrays
    delete[] array;
使用名称空间std; int main(){ unsigned int input=0u;//保存用户输入 unsigned int nextPos=0u;//数组中的下一个空闲位置 unsigned int arraySize=0u;//动态数组的大小 unsigned int*array=nullptr;//指向动态数组的指针 //询问用户阵列大小 不能排列; //使用array=int[arraySize]不起作用,因为编译器在编译时不知道数字是什么值。 //相反,我们使用“new”关键字在程序运行时分配一些内存 //这称为动态分配 数组=新的无符号整数[arraySize]; //它是while循环而不是for循环的原因是只在数组中插入数字
//当通过规则时,请解释。问题不清楚。用户如何添加第一个数字?您甚至在用户之前检查条件inputs@GoverNator:某些编译器允许将其作为扩展,并在默认情况下将其打开。当您尝试移植到其他平台时,会导致错误。基于显然,不是这样。我应该考虑使用一段时间吗?我会考虑写一个单独的函数来读取每个单独的值。当“代码> STD::向量数组(ARAYSIZE); >下,使用原始的NoPoS=0;NestPoS < ARAYSIZE;<代码> ST::向量数组;数组。保留(数组大小)……(数组,sie()):数组…PurthyBead(输入);…< /代码>如果遇到无法解析为<代码> INT/COD>的东西,请不要忘记重置流。此外,请考虑<代码> STD::vector < /代码>,使用<代码> PurpSuff-<代码>习惯用法。