C# C/C++;与C语言的互操作性命名约定#

C# C/C++;与C语言的互操作性命名约定#,c#,c++,c,winapi,pinvoke,C#,C++,C,Winapi,Pinvoke,考虑以下Win32 API结构: typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { DWORD nLength; LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor; BOOL bInheritHandle; } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; 将此对象移植到C#时,是否应遵循此处使用的名称命名约定,如: public struct _SECU

考虑以下Win32 API结构:

typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
  DWORD  nLength;
  LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor;
  BOOL   bInheritHandle;

    public int nLength;
    public unsafe byte* lpSecurityDescriptor;
    public int bInheritHandle;
public struct SecurityAttributes
    private int length;
    private unsafe byte* securityDescriptor;
    private int bInheritHandle;

    public Int32 Length
        get { return this.length; }
        set { this.length = value; }

    public Byte* SecurityDescriptor
        get { return this.seurityDescriptor; }
        set { this.securityDescriptor = value; }

    public Int32 InheritHandle
        get { return this.bInheritHandle; }
        set { this.bInheritHandle = value; }

    public SecurityAttributes(int length, byte* securityDescriptor, int inheritHandle)
        this.length = length;
        this.securityDescriptor = securityDescriptor;
        this.inheritHandle = inheritHandle;

    public int nLength;
    public unsafe byte* lpSecurityDescriptor;
    public int bInheritHandle;
public struct SecurityAttributes
    private int length;
    private unsafe byte* securityDescriptor;
    private int bInheritHandle;

    public Int32 Length
        get { return this.length; }
        set { this.length = value; }

    public Byte* SecurityDescriptor
        get { return this.seurityDescriptor; }
        set { this.securityDescriptor = value; }

    public Int32 InheritHandle
        get { return this.bInheritHandle; }
        set { this.bInheritHandle = value; }

    public SecurityAttributes(int length, byte* securityDescriptor, int inheritHandle)
        this.length = length;
        this.securityDescriptor = securityDescriptor;
        this.inheritHandle = inheritHandle;



/// <summary>
/// Unmanaged sockaddr_in structure from Ws2def.h.
/// </summary>
[StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct sockaddr_in
    /// <summary>
    /// short sa_family;
    /// </summary>
    public short sa_family;

    /// <summary>
    /// unsigned short sin_port;
    /// </summary>
    public ushort sin_port;

    /// <summary>
    /// struct in_addr addr;
    /// </summary>
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1, SizeConst = 4)]
    public byte[] addr;

    /// <summary>
    /// char sin_zero[8];
    /// </summary>
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1, SizeConst = 8)]
    public byte[] sin_zero;
///char sin_zero[8];



\u int32 DWORD


    • 为了完整起见,我添加了这个答案。它结合了默特和德格维德回答的要点。下面是一个使用Win32 RECT结构的示例


      typedef struct _RECT {
        LONG left;
        LONG top;
        LONG right;
        LONG bottom;
      } RECT, *PRECT;
      namespace NetBlast.Runtime.PlatformInvoke.Windows
          #region USING
          using System;
          using System.Collections.Generic;
          using System.Drawing;
          using System.Linq;
          using System.Text;
          /// <summary>
          /// The Rect (RECT) structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.
          /// </summary>
          public struct Rect : IEquatable<Rect>, IEquatable<Rectangle>, ICloneable
              #region CONSTANTS
              #region VARIABLES
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.left value.
              /// </summary>
              private int left;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.top value.
              /// </summary>
              private int top;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.right value.
              /// </summary>
              private int right;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.bottom value.
              /// </summary>
              private int bottom;
              #region PROPERTIES
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Left
                  get { return this.left; }
                  set { this.left = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Top
                  get { return this.top; }
                  set { this.top = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Right
                  get { return this.right; }
                  set { this.right = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Bottom
                  get { return this.bottom; }
                  set { this.bottom = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the height of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Height
                  get { return this.bottom - this.top; }
                  set { this.bottom = value + this.top; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the width of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Width
                  get { return this.right - this.left; }
                  set { this.right = value + this.left; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the top, left location of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Point Location
                      return new Point(this.left, this.top);
                      this.right = this.left - value.X;
                      this.bottom = this.top - value.Y;
                      this.left = value.X;
                      this.top = value.Y;
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the size of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Size Size
                      return new Size(this.Width, this.Height);
                      this.right = value.Width + this.left;
                      this.bottom = value.Height + this.top;
              #region CONSTRUCTORS / FINALIZERS
              /// <summary>
              /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Rect" /> struct.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="location">The top, left location of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="size">The size of the rectangle.</param>
              public Rect(Point location, Size size)
                  this.left = default(int);
                  this.top = default(int);
                  this.right = default(int);
                  this.bottom = default(int);
                  this.Location = location;
                  this.Size = size;
              /// <summary>
              /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Rect" /> struct.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="left">The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="top">The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="right">The x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="bottom">The y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.</param>
              public Rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
                  this.left = left;
                  this.top = top;
                  this.right = right;
                  this.bottom = bottom;
              #region OPERATORS
              /// <summary>
              /// Provides implicit casting from Rect to Rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="rectangle">The Rect instance to cast.</param>
              /// <returns>A Rectangle representation of the Rect instance.</returns>
              public static implicit operator Rectangle(Rect rectangle)
                  return new Rectangle(rectangle.Location, rectangle.Size);
              /// <summary>
              /// Provides implicit casting from Rectangle to Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="rectangle">The Rectangle instance to cast.</param>
              /// <returns>A Rect representation of the Rectangle instance.</returns>
              public static implicit operator Rect(Rectangle rectangle)
                  return new Rect(rectangle.Location, rectangle.Size);
              /// <summary>
              /// Performs an equality check between two instances of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="a">Instance a of Rect.</param>
              /// <param name="b">Instance b of Rect.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public static bool operator ==(Rect a, Rect b)
                  return a.Equals(b);
              /// <summary>
              /// Performs an inequality check between two instances of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="a">Instance a of Rect.</param>
              /// <param name="b">Instance b of Rect.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public static bool operator !=(Rect a, Rect b)
                  return !a.Equals(b);
              #region STATIC METHODS
              #region INSTANCE METHODS
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="obj">An object to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public override bool Equals(object obj)
                  return this.Equals((Rect)obj);
              /// <summary>
              /// Serves as a hash function for this instance of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A hash code for the current Rect.</returns>
              public override int GetHashCode()
                  return ObjectUtilities.CreateHashCode(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              /// <summary>
              /// Returns a string representation of this instance.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A string representation of this instance.</returns>
              public override string ToString()
                  return string.Format("Left: {0}; Top: {1}; Right: {2}; Bottom: {3};", this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="other">A Rect instance to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public bool Equals(Rect other)
                  return this.left == other.left
                      && this.top == other.top
                      && this.right == other.right
                      && this.bottom == other.bottom;
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="other">A Rectangle instance to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public bool Equals(Rectangle other)
                  return this.left == other.Left
                      && this.top == other.Top
                      && this.right == other.Right
                      && this.bottom == other.Bottom;
              /// <summary>
              /// Returns a clone of this Rect instance.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A clone of this Rect instance.</returns>
              public object Clone()
                  return new Rect(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              #region DELEGATES & EVENTS
              #region CLASSES & STRUCTURES

      typedef struct _RECT {
        LONG left;
        LONG top;
        LONG right;
        LONG bottom;
      } RECT, *PRECT;
      namespace NetBlast.Runtime.PlatformInvoke.Windows
          #region USING
          using System;
          using System.Collections.Generic;
          using System.Drawing;
          using System.Linq;
          using System.Text;
          /// <summary>
          /// The Rect (RECT) structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.
          /// </summary>
          public struct Rect : IEquatable<Rect>, IEquatable<Rectangle>, ICloneable
              #region CONSTANTS
              #region VARIABLES
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.left value.
              /// </summary>
              private int left;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.top value.
              /// </summary>
              private int top;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.right value.
              /// </summary>
              private int right;
              /// <summary>
              /// Win32 RECT.bottom value.
              /// </summary>
              private int bottom;
              #region PROPERTIES
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Left
                  get { return this.left; }
                  set { this.left = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Top
                  get { return this.top; }
                  set { this.top = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Right
                  get { return this.right; }
                  set { this.right = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Bottom
                  get { return this.bottom; }
                  set { this.bottom = value; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the height of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Height
                  get { return this.bottom - this.top; }
                  set { this.bottom = value + this.top; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the width of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Int32 Width
                  get { return this.right - this.left; }
                  set { this.right = value + this.left; }
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the top, left location of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Point Location
                      return new Point(this.left, this.top);
                      this.right = this.left - value.X;
                      this.bottom = this.top - value.Y;
                      this.left = value.X;
                      this.top = value.Y;
              /// <summary>
              /// Gets or sets the size of the rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              public Size Size
                      return new Size(this.Width, this.Height);
                      this.right = value.Width + this.left;
                      this.bottom = value.Height + this.top;
              #region CONSTRUCTORS / FINALIZERS
              /// <summary>
              /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Rect" /> struct.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="location">The top, left location of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="size">The size of the rectangle.</param>
              public Rect(Point location, Size size)
                  this.left = default(int);
                  this.top = default(int);
                  this.right = default(int);
                  this.bottom = default(int);
                  this.Location = location;
                  this.Size = size;
              /// <summary>
              /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Rect" /> struct.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="left">The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="top">The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="right">The x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.</param>
              /// <param name="bottom">The y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.</param>
              public Rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
                  this.left = left;
                  this.top = top;
                  this.right = right;
                  this.bottom = bottom;
              #region OPERATORS
              /// <summary>
              /// Provides implicit casting from Rect to Rectangle.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="rectangle">The Rect instance to cast.</param>
              /// <returns>A Rectangle representation of the Rect instance.</returns>
              public static implicit operator Rectangle(Rect rectangle)
                  return new Rectangle(rectangle.Location, rectangle.Size);
              /// <summary>
              /// Provides implicit casting from Rectangle to Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="rectangle">The Rectangle instance to cast.</param>
              /// <returns>A Rect representation of the Rectangle instance.</returns>
              public static implicit operator Rect(Rectangle rectangle)
                  return new Rect(rectangle.Location, rectangle.Size);
              /// <summary>
              /// Performs an equality check between two instances of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="a">Instance a of Rect.</param>
              /// <param name="b">Instance b of Rect.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public static bool operator ==(Rect a, Rect b)
                  return a.Equals(b);
              /// <summary>
              /// Performs an inequality check between two instances of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="a">Instance a of Rect.</param>
              /// <param name="b">Instance b of Rect.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public static bool operator !=(Rect a, Rect b)
                  return !a.Equals(b);
              #region STATIC METHODS
              #region INSTANCE METHODS
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="obj">An object to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public override bool Equals(object obj)
                  return this.Equals((Rect)obj);
              /// <summary>
              /// Serves as a hash function for this instance of Rect.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A hash code for the current Rect.</returns>
              public override int GetHashCode()
                  return ObjectUtilities.CreateHashCode(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              /// <summary>
              /// Returns a string representation of this instance.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A string representation of this instance.</returns>
              public override string ToString()
                  return string.Format("Left: {0}; Top: {1}; Right: {2}; Bottom: {3};", this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="other">A Rect instance to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public bool Equals(Rect other)
                  return this.left == other.left
                      && this.top == other.top
                      && this.right == other.right
                      && this.bottom == other.bottom;
              /// <summary>
              /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="other">A Rectangle instance to compare with this object.</param>
              /// <returns>True if the instances are not equal, otherwise false.</returns>
              public bool Equals(Rectangle other)
                  return this.left == other.Left
                      && this.top == other.Top
                      && this.right == other.Right
                      && this.bottom == other.Bottom;
              /// <summary>
              /// Returns a clone of this Rect instance.
              /// </summary>
              /// <returns>A clone of this Rect instance.</returns>
              public object Clone()
                  return new Rect(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom);
              #region DELEGATES & EVENTS
              #region CLASSES & STRUCTURES
      public struct Rect:IEquatable、IEquatable、ICloneable
      ///Win32 RECT.left值。
      ///Win32 RECT.top值。
      私人int top;
      ///Win32 RECT.right值。
      ///Win32 RECT.bottom值。