C# 为什么不能在类中指定实例成员变量

C# 为什么不能在类中指定实例成员变量,c#,C#,当我试图在一个volume=length*width*height的类中分配一个实例成员变量时的第一个snipet。我收到一个错误,说明字段初始值设定项不能引用非静态字段、方法或属性Box.height namespace Myproject { class Box { public int length; public int height; public int width; public int volume


namespace Myproject
    class Box
        public int length;
        public int height;
        public int width;
        public int volume = length * width * height;
        public void DisplayBox()
            Console.WriteLine("The height of box is length {0} * height {1} * width {2} and volume is {3}", length, height, width, volume =);

namespace Myproject
    class Box
        public  static int length;
        public static int height;
        public static int width;
        public static int volume = length * width * height;
        public void DisplayBox()
            Console.WriteLine("The height of box is length {0} * height {1} * width {2} and volume is {3}", length, height, width, volume);

namespace Myproject
    class Box
        public int length;
        public int height;
        public int width;
        public int volume;
        public void DisplayBox()
            Console.WriteLine("The height of box is length {0} * height {1} * width {2} and volume is {3}", length, height, width, volume = length * width * height);

请不要张贴这样的照片。做其他事情。描述一下。包括代码。无论您希望别人阅读什么,请将其作为文本包含。您是否尝试使用属性?将代码作为文本而不是图像发布到此处。public int Volume{get=>length*width*height;}并遵循@ScottHannen advice对卷的赋值是“初始化”:在创建实例时发生一次。但是“高度”和“宽度”等在当时还没有值,所以编译器不允许您这样做。无论如何,这只会发生一次——这只是一次任务。凯文的建议将音量变成了一种“属性”:它不仅仅是一种价值;它的代码可以在每次查看时计算一个值。我想这就是你真正想要的。您好,但是为什么当变量变为静态时它允许初始化?卷也接受给定的赋值,但是当它是实例变量时,我可以赋值的唯一方法是通过方法、构造函数或属性。为什么是这样,为什么我不能将卷作为实例成员变量赋值。
class Box
        public int Length { get; set; }
        public int Height { get; set; }
        public int Width { get; set; }
        public int Volume => Length * Width * Height;
        public void DisplayBox()
            Console.WriteLine("The height of box is length {0} * height {1} * width {2} and volume is {3}", Length, Height, Width, Volume);
        public Box(){}
        public Box(int length, int height, int width)
            Length = length;
            Height = height;
            Width = width;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Using custom constructor
            new Box(5,10,4).DisplayBox();
            //Using default constructor
            new Box {Length = 5, Height = 10, Width = 4}.DisplayBox();
            //Using class instance
            var box = new Box();
            box.Length = 5;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.Width = 4;