C# c语言中数据列表与自适应卡列表的动态绑定#

C# c语言中数据列表与自适应卡列表的动态绑定#,c#,json,botframework,C#,Json,Botframework,我有一个数据类文件列表,我想在botframeworkv4中使用c#动态绑定到自适应卡 我试过以下方法: mycsfile.cs private asynch Task < DialogTurnResult > GetDynamicAdaptiveCard(WaterfallstepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { //This is my json file where am having

我有一个数据类文件列表,我想在botframeworkv4中使用c#动态绑定到自适应卡 我试过以下方法:


private asynch Task < DialogTurnResult > GetDynamicAdaptiveCard(WaterfallstepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
  //This is my json file where  am having all the data
  string json = File.ReadAllText("path of json file where I have list of data");
  JObject o = JObject.Parse(json);
  JArray a = (JArray) o["Info"];
  //converting json data to list of class
  IList < InfoListClass > list = a.ToObject < IList < InfoListClass >> ();
  //This is my json file where  am having adaptive card
  string json1 = File.ReadAllText("path of json file where I have adaptive card");
  JObject o1 = JObject.Parse(json1);
  JArray a1 = (JArray) o1["body"];
  foreach(var item in InfoListClass) {
   ((JObject) body[0])["text"] = item.name;
  Attachment attachment = new Attachment() {
   ContentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
    Content = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json.ToString()),
  return await stepContext.PrompAsynch(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions() {
    Prompt = new Activity {
      Type = ActivityTypes.Message,
       Attachments = new List < Attachment > {
       AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carausel
     RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please"), cancellationToken);
输出:我应该得到多张卡片,因为我的类文件中有多个数据,但我只得到一张具有最后列表值的卡片。 有人能告诉我如何获得多张不同值的自适应卡吗?有人能帮我吗。

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    "text":"ABC"//This property I am trying to change with my class property in c#
    "url":"boy picture path"// This one also I wanted to chnge with a other picture from c# by class property
    "text":"Dr"//Thsi will also change from c#,