C# 绑定源的意外行为

C# 绑定源的意外行为,c#,.net,winforms,bindingsource,C#,.net,Winforms,Bindingsource,我并不总是将问题发布到Stack Overflow,但当我发布问题时,我通常会在发布问题之前找到解决方案:说真的,我的BindingSource出现了一个奇怪的行为,我找不到一个合理的解释,我需要你的帮助 使用NET4,通过EntityFramework4读取SQL数据库,将结果写入存储在BindingList中的ViewModels列表,然后通过BindingSource将其绑定到DataGridView。在DataGridView下,有各种字段,如复选框、文本字段和组合框,它们与DataGr

我并不总是将问题发布到Stack Overflow,但当我发布问题时,我通常会在发布问题之前找到解决方案:说真的,我的BindingSource出现了一个奇怪的行为,我找不到一个合理的解释,我需要你的帮助



Table name: Country
ID: integer, PK
Name: nvarchar

Table name: City
ID: integer, PK
CountryID: integer, FK to Country
Name: nvarchar
Table name: Citizen
ID: integer, PK
CityID: integer, FK to City
Name: nvarchar
... (and other irrelevant fields)
class CitizenViewModel
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CityID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CountryID { get; set; }

    public CitizenViewModel(Citizen c)
        this.ID = c.ID;
        this.CityID = c.CityID;
        this.Name = c.Name;
        this.CountryID = c.City.CountryID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;

Table name: Country
ID: integer, PK
Name: nvarchar

Table name: City
ID: integer, PK
CountryID: integer, FK to Country
Name: nvarchar
Table name: Citizen
ID: integer, PK
CityID: integer, FK to City
Name: nvarchar
... (and other irrelevant fields)
class CitizenViewModel
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CityID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CountryID { get; set; }

    public CitizenViewModel(Citizen c)
        this.ID = c.ID;
        this.CityID = c.CityID;
        this.Name = c.Name;
        this.CountryID = c.City.CountryID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;

Table name: Country
ID: integer, PK
Name: nvarchar

Table name: City
ID: integer, PK
CountryID: integer, FK to Country
Name: nvarchar
Table name: Citizen
ID: integer, PK
CityID: integer, FK to City
Name: nvarchar
... (and other irrelevant fields)
class CitizenViewModel
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CityID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CountryID { get; set; }

    public CitizenViewModel(Citizen c)
        this.ID = c.ID;
        this.CityID = c.CityID;
        this.Name = c.Name;
        this.CountryID = c.City.CountryID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;



private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Get the list of Cities that belong to the selected Country
    cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);

结果: 1.姓名:约翰·多伊;国家:美国;;城市:西雅图 2.姓名:约翰·史密斯;国家:加拿大;城市:蒙特利尔 3.姓名:迈克尔欧文;国家:英国;;城市:利物浦 4.姓名:乔治·布什;国家:美国;;城市:华盛顿 5.姓名:弗拉基米尔·普京;国家:俄罗斯;城市:莫斯科

选择JohnDoe,组合框显示USA和西雅图。 选择乔治·布什,组合框显示美国和华盛顿。 选择JohnDoe,组合框显示USA和西雅图。 选择乔治·布什,组合框显示美国和华盛顿。所以一切都很好。 选择迈克尔欧文,组合框显示英格兰和利物浦。 选择JohnDoe,组合框显示USA和西雅图。 现在看这个。选择乔治·布什,组合框显示美国和西雅图,而不是美国和华盛顿。绑定源已经改变了乔治·布什的城市ID



通过取消绑定cmbCity的SelectedValue并修改countryBindingSource\u CurrentChanged函数,解决了此问题,如下所示:

Table name: Country
ID: integer, PK
Name: nvarchar

Table name: City
ID: integer, PK
CountryID: integer, FK to Country
Name: nvarchar
Table name: Citizen
ID: integer, PK
CityID: integer, FK to City
Name: nvarchar
... (and other irrelevant fields)
class CitizenViewModel
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CityID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CountryID { get; set; }

    public CitizenViewModel(Citizen c)
        this.ID = c.ID;
        this.CityID = c.CityID;
        this.Name = c.Name;
        this.CountryID = c.City.CountryID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;


通过解除cmbCity的SelectedValue的绑定并手动设置cmbCity.SelectedValue解决了这个问题。通过修改countryBindingSource\u CurrentChanged函数完成此操作,如下所示:

Table name: Country
ID: integer, PK
Name: nvarchar

Table name: City
ID: integer, PK
CountryID: integer, FK to Country
Name: nvarchar
Table name: Citizen
ID: integer, PK
CityID: integer, FK to City
Name: nvarchar
... (and other irrelevant fields)
class CitizenViewModel
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int CityID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CountryID { get; set; }

    public CitizenViewModel(Citizen c)
        this.ID = c.ID;
        this.CityID = c.CityID;
        this.Name = c.Name;
        this.CountryID = c.City.CountryID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;
    private void countryBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current != null)
            cityBindingSource.DataSource = GetCities(((Country)countryBindingSource.Current).ID);
            // update the combo box manually
            cmbCity.SelectedValue = ((CitizenViewModel)citizenViewModelBindingSource.Current).CityID;

我认为除了离开数据绑定之外,您别无选择,因为在组合框具有数据绑定时更改其内容会修改绑定到Selectedvalue的属性,不管您喜欢与否Gert Arnold

在VB中,当值真正更改时,组合框上会显示已更改的提交。如果出口在C,你试过了吗?数据库正在更新,或者只是UI错误?也许它是以伊特尔和阿辛顿的名字来选择第一个城市。@OwerFlov这只是一个例子,这两个城市的排序是巧合。DB没有得到更新,除了我发布的代码外,本例中没有涉及其他代码。有一个事件ListChanged,当我从DGV中选择一条记录时,它会以ItemChanged类型触发。您介意将您的解决方案移动到一个答案,并在适当的时候将其标记为已接受吗?我认为除了离开数据绑定之外,您不能做任何其他事情,因为在组合框具有数据绑定时更改其内容会修改属性绑定 选择值,无论您喜欢与否。