C# 如何画线下的物体?

C# 如何画线下的物体?,c#,unity3d,C#,Unity3d,我有统一的路线。她的大小是64个点。事实上,重点是什么,但重点是我需要在线条下的区域绘制类似于spriteShape的图案,我很乐意使用它,但我仍然无法理解。这是该行的代码 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class soundVisualize : MonoBehaviour { public float range = 5000f;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class soundVisualize : MonoBehaviour {

    public float range = 5000f;

    public int number = 64;
    public float[] oldSpc;

    public LineRenderer line;

    public int spec;

    [Range(0, 1)]
    public float speedAnimation;

    private void Awake() 
        for(int i = 0;i < number; i++)
            Vector3 posInArray = new Vector3(0,0,0);
                posInArray = line.GetPosition(i-1);
            line.SetPosition(i,posInArray+new Vector3(0.2f,0,0));
    void Update () {
        float[] spectrum = new float[spec];
        GetComponent<AudioSource>().GetSpectrumData(spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);

        for(int i = 0;i < number; i++)
            line.SetPosition(i,Vector3.Lerp(line.GetPosition(i),new Vector3(line.GetPosition(i).x,(range * spectrum[i] + oldSpc[i])/2),speedAnimation));
            oldSpc[i] = range * spectrum[i];



我认为用线条渲染器是做不到的。 您应该尝试在运行时创建和修改它。在上边缘有64个三角形,在左下角和右下角有2个三角形




您当前的线路位置 底线 所以我要做的就是在一开始创建网格,通过创建这两条线,并将它们与三角形面连接起来



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class SoundVisualizer : MonoBehaviour
    public LineRenderer line;

    // Best already reference these via the Inspector
    [SerializeField] private AudioSource _audioSource;
    [SerializeField] private MeshFilter _meshFilter;

    public int number = 64;
    public float[] oldSpc;
    public float range = 5000f;

    public int spec;

    [Range(0, 1)] public float speedAnimation;

    // Stores the line positions
    private Vector3[] positions;
    // Stores the mesh reference
    private Mesh _mesh;

    private void Awake()
        // As fallback get it ONCE on runtime
        if (!_audioSource) _audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        if (!_meshFilter) _meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();

        _mesh = _meshFilter.mesh;

        // Set the point amount via code
        line.positionCount = number;

        // Note that it is way more efficient to use GetPositions and SetPositions
        // instead of using GetPosition and SetPosition multiple times!
        positions = new Vector3[number];
        for (var i = 0; i < number; i++)
            positions[i] = Vector3.right * (0.2f* i);


        if (spec < number) spec = number;

        oldSpc = new float[spec];

        // Now initialize the mesh once
        // After having set up all the faces etc it is enough to only update
        // The vertex positions

    private void Update()
        var spectrum = new float[spec];
        _audioSource.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);

        // Update the values inside of the array you already have
        // -> no need to use GetPositions again
        for (var i = 0; i < number; i++)
            var position = positions[i];

            positions[i] = Vector3.Lerp(position, new Vector3(position.x, (range * spectrum[i] + oldSpc[i]) / 2), speedAnimation);

            oldSpc[i] = range * spectrum[i];



    private void InitializeMesh()

        // Basically we will create a bottom and a top line each with "number" vertices
        // Then later we create triangulated faces between these two lines
        var vertices = new Vector3[number * 2];

        for (var i = 0; i < number; i++)
            vertices[i] = i * 0.2f * Vector3.right + Vector3.up * 1; // This will be the top line, for debugging set it to y = 1
            vertices[i + number] = i * 0.2f * Vector3.right; // This will be the bottom line

        var triangles = new int[2 * (number - 1) * 3]; // This is "number - 1" * amount f faces per segment (2) * vertices per face ( 3)

        // Now lets create triangulated faces using these vertices and connecting the two lines
        for (var i = 0; i < number - 1; i++)
            triangles[6 * i] = i;
            triangles[6 * i + 1] = i + 1;
            triangles[6 * i + 2] = i + number;

            triangles[6 * i + 3] = i + 1;
            triangles[6 * i + 4] = i + number + 1;
            triangles[6 * i + 5] = i + number;

        _mesh.vertices = vertices;
        _mesh.triangles = triangles;

    private void UpdateMesh()
        // Basically we will simply update the positions of the top line in the mesh
        // (= the first half of the vertices array)
        // The rest (faces etc) will be updated automatically

        var vertices = _mesh.vertices;
        for (var i = 0; i < number; i++)
            vertices[i] = positions[i];

        _mesh.vertices = vertices;



// In this line simply add some negative offset on Y
//                                              |
//                                              V
vertices[i + number] = i * 0.2f * Vector3.right - Vector3.up ; // This will be the bottom line