C# 创建类实例的列表/数组?

C# 创建类实例的列表/数组?,c#,arrays,list,class,search,C#,Arrays,List,Class,Search,我是C语言的新手,刚刚学习了如何创建自定义类。问题是,我不知道如何将这个类的40~65个实例放入一个列表/数组中,无论我需要哪个,我都可以根据其中定义的属性找到并选择一个 下面是我现在创建的类: public class Team { protected int teamNum; protected double averageMatchPoints; protected string location; protected int matchesPlayed;



public class Team
    protected int teamNum;
    protected double averageMatchPoints;
    protected string location;
    protected int matchesPlayed;
    protected int matchesPending;
    protected int blowouts;

    //Team Number
    public void SetNumber(int num)
        teamNum = num;

    public int GetNumber()
        return teamNum;

    //Average Points per match
    public void AverageMatchPoints(double p)
        averageMatchPoints = p;

    public double GetAverageMatchPoints()
        return averageMatchPoints;

    //location information
    public void SetLocation(string l)
        location = l;

    public string GetLocation()
        return location;

    //Number of Played Matches
    public void PlayedMatches(int mat)
        matchesPlayed = mat;

    public int GetPlayedMatches()
        return matchesPlayed;

    //Number of matches pending (not played)
    public void PendingMatches(int pen)
        matchesPending = pen;

    public int GetPendingMatches()
        return matchesPending;

    //Number of Blowouts (matches where the robot was disbaled for any number of reasons)
    public void SetBlowouts(int b)
        blowouts = b;

    public int GetBlowouts()
        return blowouts;



// Declared somewhere
private Dictionary<int, Team> _teamDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Team>();
//Initialization code - I assume you have gotten your teams from a database or somewhere?
foreach (var team in myTeamsList)
    _teamDictionary.Add(team.teamNum, team);
// Later when you want to locate a team:
var team = _teamDictionary[selectedTeamNum];


List<Team> Teams { get; set; }

for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
Team t = new Team();
t.Name = "Team 1";
t.TeamNumber = i + 1;




    Dictionary<int, Team> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, Team>();

    int teamNum = 1;
    // Add your Teams to a dictionary (example)
    dictionary.Add(teamNum ,new Team(teamNum++));
    dictionary.Add(teamNum, new Team(teamNum++));
    dictionary.Add(teamNum, new Team(teamNum++));

    // Populate a comboBox
    foreach(KeyValuePair<int,Team> kvp in dictionary)

    // get a team for a given teamNumer
    int targetTeamNumber = 2;
    if (dictionary.ContainsKey(targetTeamNumber))
        Team team = dictionary[targetTeamNumber];
        // do something with the team

for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
Team t = new Team();
t.Name = "Team 1";
t.TeamNumber = i + 1;
public class Team
    protected int _teamNum;
    public Team(int teamNum)
        _teamNum = teamNum;

    public int getTeamNum()
        return _teamNum;

      //more logic
    Dictionary<int, Team> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, Team>();

    int teamNum = 1;
    // Add your Teams to a dictionary (example)
    dictionary.Add(teamNum ,new Team(teamNum++));
    dictionary.Add(teamNum, new Team(teamNum++));
    dictionary.Add(teamNum, new Team(teamNum++));

    // Populate a comboBox
    foreach(KeyValuePair<int,Team> kvp in dictionary)

    // get a team for a given teamNumer
    int targetTeamNumber = 2;
    if (dictionary.ContainsKey(targetTeamNumber))
        Team team = dictionary[targetTeamNumber];
        // do something with the team