C# 正则表达式替换引号C中的符号(&C)

C# 正则表达式替换引号C中的符号(&C),c#,regex,C#,Regex,我试图替换引号中的“&” 输入 输出 将“&”替换为“and”,并且仅在内部加引号,您能提供帮助吗?到目前为止,最快的方法是使用\G构造并使用单个正则表达式 C代码 正则表达式?:?=[^]*?使用 见: 输出:我和我的朋友们被困在这里,我们无法解决哇,我不知道有这么简单的方法让别人为你写正则表达式!美好的 "I & my friends are stuck here", & we can't resolve "I and my friends are stuck here",


输入 输出






"I & my friends are stuck here", & we can't resolve
"I and my friends are stuck here", & we can't resolve
var str =
    "\"I & my friends are stuck here & we can't get up\", & we can't resolve\n" +
    "=> \"I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up\", & we can't resolve\n";
var rx = @"((?:""(?=[^""]*"")|(?<!""|^)\G)[^""&]*)(?:(&)|(""))";
var res = Regex.Replace(str, rx, m =>
        // Replace the ampersands  inside double quotes with 'and'
        m.Groups[1].Value + (m.Groups[2].Value.Length > 0 ? "and" : m.Groups[3].Value));
"I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up", & we can't resolve
=> "I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up", & we can't resolve
 (                          # (1 start), Preamble

      (?:                        # Block
           "                          # Begin of quote
           (?= [^"]* " )              # One-time check for close quote
        |                           # or,
           (?<! " | ^ )               # If not a quote behind or BOS
           \G                         # Start match where last left off
      [^"&]*                     # Many non-quote, non-ampersand
 )                          # (1 end)

 (?:                        # Body
      ( & )                      # (2), Ampersand, replace with 'and'
   |                           # or,
      ( " )                      # (3), End of quote, just put back "
Regex1:   ((?:"(?=[^"]*")|(?<!"|^)\G)[^"&]*)(?:(&)|("))
Completed iterations:   50  /  50     ( x 1000 )
Matches found per iteration:   10
Elapsed Time:    2.21 s,   2209.03 ms,   2209035 µs
Matches per sec:   226,343
Regex.Replace(s, "\"[^\"]*\"", m => Regex.Replace(m.Value, @"\B&\B", "and"))
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        var s = "\"I & my friends are stuck here\", & we can't resolve";
            Regex.Replace(s, "\"[^\"]*\"", m => Regex.Replace(m.Value, @"\B&\B", "and"))