C# 释放使用BlockingCollection的线程的最佳方法是什么?

C# 释放使用BlockingCollection的线程的最佳方法是什么?,c#,.net,multithreading,C#,.net,Multithreading,我有一个类使用BlockingCollection,如下所示: public class Logger : IDisposable { private BlockingCollection<LogMessage> _messages = null; private Thread _worker = null; private bool _started = false; public void Start()


public class Logger : IDisposable
        private BlockingCollection<LogMessage> _messages = null;
        private Thread _worker = null;
        private bool _started = false;

        public void Start() 
            if (_started) return;
            //Some logic to open log file
            _messages = new BlockingCollection<LogMessage>();  //int.MaxValue is the default upper-bound
            _worker = new Thread(Work) { IsBackground = true };
            _started = true;

        public void Stop()
            if (!_started) return;

            // prohibit adding new messages to the queue, 
            // and cause TryTake to return false when the queue becomes empty.

            // Wait for the consumer's thread to finish.

            //Dispose managed resources

            //Some logic to close log file

            _started = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Implements IDiposable 
        /// In this case, it is simply an alias for Stop()
        /// </summary>
        void IDisposable.Dispose() 

        /// <summary>
        /// This is message consumer thread
        /// </summary>
        private void Work()
            LogMessage message;
            //Try to get data from queue
            while(_messages.TryTake(out message, Timeout.Infinite))
                WriteLogMessage(message); //... some simple logic to write 'message'




public class Logger : IDisposable
    private BlockingCollection<LogMessage> _messages = null;
    private Thread _worker = null;
    private bool _started = false;

    public void Start() 
        if (_started) return;
        //Some logic to open log file
        _messages = new BlockingCollection<LogMessage>();  //int.MaxValue is the default upper-bound
        _worker = new Thread(Work) { IsBackground = true };
        _worker.Start(new WeakReference<BlockingCollection<LogMessage>>(_messages));
        _started = true;

    public void Stop()
        if (!_started) return;

        // prohibit adding new messages to the queue, 
        // and cause TryTake to return false when the queue becomes empty.

        // Wait for the consumer's thread to finish.

        //Dispose managed resources

        //Some logic to close log file

        _started = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Implements IDiposable 
    /// In this case, it is simply an alias for Stop()
    /// </summary>
    void IDisposable.Dispose() 

    /// <summary>
    /// This is message consumer thread
    /// </summary>
    private static void Work(object state)
        LogMessage message;
        //Try to get data from queue
            BlockingCollection<LogMessage> messages;
            if (((WeakReference<BlockingCollection<LogMessage>>)state).TryGetTarget(out messages)
                && messages.TryTake(out message, Timeout.Infinite))
                WriteLogMessage(message); //... some simple logic to write 'message'
        } while (false);
