C# 类似Linq或其他结构

C# 类似Linq或其他结构,c#,sql,linq,oracle,sql-like,C#,Sql,Linq,Oracle,Sql Like,我的解决方案中有DB oracle。 我想在这个查询中得到一些结果。 查询示例: select * from doctor where doctor.name like '%IVANOV_A%'; 但如果我在林克这样做,我就不会有任何结果 from p in repository.Doctor.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(name)) select p; 其中“name”是字符串参数的变量 Web布局请求下一个字符串:“Ivanov a”或

我的解决方案中有DB oracle。 我想在这个查询中得到一些结果。 查询示例:

select * from doctor where doctor.name like '%IVANOV_A%';

from p in repository.Doctor.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(name))
select p;

Web布局请求下一个字符串:“Ivanov a”或“a Ivanov”




select * 
from doctor
where doctor.name like '%Ivano%' and doctor.name like '%Serg%';


repository.Doctor.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name))


[System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmFunction("WebDataModel", "String_Like")]
public static bool Like(this string input, string pattern)
    /* Turn "off" all regular expression related syntax in
     * the pattern string. */
    pattern = Regex.Escape(pattern);

    /* Replace the SQL LIKE wildcard metacharacters with the
     * equivalent regular expression metacharacters. */
    pattern = pattern.Replace("%", ".*?").Replace("_", ".");

    /* The previous call to Regex.Escape actually turned off
     * too many metacharacters, i.e. those which are recognized by
     * both the regular expression engine and the SQL LIKE
     * statement ([...] and [^...]). Those metacharacters have
     * to be manually unescaped here. */
    pattern = pattern.Replace(@"\[", "[").Replace(@"\]", "]").Replace(@"\^", "^");

    return Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

如果这样更改,会有结果吗<代码>来自repository.Doctor.Where(x=>x.Name.ToLower().Contains(Name.ToLower())中的p)选择p[System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmFunction("WebDataModel", "String_Like")] public static bool Like(this string input, string pattern) { /* Turn "off" all regular expression related syntax in * the pattern string. */ pattern = Regex.Escape(pattern); /* Replace the SQL LIKE wildcard metacharacters with the * equivalent regular expression metacharacters. */ pattern = pattern.Replace("%", ".*?").Replace("_", "."); /* The previous call to Regex.Escape actually turned off * too many metacharacters, i.e. those which are recognized by * both the regular expression engine and the SQL LIKE * statement ([...] and [^...]). Those metacharacters have * to be manually unescaped here. */ pattern = pattern.Replace(@"\[", "[").Replace(@"\]", "]").Replace(@"\^", "^"); return Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }