C# 8皇后算法示例?

C# 8皇后算法示例?,c#,algorithm,n-queens,C#,Algorithm,N Queens,有人知道好的/简洁的算法示例吗? 我做了一个网络搜索,没有找到任何好的例子 来自: 该启发式算法求解任意n个n的n个皇后≥ 4或n=1: 把n除以12。记住 余数(n是8表示8 皇后之谜) 写一张清单 按顺序从2到n的偶数 如果余数为3或9,则移动2 到列表的末尾 附加 按顺序从1到n的奇数, 但是,如果余数为8,则切换 成对(即3、1、7、5、11、9等) 如果余数为2,则切换 1和3的位置,然后移动5到 列表的末尾 如果 余数为3或9,移动1和3到 列表的末尾 放置 行中的第一列皇后,带有



该启发式算法求解任意n个n的n个皇后≥ 4或n=1:

  • 把n除以12。记住 余数(n是8表示8 皇后之谜)
  • 写一张清单 按顺序从2到n的偶数
  • 如果余数为3或9,则移动2 到列表的末尾
  • 附加 按顺序从1到n的奇数, 但是,如果余数为8,则切换 成对(即3、1、7、5、11、9等)
  • 如果余数为2,则切换 1和3的位置,然后移动5到 列表的末尾
  • 如果 余数为3或9,移动1和3到 列表的末尾
  • 放置 行中的第一列皇后,带有 列表中的第一个数字,位置 行中的第二列 列表中的第二个数字, 等等

  • 8皇后问题的重点通常只是为了说明搜索与修剪相结合的威力。您几乎可以对搜索空间进行蛮力搜索,但如果部分解决方案违反了解决方案的约束(即一个皇后检查另一个皇后),则可以消除该部分解决方案




    if r = 0 then you're done -- return ok
    for each c [1 .. 8]:
      if (r,c) is safe:
        mark (r,c)
        if you can place queen on row r-1 then return ok
        unmark (r,c)  (if you're here, this c won't work)
    return not ok     (if you're here, no c generated a solution)

    • (c行)未标记
    • 未标记c-(r行)<1或(r行,c-(r行))
    • c+(r行)>8或(r行,c+(r行))未标记


    public class NQueens {
        final static int N = 4;
        static int[] position = new int[N];
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        static boolean isSafe(int k, int p) {
    //      for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
    //          int other = position[k - i];
    //          if (other == p || other == p - i || other == p + i) {
    //              return false;
    //          }
    //      }
            return true;
        static void solve(int k) {
            if (k == N) {
            } else {
                for (char p = 0; p < N; p++) {
                    if (isSafe(k, p)) {
                        position[k] = p;


    [0, 0, 0, 0]
    [0, 0, 0, 1]
    [0, 0, 0, 2]
    [0, 0, 0, 3]
    [0, 0, 1, 0]
    [0, 0, 1, 1]
    [0, 0, 1, 2]
    [0, 0, 1, 3]
    [3, 3, 3, 0]
    [3, 3, 3, 1]
    [3, 3, 3, 2]
    [3, 3, 3, 3]
    [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]
    [0, 3, 1, 4, 2]
    [1, 3, 0, 2, 4]
    [1, 4, 2, 0, 3]
    [2, 0, 3, 1, 4]
    [2, 4, 1, 3, 0]
    [3, 0, 2, 4, 1]
    [3, 1, 4, 2, 0]
    [4, 1, 3, 0, 2]
    [4, 2, 0, 3, 1]

     Q · · · ·
     · · · Q ·
     · Q · · ·
     · · · · Q
     · · Q · ·


    这里有一个简单的C#解决方案 我认为它有效

    public static class EightQueens
            static   int[] board = new int[8];
            static int MaxRows = 8, MaxCols = 8;
            public static int[] GetPosition()
                if (GetPosition(0)) return board;
                else return null;
            public static bool IsCollision(int row, int col)
                for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                    if (board[i] == row) return true; // Same Row
                    if ((board[i] + col - i == row) || (board[i] - col + i == row))
                        return true;
                return false;
            public static bool GetPosition(int col)
                if (col == MaxCols) return true;
                for (int row = 0; row < MaxRows; row++)
                    if (!IsCollision(row, col))
                        board[col] = row;
                        if (GetPosition(col + 1)) return true;
                return false;
    静态int MaxRows=8,MaxCols=8;
    公共静态bool IsCollision(int行,int列)
    for(int i=0;i

    // Demonstration of the 8-Queens problem
    // This handout shows interactively how the 8-Queens problem can be solved
    // using recursion and backtracking (with exhaustive search with pruning).
    // As far as this code goes, some improvements can definitely be made,
    // especially with regard to the interface and the flexibility for the
    // user.  However, it does an adequate job of showing the steps involved in
    // solving the 8-Queens problem.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class JRQueens extends JFrame implements Runnable
        public ChessSquare [][] squares;
        public boolean [] saferow;   // is the row empty?  true or false
        public boolean [] safeleftdiag; // is the left (from upper right to lower left)
        // diagonal unthreatened?  true or false
        public boolean [] saferightdiag; // is the right (from upper left to lower right)
        // diagonal unthreatened?  true or false
        private ShapePanel drawPanel; // panel for the board to be drawn -- see details
        // in class definition below
        private JLabel info;  // informative label
        private JButton runDemo; // button to allow interaction
        private Thread runThread; // thread to allow "motion"
        private int delay;   // delay between moves
        private PauseClass pauser; // class to allow execution to pause in between
        // solutions -- see details in definition below
        private boolean paused;  // is execution paused?  true or false
        private int sol, calls;
        public JRQueens(int delta)
            super("Interactive 8 Queens Problem");
            delay = delta;
            drawPanel = new ShapePanel(450, 450);
            runDemo = new JButton("See Solutions");  // Set up button
            ButtonHandler bhandler = new ButtonHandler();
            info = new JLabel("The 8 Queens Problem", (int) CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
            Container c = getContentPane();   // Set up layout
            c.add(drawPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            c.add(info, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            c.add(runDemo, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            squares = new ChessSquare[8][8]; // initialize variables
            saferow = new boolean[8];
            safeleftdiag = new boolean[15];
            saferightdiag = new boolean[15];
            int size = 50;
            int offset = 25;
            for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
                saferow[row] = true;  // all rows are safe
                for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
                    squares[row][col] = new ChessSquare(offset + col*size, 
                    offset + row*size, 
                    size, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            {                               // initialize all diagonals to safe
                safeleftdiag[i] = true;
                saferightdiag[i] = true;
            sol = 0;
            calls = 0;
            runThread = null;
            setSize(475, 525);
        // Is the current location safe?  We check the row and both diagonals.
        // The column does not have to be checked since our algorithm proceeds in
        // a column by column manner.
        public boolean safe(int row, int col)
            return (saferow[row] && safeleftdiag[row+col] &&
        // This recursive method does most of the work to solve the problem.  Note
        // that it is called for each column tried in the board, but, due to
        // backtracking, will overall be called many many times.  Each call is from
        // the point of view of the current column, col.
        public void trycol(int col)
            calls++; // increment number of calls made
            for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)    // try all rows if necessary
                // This test is what does the "pruning" of the execution tree --
                // if the location is not safe we do not bother to make a recursive
                // call from that position, saving overall many thousands of calls.
                // See notes from class for details.
                if (safe(row, col))
                    // if the current position is free from a threat, put a queen
                    // there and mark the row and diags as unsafe
                    saferow[row] = false;
                    safeleftdiag[row+col] = false;
                    saferightdiag[row-col+7] = false;
                    if (col == 7)      // queen safely on every column, announce
                    {                  // solution and pause execution
                        info.setText("Solution " + sol + " Found After " + calls + " Calls");
                        runDemo.setText("Click to Continue");
                        // Still more columns left to fill, so delay a bit and then
                        // try the next column recursively
                        catch (InterruptedException e)
                            System.out.println("Thread error B");
                        trycol(col+1);  // try to put a queen onto the next column
                    saferow[row] = true;               // remove the queen from
                    safeleftdiag[row+col] = true;      // the current row and
                    saferightdiag[row-col+7] = true;   // unset the threats. The
                    (squares[row][col]).remove();      // loop will then try the
                    // next row down
        // Once all rows have been tried, the method finishes, and execution
        // backtracks to the previous call.
        // This method executes implicitly when the Thread is started.  Note that
        // its main activity is the call trycol(0), which starts the recursive
        // algorithm on its way.
        public void run()
            paused = false;
            pauser = new PauseClass();
            info.setText("Program Completed: " + sol + " Solutions, "
            + calls + " Calls, "
            + (8*calls) + " iterations ");
        public static void main(String [] args)
            // Use the delay value entered by the user, or use 100 if no
            // value is entered.
            int delay;
            if (args != null && args.length >= 1)
            delay = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            delay = 100;
            JRQueens win = new JRQueens(delay);
                new WindowAdapter()
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
                    { System.exit(0); }
        // This class is used to enable the execution to pause between
        // solutions.  The Java details of this class have to do with monitors
        // and synchronized Threads and are beyond the scope of the CS 1501
        // course.  However, if you are interested in learning more about these
        // Java features, feel free to look them up in the Java API.
        private class PauseClass
            public synchronized void pause()
                paused = true;
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    System.out.println("Pause Problem");
            public synchronized void unpause()
                paused = false;
        // Class to handle button.  For more on the Java details, see
        // the API online.
        private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                if (e.getSource() == runDemo)
                    if (!paused)
                        info.setText("Searching for Solutions");
                        runThread = new Thread(JRQueens.this);
                        info.setText("Searching for Solutions");
        // Inner class to represent a square on the board.  This class extends
        // Rectangle2D.Double, which can be drawn graphically by the draw() method
        // of the Graphics2D class.  The main additions I have made in the subclass
        // are the occupied variable and the drawing of the Q if the space is
        // occupied.
        private class ChessSquare extends Rectangle2D.Double
            private boolean occupied;
            public ChessSquare(double x1, double y1, double wid, double hei)
                super(x1, y1, wid, hei);
                occupied = false;
            public void draw(Graphics2D g2d)
                int x = (int) this.getX();
                int y = (int) this.getY();
                int sz = (int) this.getWidth();
                if (occupied)
                    g2d.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 36));
                    g2d.drawString("Q", x+10, y+sz-10);
            public void occupy()
                occupied = true;
            public void remove()
                occupied = false;
            public boolean isOccupied()
                return occupied;
        // Class that allows the board to be rendered in a nice way.
        // See that Java API or a good book on Java graphics for more
        // details about this class.
        private class ShapePanel extends JPanel
            private int prefwid, prefht;
            public ShapePanel (int pwid, int pht)
                prefwid = pwid;
                prefht = pht;
            public Dimension getPreferredSize()
                return new Dimension(prefwid, prefht);
            public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
                Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
    //本讲义以互动方式展示了如何解决8皇后问题 //使用递归和回溯(带修剪的穷举搜索)。 //就这段代码而言,肯定可以做一些改进, //特别是在界面和灵活性方面 //用户。但是,它在显示过程中涉及的步骤方面做得很好 //解决8皇后问题。 导入javax.swing.*; 导入java.awt.*; 导入java.awt.geom.*; 导入java.awt.event.*; 公共类JRQueens扩展JFrame实现Runnable { 公共棋盘广场[][]个广场; public boolean[]saferow;//行为空吗?true或false 公共布尔值[]safeleftdiag;//是左边(从右上角到左下角) //对角线无威胁?对还是错 公共布尔值[]saferightdiag;//为右侧(从左上角到右下角) //对角线无威胁?对还是错 private ShapePanel drawPanel;//要绘制的板的面板--请参见详细信息 //下面是课堂定义 私有JLabel info;//信息标签 私有JButton runDemo;//允许交互的按钮 私有线程runThread;//允许“移动”的线程 private int delay;//移动之间的延迟 private PauseClass pauser;//类,允许执行在其间暂停 //解决方案--请参见下面定义中的详细信息 private boolean paused;//执行是否暂停?true或false 私人电话; 公共区(内河三角洲) { 超级(“交互式8皇后问题”); 延迟=增量; drawPanel=新形状
    public class NQueensSolver
        private readonly List<int[]> _solutions = new List<int[]>();
        private readonly int[] _current;
        public int N { get; private set; }
        public NQueensSolver(int n)
            N = n;
            _current = new int[N];
        public IList<int[]> FindAllFormations()
            return _solutions;
        private void PopulateFormations(int row)
            if (row == N)
            for (int col = 0; col <= N-1; col++)
                if (Threatened(row, col))
                _current[row] = col;
                PopulateFormations(row + 1);
        private bool Threatened(int row, int col)
            for (int i = 0; i <= row - 1; i++)
                if (_current[i] == col || row - i == Math.Abs(col - _current[i]))
                    return true;
            return false;
    public void TestNQueens()
      Assert.AreEqual(1, new NQueensSolver(1).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, new NQueensSolver(2).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, new NQueensSolver(3).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(2, new NQueensSolver(4).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(10, new NQueensSolver(5).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(4, new NQueensSolver(6).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(40, new NQueensSolver(7).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(92, new NQueensSolver(8).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(352, new NQueensSolver(9).FindAllFormations().Count);
      Assert.AreEqual(724, new NQueensSolver(10).FindAllFormations().Count);
        private const int Size = 8;
        private static readonly bool[,] chessboard = new bool[Size, Size];
        //The Rows are 8, numbered from 0 to 7.
        //The Columns are 8, numbered from 0 to 7.
        //The left diagonals are 15, numbered from -7 to 7. following formula : leftDiag = col - row.
        //The right diagonals are 15, numbered from 0 to 14 by the formula: rightDiag = col + row.
        private static readonly HashSet<int> AttackedRows = new HashSet<int>();
        private static readonly HashSet<int> AttackedCols = new HashSet<int>();
        private static readonly HashSet<int> AttackedLeftDiagonals = new HashSet<int>();
        private static readonly HashSet<int> AttackedRightDiagonals = new HashSet<int>();
        private static int solutionsFound;
        private static void Main(string[] args)
        private static void PutQueens(int row)
            if (row == Size)
                for (var col = 0; col < Size; col++)
                    if (CanPlaceQueen(row, col))
                        MarkAllAttackedPositons(row, col);
                        PutQueens(row + 1);
                        UnMarkAllAttackedPositons(row, col);
        private static void UnMarkAllAttackedPositons(int row, int col)
            AttackedLeftDiagonals.Remove(col - row);
            AttackedRightDiagonals.Remove(col + row);
            chessboard[row, col] = false;
        private static void MarkAllAttackedPositons(int row, int col)
            AttackedLeftDiagonals.Add(col - row);
            AttackedRightDiagonals.Add(col + row);
            chessboard[row, col] = true;
        private static bool CanPlaceQueen(int row, int col)
            var positionOccuppied = AttackedCols.Contains(col) || AttackedRows.Contains(row)
                                    || AttackedLeftDiagonals.Contains(col - row)
                                    || AttackedRightDiagonals.Contains(col + row);
            return !positionOccuppied;
        private static void PrintBoard()
            for (var row = 0; row < Size; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < Size; col++)
                    Console.Write(chessboard[row, col] ? "Q " : "- ");
    //----N Queens ----
    public static bool NQueens(bool[,] board, int x)
          for (int y = 0; y < board.GetLength(1); y++)
              if (IsAllowed(board, x, y))
                   board[x, y] = true;
                   if (x == board.GetLength(0) - 1 || NQueens(board, x + 1))
                       return true;
                   board[x, y] = false;
         return false;
    //verify diagonals, column and row from i=0 to x because from x to down it dont put anything
    private static bool IsAllowed(bool[,] board, int x, int y)
        for (int i = 0; i <= x; i++)
            if (board[i, y] || (i <= y && board[x - i, y - i]) || (y + i < board.GetLength(0) && board[x - i, y + i]))
                return false;
        return true;
    void amo::Queen::place(int probing, int n) {
        if (n != row || n != col ) {
            if (chess != nullptr) {
                for (int i=0;i<row;i++) delete *(chess+i);
                delete chess;
            row = n;
            col = n;
            chess = new int*[n];
            for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
                *(chess+i) = new int[col];
                for (int j=0; j<col; j++) 
                    *(*(chess+i)+j) = 100*(i+1)+j;
        if (probing >= n) {
            ans += 1;
            std::cout << GREEN <<"[Queen::place()]: returns when met the pass-the-end of probing which means deduced one of answer:" << ans << WHITE << std::endl;
            for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=queens.begin(); it!=std::next(queens.begin(), n); it++)
                collect(moves, 1, std::distance(queens.begin(), it), *it);
        for (int pruning=0; pruning<col; pruning++) {
            //traverse(probing, pruning);
            //if (probing==n-1 && pruning==col-1) std::cout << RED <<"[Queen::place()]: track:" << track << WHITE << std::endl; //final track=4^4+4^3+4^2+4^1=340 if n=4 or track=3^3+3^2+3^1=39 if n=3
            if (!check(probing, pruning)) {
            //if (false) { //watching all moves
                //std::cout << "[Queen::place()]: going to prune" << WHITE << std::endl;
                 * 'prunes' when met one of dead ends of this probing at this pruning
            else { //found one of rights of this probing at this pruning and digs into the one more deeper 
                //std::cout << "[Queen::place()]: going to probe" << WHITE << std::endl;
                if (queens.size() < n) queens.resize(n);
                queens.at(probing) = pruning;
                 * 'probes' one more deeper by making one more call stack returning back here as backtracking and proceeding to another pruning
                place(probing+1, n);
         * 'backtracks'
    bool amo::Queen::check(int row, int column) {
        if (row == 0) {
            //std::cout << CYAN << "okay chess[" << row <<"][" << column << "]" << WHITE << std::endl;
            return true;
        for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=queens.begin(); it!=std::next(queens.begin(), row); it++) {
            int placed_row = std::distance(queens.begin(), it);
            int placed_column = queens.at(placed_row);
            if (placed_column == column) {
                //std::cout << MAGENTA << "not across,   queen[" << placed_row << "][" << placed_column << "] and chess[" << row <<"][" << column << "]" << WHITE << std::endl;
                return false;
            if (std::abs(placed_column-column) == std::abs(placed_row-row)) {
                //std::cout << MAGENTA << "not diagonal, queen[" << placed_row << "][" << placed_column << "] and chess[" << row <<"][" << column << "]" << WHITE << std::endl;
                return false;
        //std::cout << CYAN << "okay chess[" << row <<"][" << column << "]" << WHITE << std::endl;
        return true;
    with tx1 as (select 1 as k union all select t2.k + 1 from tx1 as t2 where t2.k < 8)
    select *
    from tx1 as x1
    join tx1 as x2 on 
        x2.k <> x1.k and 
        x2.k <> x1.k + 1 and x2.k <> x1.k - 1
    join tx1 as x3 on 
        x3.k <> x1.k and x3.k <> x2.k and 
        x3.k <> x2.k + 1 and x3.k <> x2.k - 1 and
        x3.k <> x1.k + 2 and x3.k <> x1.k - 2
    join tx1 as x4 on 
        x4.k <> x1.k and x4.k <> x2.k and x4.k <> x3.k and
        x4.k <> x3.k + 1 and x4.k <> x3.k - 1 and
        x4.k <> x2.k + 2 and x4.k <> x2.k - 2 and
        x4.k <> x1.k + 3 and x4.k <> x1.k - 3
    join tx1 as x5 on 
        x5.k <> x1.k and x5.k <> x2.k and x5.k <> x3.k and x5.k <> x4.k and
        x5.k <> x4.k + 1 and x5.k <> x4.k - 1 and
        x5.k <> x3.k + 2 and x5.k <> x3.k - 2 and
        x5.k <> x2.k + 3 and x5.k <> x2.k - 3 and 
        x5.k <> x1.k + 4 and x5.k <> x1.k - 4
    join tx1 as x6 on 
        x6.k <> x1.k and x6.k <> x2.k and x6.k <> x3.k and x6.k <> x4.k and x6.k <> x5.k     and
        x6.k <> x5.k + 1 and x6.k <> x5.k - 1 and
        x6.k <> x4.k + 2 and x6.k <> x4.k - 2 and
        x6.k <> x3.k + 3 and x6.k <> x3.k - 3 and 
        x6.k <> x2.k + 4 and x6.k <> x2.k - 4 and 
        x6.k <> x1.k + 5 and x6.k <> x1.k - 5
    join tx1 as x7 on 
        x7.k <> x1.k and x7.k <> x2.k and x7.k <> x3.k and x7.k <> x4.k and x7.k <> x5.k and x7.k <> x6.k and
        x7.k <> x6.k + 1 and x7.k <> x6.k - 1 and
        x7.k <> x5.k + 2 and x7.k <> x5.k - 2 and
        x7.k <> x4.k + 3 and x7.k <> x4.k - 3 and 
        x7.k <> x3.k + 4 and x7.k <> x3.k - 4 and 
        x7.k <> x2.k + 5 and x7.k <> x2.k - 5 and
        x7.k <> x1.k + 6 and x7.k <> x1.k - 6
    join tx1 as x8 on 
        x8.k <> x1.k and x8.k <> x2.k and x8.k <> x3.k and x8.k <> x4.k and x8.k <> x5.k and x8.k <> x6.k and x8.k <> x7.k and
        x8.k <> x7.k + 1 and x8.k <> x7.k - 1 and
        x8.k <> x6.k + 2 and x8.k <> x6.k - 2 and
        x8.k <> x5.k + 3 and x8.k <> x5.k - 3 and 
        x8.k <> x4.k + 4 and x8.k <> x4.k - 4 and 
        x8.k <> x3.k + 5 and x8.k <> x3.k - 5 and
        x8.k <> x2.k + 6 and x8.k <> x2.k - 6 and
        x8.k <> x1.k + 7 and x8.k <> x1.k - 7
    order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8