C# 使用HttpWebRequest登录instagram

C# 使用HttpWebRequest登录instagram,c#,instagram,C#,Instagram,嘿,伙计们,我正在尝试编写一个C#应用程序,用户可以从WPF登录到他们的instagram帐户。我遇到的问题是获取授权码。当我使用这段代码时,我总是得到登录页面URL,而不是成功登录页面 救命啊! 任何反馈都将不胜感激!我被困在这个问题上有一段时间了 private static AuthInfo GetInstagramAuth(string oAuthUri, string clientId, string redirectUri, InstagramConfig config,


救命啊! 任何反馈都将不胜感激!我被困在这个问题上有一段时间了

private static AuthInfo GetInstagramAuth(string oAuthUri,  string clientId, string redirectUri, InstagramConfig config,
        string login, string password)
        List<Auth.Scope> scopes = new List<Auth.Scope>();

        var link = InstaSharp.Auth.AuthLink(oAuthUri, clientId, redirectUri, scopes);

        // Логинимся по указанному узлу
        CookieAwareWebClient client = new CookieAwareWebClient();
        // Зашли на страницу логина
        var result = client.DownloadData(link);
        var html = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);

        // Берем токен
        string csr = "";
        string pattern = @"csrfmiddlewaretoken""\svalue=""(.+)""";
        var r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern);
        var m = r.Match(html);
        csr = m.Groups[1].Value;

        // Логинимся
        string loginLink = string.Format(
            "https://instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/oauth/authorize/%3Fclient_id%3D{0}%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%3A//kakveselo.ru%26response_type%3Dcode%26scope%3Dbasic", clientId);

        NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
        parameters.Add("csrfmiddlewaretoken", csr);
        parameters.Add("username", login);
        parameters.Add("password", password);

        // Нужно добавить секретные кукисы, полученные перед логином

        // Нужны заголовки что ли
        string agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)";
        client.Headers["Referer"] = loginLink;
        client.Headers["Host"] = "instagram.com";
        //client.Headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive";
        client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        //client.Headers["Content-Length"] = "88";
        client.Headers["User-Agent"] = agent;
       // client.Headers["Accept-Language"] = "ru-RU";
        //client.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip, deflate";
        client.Headers["Accept"] = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
        client.Headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";

        // Запрос
        var result2 = client.UploadValues(loginLink, "POST", parameters);

        // Постим данные, Получаем code
        // New link не на апи, а на instagram
        string newPostLink = string.Format(
            "https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id={0}&redirect_uri=http://kakveselo.ru&response_type=code&scope=basic", clientId);

        HttpWebRequest request =
            (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(newPostLink);
        request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
        request.CookieContainer = client.Cookies;
        request.Referer = newPostLink;
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        request.UserAgent = agent;

        string postData = String.Format("csrfmiddlewaretoken={0}&allow=Authorize", csr);
        request.ContentLength = postData.Length;

        ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
        byte[] loginDataBytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
        request.ContentLength = loginDataBytes.Length;
        Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream();
        stream.Write(loginDataBytes, 0, loginDataBytes.Length);

        // send the request
        var response = request.GetResponse();
        string location = response.Headers["Location"];

        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
        Console.WriteLine("--Responce from the webrequest--");

        // Теперь вытаскиваем код и получаем аутентификацию
        pattern = @"kakveselo.ru\?code=(.+)";
        r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern);
        m = r.Match(location);
        string code = m.Groups[1].Value;

        // Наконец, получаем токен аутентификации
        var auth = new InstaSharp.Auth(config); //.OAuth(InstaSharpConfig.config);

        // now we have to call back to instagram and include the code they gave us
        // along with our client secret
        var oauthResponse = auth.RequestToken(code);

        return oauthResponse;

您确定网站上的登录过程在某些步骤中没有使用javascript吗? 据我所知,如果是这种情况,webrequests将无法完成这项工作



    using System;
/// <summary>
/// A Cookie-aware WebClient that will store authentication cookie information and persist it through subsequent requests.
/// </summary>
using System.Net;

public class CookieAwareWebClient : WebClient
    //Properties to handle implementing a timeout
    private int? _timeout = null;
    public int? Timeout
            return _timeout;
            _timeout = value;

    //A CookieContainer class to house the Cookie once it is contained within one of the Requests
    public CookieContainer Cookies { get; private set; }

    public CookieAwareWebClient()
        Cookies = new CookieContainer();

    //Method to handle setting the optional timeout (in milliseconds)
    public void SetTimeout(int timeout)
        _timeout = timeout;

    //This handles using and storing the Cookie information as well as managing the Request timeout
    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        //Handles the CookieContainer
        var request = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(address);
        request.CookieContainer = Cookies;
        //Sets the Timeout if it exists
        if (_timeout.HasValue)
            request.Timeout = _timeout.Value;
        return request;
