
压缩浏览器时CSS框没有响应,css,Css,我有一个很简单的问题,我似乎想不出来。我在此页面上创建了三个框: 但是,当我向下压缩浏览器时,这三个框没有响应。就我的一生而言,我似乎不知道自己做错了什么 以下是三个框的代码: <div class="wrapper margin-bot1"> <div class="bg-3"> <div class="indent"> <div class="wrapper margin-bot" align="center">ERGL




<div class="wrapper margin-bot1">
  <div class="bg-3">
    <div class="indent">
      <div class="wrapper margin-bot" align="center">ERGL Savings Calculator<img src="http://www.erglighting.com/media/wysiwyg/images/toolkit_artwork1.jpg" alt="" />
        <div class="extra-wrap">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="extra-wrap">&nbsp;</div>
      <a class="button-1 margin-left" href="http://www.erglighting.com/index.php/retrofit-kits/energy-savings-toolkit/ergl-savings-calculator.html">More...</a></div>
  <div class="bg-3">
    <div class="indent">
      <div class="wrapper margin-bot">State Incentives (DSIRE)<img src="http://www.erglighting.com/media/wysiwyg/images/toolkit_artwork2.jpg" alt="" />
        <div class="extra-wrap">&nbsp;</div>
      <a class="button-1 margin-left" href="http://www.erglighting.com/index.php/retrofit-kits/energy-savings-toolkit/state-incentives-dsire.html">More...</a></div>
  <div class="bg-3">
    <div class="indent">
      <div class="wrapper margin-bot">DLC Product Listings<img src="http://www.erglighting.com/media/wysiwyg/images/toolkit_artwork3.jpg" alt="" />
        <div class="extra-wrap">&nbsp;</div>
      <a class="button-1 margin-left" href="http://www.erglighting.com/index.php/retrofit-kits/energy-savings-toolkit/dlc-product-listings.html">More...</a></div>



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