
CUDA二进制搜索的实现,cuda,nvidia,binary-search,Cuda,Nvidia,Binary Search,我试图加快CPU二进制搜索的速度。不幸的是,GPU版本总是比CPU版本慢得多。也许这个问题不适合GPU,或者我做错了什么 CPU版本(约0.6ms): 使用长度为2000的排序数组并对特定值进行二进制搜索 ... Lookup ( search[j], search_array, array_length, m ); ... int Lookup ( int search, int* arr, int length, int& m ) { int l(0), r(len


CPU版本(约0.6ms): 使用长度为2000的排序数组并对特定值进行二进制搜索

Lookup ( search[j], search_array, array_length, m );
int Lookup ( int search, int* arr, int length, int& m )
   int l(0), r(length-1);
   while ( l <= r ) 
      m = (l+r)/2;      
      if ( search < arr[m] )
         r = m-1;
      else if ( search > arr[m] )
         l = m+1;
         return index[m];
   if ( arr[m] >= search )
      return m;
   return (m+1);      
p_ary_search<<<16, 64>>>(search[j], array_length, dev_arr, dev_ret_val);

__global__ void p_ary_search(int search, int array_length, int *arr, int *ret_val ) 
   const int num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
   const int thread = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   int set_size = array_length;

   ret_val[0] = -1; // return value
   ret_val[1] = 0;  // offset

   while(set_size != 0)
      // Get the offset of the array, initially set to 0
      int offset = ret_val[1];

      // I think this is necessary in case a thread gets ahead, and resets offset before it's read
      // This isn't necessary for the unit tests to pass, but I still like it here

      // Get the next index to check
      int index_to_check = get_index_to_check(thread, num_threads, set_size, offset);

      // If the index is outside the bounds of the array then lets not check it
      if (index_to_check < array_length)
         // If the next index is outside the bounds of the array, then set it to maximum array size
         int next_index_to_check = get_index_to_check(thread + 1, num_threads, set_size, offset);
         if (next_index_to_check >= array_length)
            next_index_to_check = array_length - 1;

         // If we're at the mid section of the array reset the offset to this index
         if (search > arr[index_to_check] && (search < arr[next_index_to_check])) 
            ret_val[1] = index_to_check;
         else if (search == arr[index_to_check]) 
            // Set the return var if we hit it
            ret_val[0] = index_to_check;

      // Since this is a p-ary search divide by our total threads to get the next set size
      set_size = set_size / num_threads;

      // Sync up so no threads jump ahead and get a bad offset
int l(0),r(长度-1);
while(l arr[m])
GPU版本(约20ms): 使用长度为2000的排序数组并对特定值进行二进制搜索

Lookup ( search[j], search_array, array_length, m );
int Lookup ( int search, int* arr, int length, int& m )
   int l(0), r(length-1);
   while ( l <= r ) 
      m = (l+r)/2;      
      if ( search < arr[m] )
         r = m-1;
      else if ( search > arr[m] )
         l = m+1;
         return index[m];
   if ( arr[m] >= search )
      return m;
   return (m+1);      
p_ary_search<<<16, 64>>>(search[j], array_length, dev_arr, dev_ret_val);

__global__ void p_ary_search(int search, int array_length, int *arr, int *ret_val ) 
   const int num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
   const int thread = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   int set_size = array_length;

   ret_val[0] = -1; // return value
   ret_val[1] = 0;  // offset

   while(set_size != 0)
      // Get the offset of the array, initially set to 0
      int offset = ret_val[1];

      // I think this is necessary in case a thread gets ahead, and resets offset before it's read
      // This isn't necessary for the unit tests to pass, but I still like it here

      // Get the next index to check
      int index_to_check = get_index_to_check(thread, num_threads, set_size, offset);

      // If the index is outside the bounds of the array then lets not check it
      if (index_to_check < array_length)
         // If the next index is outside the bounds of the array, then set it to maximum array size
         int next_index_to_check = get_index_to_check(thread + 1, num_threads, set_size, offset);
         if (next_index_to_check >= array_length)
            next_index_to_check = array_length - 1;

         // If we're at the mid section of the array reset the offset to this index
         if (search > arr[index_to_check] && (search < arr[next_index_to_check])) 
            ret_val[1] = index_to_check;
         else if (search == arr[index_to_check]) 
            // Set the return var if we hit it
            ret_val[0] = index_to_check;

      // Since this is a p-ary search divide by our total threads to get the next set size
      set_size = set_size / num_threads;

      // Sync up so no threads jump ahead and get a bad offset
p_ary_search(搜索[j],数组长度,dev_arr,dev_ret val);
const int num_threads=blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
const int thread=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
int set_size=数组长度;
int offset=ret_val[1];
int index_to_check=获取_index_to_check(线程、num_线程、设置_大小、偏移量);
int next_index_to_check=获取_index_to_check(线程+1,num_线程,设置_大小,偏移量);






其次,请记住u syncthreads()只同步同一块中的线程,因此对全局内存的读/写不一定会在所有线程之间同步(尽管全局内存写入的延迟实际上可能会使其看起来像是同步的)

简单的二进制搜索并不能完全支持GPU操作。这是一个不能并行的串行操作。但是,您可以将数组分割成小块,并对每个小块进行二进制搜索。创建X个块,确定在X个并行线程中哪些可能包含变量。除了一个候选者,你们可能想在我使用的2000个元素的数组中检查一下推力二进制搜索。并使用CPU版本的二进制搜索来搜索数字395。在我的电脑上,它的声音只有0.000933ms。对于测试,我创建了内核,让内核完全不做任何事情:全局void Search(){int tid=threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;if(tid<2000){}并将其命名为0.034704 ms。从这个结果中,我真的想知道使用CUDA以加快速度是否有意义。或者我做错了什么…这真的是这样的,CUDA作为一些开销需要花费一些时间,但是,当你在做一些事情时,例如,CPU和GPU上花费10秒,可以使它快10倍,即使它有0.03秒的开销,你更喜欢哪一个?CUDA肯定可以工作,但如果在CPU上它已经非常快,那么它可能不值得。谢谢。我将尝试转移更多的工作从PC上的GPU,我希望这将以某种方式弥补现有的开销。我认为如果没有CPU和GPU之间的内存复制,开销已经很小了,但显然不是。我还将检查“推力”二进制搜索。