D3.js 在rect svg中添加文本,并将其附加到圆环图中的圆弧

D3.js 在rect svg中添加文本,并将其附加到圆环图中的圆弧,d3.js,donut-chart,D3.js,Donut Chart,我想在甜甜圈图表中为每个弧添加标签。我通过获取每个弧的质心并添加来添加,但不知何故,它并没有添加到正确的位置。我想不出来,所以我需要一些帮助。我已经在代码笔中添加了代码。链接是。 我的甜甜圈应该是这样的 示例代码是: svg.selectAll(".dataText") .data(data_ready) .enter() .each(function (d) { var centroid = arc.centroid(d); d3.select(this)

我想在甜甜圈图表中为每个弧添加标签。我通过获取每个弧的质心并添加来添加,但不知何故,它并没有添加到正确的位置。我想不出来,所以我需要一些帮助。我已经在代码笔中添加了代码。链接是。 我的甜甜圈应该是这样的


.each(function (d) {
  var centroid = arc.centroid(d);
    .attr("class", "dataBG_" + d.data.value.label)
    .attr('x', (centroid[0]) - 28)
    .attr('y', (centroid[1]) - 5)
    .attr('rx', '10px')
    .attr('ry', '10px')
    .attr("width", 50)
    .attr("height", 20)
    .style('fill', d.data.value.color)
    .style("opacity", 1.0);
    .attr("class", "dataText_" + d.data.value.label)
    .style('fill', 'white')
    .style("font-size", "11px")
    .attr("dx", (centroid[0]) - 7)
    .attr("dy", centroid[1] + 7)
    .text(Math.round((d.data.value.value)) + "%");



// for some reason I couldn't get Math.Pi to work in d3.js, so
// I'm just going to calculate it once here in the one-shot setup
var piValue = Math.acos(-1);
// also, I'm noting the inner radius here and calculating the
// the outer radius (this is similar to what you do in codepen.)
var innerRadius = 40
var thickness = 30
var outerRadius = innerRadius + thickness

.each(function (d) {
  // I'm renaming "centroid" to "anchor - just a    
  // point that relates to where you want to put
  // the label, regardless of what it means geometrically.

  // no more call to arc.centroid
  // var centroid = arc.centroid(d);

  // calculate the angle halfway between startAngle and
  // endAngle. We can just average them because the convention
  // seems to be that angles always increase, even if you
  // if you pass the 2*pi/0 angle, and that endAngle
  // is always greater than startAngle. I subtract piValue
  // before dividing by 2 because in "real" trigonometry, the
  // convention is that a ray that points in the 0 valued
  // angles are measured against the positive x-axis, which
  // is angle 0. In D3.pie conventions, the 0-angle points upward
  // along the y-axis. Subtracting pi/2 to all angles before
  // doing any trigonometry fixes that, because x and y
  // are handled normally.

  var bisectAngle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle - piValue) / 2.0
  var anchor = [ outerRadius * Math.cos(bisectAngle), outerRadius * Math.sin(bisectAngle) ];

    .attr("class", "dataBG_" + d.data.value.label)

    // now if you stopped and didn't change anything more, you'd
    // have something kind of close to what you want, but to get
    // it closer, you want the labels to "swing out" from the 
    // from the circle - to the left on the left half of the
    // the chart and to the right on the right half. So, I'm
    // replacing your code with fixed offsets to code that is
    // sensitive to which side we're on. You probably also want
    // to replace the constants with something related to the 
    // the dynamic size of the label background, but I leave
    // that as an "exercise for the reader".

    // .attr('x', anchor[0] - 28)
    // .attr('y', anchor[1] - 5)

    .attr('x', anchor[0] < 0 ? anchor[0] - 48 : anchor[0] - 2)
    .attr('y', anchor[1] - 10

    .attr('rx', '10px')
    .attr('ry', '10px')
    .attr("width", 50)
    .attr("height", 20)
    .style('fill', d.data.value.color)
    .style("opacity", 1.0);
    .attr("class", "dataText_" + d.data.value.label)
    .style('fill', 'white')
    .style("font-size", "11px")

    // changing the text centering code to match the box
    // box-centering code above. Again, rather than constants,
    // you're probably going to want something a that
    // that adjusts to the size of the background box

    // .attr("dx", anchor[0] - 7)
    // .attr("dy", anchor[1] + 7)

    .attr("dx", anchor[0] < 0 ? anchor[0] - 28 : anchor[0] + 14)
    .attr("dy", anchor[1] + 4)
    .text(Math.round((d.data.value.value)) + "%");
var piValue=Math.acos(-1);
var outerRadius=内半径+厚度
var anchor=[outerRadius*Math.cos(平分角),outerRadius*Math.sin(平分角)];

