Database 如何生成部署到不同PostgreSQL数据库或从不同PostgreSQL数据库中丢失的DDL对象或函数的列表

Database 如何生成部署到不同PostgreSQL数据库或从不同PostgreSQL数据库中丢失的DDL对象或函数的列表,database,postgresql,diff,ddl,Database,Postgresql,Diff,Ddl,我的任务是向需要一种简单方法来验证所有对象是否已部署到QA或生产PostgreSQL数据库服务器的队友提供“查询” 具体而言,请求者希望能够确认每个环境中都存在所有表、函数、序列、索引、视图、模式和触发器,以及/或者在部署新应用程序时,一个或另一个环境中缺少哪些表、函数、序列、索引、视图、模式和触发器 到目前为止,我已经找到了用于标识索引和它们所在的列/列顺序()的查询,可以在information_schema中查询其他对象的表,并且已经了解了用于生成模式的完整差异()的工具。这个有用的工具提





select routine_name as object_name, routine_schema as schema_name, 'routine' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.routines where routine_schema in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) union 
select schema_name as object_name, schema_name as schema_name, 'schema' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.schemata where schema_name in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) union 
select sequence_name as object_name, sequence_schema as schema_name, 'sequence' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) union 
select table_name as object_name, table_schema as schema_name, 'table' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.tables where table_schema in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) union 
select trigger_name as object_name, trigger_schema as schema_name, 'trigger' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.triggers where trigger_schema in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) union
select table_name as object_name, table_schema as schema_name, 'view' as object_type, 'yes' as object_exists from information_schema.views where table_schema in ( 'shema1','schema2','schema3' ) 
order by object_type, schema_name, object_name; 


do $$
-- Two changes are needed below: 
--      (1) the schema list needs to be updated
--      (2) the dblink connection information for each environment needs to be updated
-- Execute this in pgadmin while connected to one of the environments.  If the username and 
-- password are the same in all three environments then they do not need to be listed in 
-- the dblink connection strings below
    rc bigint := 0;
    r RECORD;
    -- Necessary change #1: put the schemas you care about here
    v_schema_list text := '''schema1'',''schema2'',''schema3'',''schema4''';
    -- This is a large query looking at database settings, functions (routines), schemas, sequences, tables, triggers, views, and indexes
    -- For functions, the parameter list is important since the same function name can exist with a different number of parameters 
    --      or the parameters in a different order.  This query is not looking at parameter defaults.
    -- For indexes, the name of the index isn't important to a functioning system, but the type of index and column order is
    -- For tables, this only looks for the existence of the table, not the column order nor constraints, but those could be added later
    v_sql text := 'select name||'' = ''||setting as object_name, ''setting'' as object_type, category||'': ''||short_desc as object_info 
                          from pg_settings 
                   select routine_schema||''.''||routine_name||''(''||coalesce(string_agg(parameters.parameter_name||'' ''||parameters.data_type,'', ''),'''')||'')'' as object_name
                        , ''routine'' as object_type
                        , ''''::text as object_info
                        from information_schema.routines 
                        left join lateral
                            (select parameter_name, parameters.data_type, parameters.ordinal_position
                            from information_schema.parameters 
                            where parameters.specific_schema = routines.specific_schema
                            and parameters.specific_name = routines.specific_name
                            order by ordinal_position) parameters
                            on true
                        where routine_schema in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                        group by routine_name, routine_schema
                   select schema_name||''.''||schema_name as object_name, ''schema'' as object_type, ''''::text as object_info 
                        from information_schema.schemata where schema_name in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                   select sequence_schema||''.''||sequence_name as object_name, ''sequence'' as object_type, ''''::text as object_info 
                        from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                   select table_schema||''.''||table_name as object_name, ''table'' as object_type, ''''::text as object_info 
                        from information_schema.tables where table_schema in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                   select trigger_schema||''.''||trigger_name as object_name, ''trigger'' as object_type, ''''::text as object_info 
                        from information_schema.triggers where trigger_schema in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                   select table_schema||''.''||table_name as object_name, ''view'' as object_type, ''''::text as object_info 
                        from information_schema.views where table_schema in ('||v_schema_list||') 
                   select substring(indexdef,3+position(''ON'' in indexdef)) as object_name, ''index'' as object_type, indexdef as object_info 
                        from pg_indexes where schemaname in ('||v_schema_list||')
                   order by object_type, object_name; ';
    drop table if exists object_list;
    drop table if exists object_comparison;
    create temp table object_list (object_name text, object_type text, object_info text, environment text);

    for r in 
        -- Necessary change #2: update connection information for each database here
        select 'prod' as conn, 'dbname=your_prod_db_name port=5432 host=your_prod_server username=your_prod_user password=your_prod_password' as conn_string union
        select 'qa' as conn, 'dbname=your_qa_db_name port=5432 host=your_qa_server username=your_qa_user password=your_qa_password' as conn_string union 
        select 'dev' as conn, 'dbname=your_dev_db_name port=5432 host=your_dev_server username=your_dev_user password=your_dev_password' as conn_string
            perform extension_data.dblink_disconnect(r.conn);    
        exception when others then 
        perform extension_data.dblink_connect(r.conn, r.conn_string);

        perform extension_data.dblink_open(r.conn, 'object_list',v_sql);

        while rc > 0 loop 
            insert into object_list 
                SELECT *, r.conn as environment 
                FROM extension_data.dblink_fetch(r.conn, 'object_list', 500) AS (object_name text, object_type text, object_info text);
        end loop;

        perform extension_data.dblink_close(r.conn, 'object_list');

        perform extension_data.dblink_disconnect(r.conn);    
    end loop;

    create temp table object_comparison as (
        select coalesce(dev.object_name,coalesce(qa.object_name,prod.object_name)) as object_name
             , coalesce(dev.object_type,coalesce(qa.object_type,prod.object_type)) as object_type
             , dev.environment as dev
             , qa.environment as qa
             , prod.environment as prod
             , coalesce(prod.object_info,coalesce(qa.object_info,dev.object_info)) as object_info
        from (select * from object_list where environment = 'dev')  dev
        full outer join (select * from object_list where environment = 'qa')  qa 
            on dev.object_name = qa.object_name 
            and dev.object_type = qa.object_type 
        full outer join (select * from object_list where environment = 'prod')  prod 
            on coalesce(dev.object_name,qa.object_name) = prod.object_name 
            and coalesce(dev.object_type,qa.object_type) = prod.object_type
$$ language plpgsql;

select * from object_comparison where dev is null or qa is null or prod is null;
