Drupal 7 Drupal模板安装问题

Drupal 7 Drupal模板安装问题,drupal-7,Drupal 7,我正在尝试安装drupal模板,但它显示了此错误 PHP memory limit 128M Consider increasing your PHP memory limit to 196M to help prevent errors in the installation process. Increase the memory limit by editing the memory_limit parameter in the file /opt/users/ipg/w/i


  PHP memory limit  128M
    Consider increasing your PHP memory limit to 196M to help prevent errors in the installation process. Increase the memory limit by editing the memory_limit parameter in the file /opt/users/ipg/w/i/ipg.wintergtiranacom/php53/php.ini and then restart your web server (or contact your system administrator or hosting provider for assistance). See the Drupal requirements for more information.
路径 有人能帮我吗?请转到“php.ini”文件,比如路径/opt/users/ipg/w/i/ipg.wintergtiranacom/php53/php.ini,搜索内存限制变量并将限制增加到196M

#mysql-u admin-p<您的密码>

mysql>设置全局网络缓冲区长度=1000000; 查询正常,0行受影响(0.00秒)

mysql>设置全局最大允许\u数据包=100000000; 查询正常,0行受影响(0.00秒)

