Drupal 7 drupal alter节点编辑表单

Drupal 7 drupal alter节点编辑表单,drupal-7,hook-form-alter,Drupal 7,Hook Form Alter,如何将自定义配置区域添加到“编写信息”和“发布选项”部分下方的节点编辑表单中?您可以使用。 示例如下: function my_module_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { // if you are targeting a specific content type then // you can access the type: $type = $form['#node']->type; // Then


您可以使用。 示例如下:

function my_module_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  // if you are targeting a specific content type then 
  // you can access the type:
  $type = $form['#node']->type;
  // Then
  if ($type == 'my_content_type') {
  //  use a contact settings for the sake of this example
   $form['contact'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset', 
    '#title' => t('Contact settings'), 
    '#weight' => 100, 
    '#collapsible' => TRUE, 
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
   // add simple checkbox to the field set
   $form['contact']['approve'] = array(
     '#type' =>'checkbox', 
     '#title' => t('Contact me'),
现在存储数据我鼓励您查看该项目;它有许多代码示例和大量文档。 此外,请查看有关不同类型表单元素的更多信息。


    $form['barclays_epdq'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#access' => TRUE,
        '#title' => 'Barclays ePDQ',
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#group' => 'additional_settings',
        '#weight' => 100,
        'barclays_epdq_active' => array(
            '#type' => 'checkbox',
            '#title' => 'Enable this webform to send users to your Barclays ePDQ store to make a payment',
            '#default_value' => $active_state,

注:表格在hook\u form\u alter中
