elasticsearch 脚本在upsert中失败,使用logstash输出elasticsearch插件,elasticsearch,logstash,logstash-configuration,elasticsearch,Logstash,Logstash Configuration" /> elasticsearch 脚本在upsert中失败,使用logstash输出elasticsearch插件,elasticsearch,logstash,logstash-configuration,elasticsearch,Logstash,Logstash Configuration" />

elasticsearch 脚本在upsert中失败,使用logstash输出elasticsearch插件

elasticsearch 脚本在upsert中失败,使用logstash输出elasticsearch插件,elasticsearch,logstash,logstash-configuration,elasticsearch,Logstash,Logstash Configuration,环境 DB:Sybase Logstash:2.2.0,带有JDBC插件、Elasticsearch输出插件 SQL查询: select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name' from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id res.id | res.name | tag.name


DB:Sybase Logstash:2.2.0,带有JDBC插件、Elasticsearch输出插件


select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name'
from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag
where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id
res.id | res.name | tag.name
0 | result0 | null
0 | result0 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagB
2 | result2 | tagA
2 | result2 | tagC
 "mappings": { 
  "res": { 
   "properties": { 
    "id": { "type": "long"},
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": { "tagname": { "type": "string" }}
input {
 jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => "jtds-1.3.1.jar"
  jdbc_driver_class => "Java::net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
  jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:jtds:sybase://hostname.com:1234/schema"
  jdbc_user => "george"
  jdbc_password => "monkey"
  jdbc_fetch_size => 100
  statement_filepath => "/home/george/sql"
output {
 elasticsearch {
  action => "update"
  index => "myres"
  document_type => "res"
  document_id => "%{res.id}"
  script_lang => "groovy"
  hosts => [ "my.other.host.com:5921" ]
  upsert => ' {
    "id" : %{res.id},
    "name" : "%{res.name}",
    "tags" :[{ "tagname": "%{tag.name}" }]
  script => '
    if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue(null)) {
      // if null has been added replace it with actual value
      cts._source.res.tags = [{"tagname": "%{tag.name}" }];
    else {
      // if you find the tag, then do nothing
      if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue("%{tag.name}")) {}
      else {
        // if the value you try to add is not null
        if (%{tag.name} != null)
           // add it as a new object into the tag array
           ctx._source.res.tags += {"tagname": "%{tag.name}"};
    [400] {"error":"ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 
1: script or doc is missing;
2: script or doc is missing;
3: script or doc is missing;],"status":400]} {:class=> ... bla bla ...}

select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name'
from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag
where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id
res.id | res.name | tag.name
0 | result0 | null
0 | result0 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagB
2 | result2 | tagA
2 | result2 | tagC
 "mappings": { 
  "res": { 
   "properties": { 
    "id": { "type": "long"},
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": { "tagname": { "type": "string" }}
input {
 jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => "jtds-1.3.1.jar"
  jdbc_driver_class => "Java::net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
  jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:jtds:sybase://hostname.com:1234/schema"
  jdbc_user => "george"
  jdbc_password => "monkey"
  jdbc_fetch_size => 100
  statement_filepath => "/home/george/sql"
output {
 elasticsearch {
  action => "update"
  index => "myres"
  document_type => "res"
  document_id => "%{res.id}"
  script_lang => "groovy"
  hosts => [ "my.other.host.com:5921" ]
  upsert => ' {
    "id" : %{res.id},
    "name" : "%{res.name}",
    "tags" :[{ "tagname": "%{tag.name}" }]
  script => '
    if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue(null)) {
      // if null has been added replace it with actual value
      cts._source.res.tags = [{"tagname": "%{tag.name}" }];
    else {
      // if you find the tag, then do nothing
      if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue("%{tag.name}")) {}
      else {
        // if the value you try to add is not null
        if (%{tag.name} != null)
           // add it as a new object into the tag array
           ctx._source.res.tags += {"tagname": "%{tag.name}"};
    [400] {"error":"ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 
1: script or doc is missing;
2: script or doc is missing;
3: script or doc is missing;],"status":400]} {:class=> ... bla bla ...}

select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name'
from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag
where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id
res.id | res.name | tag.name
0 | result0 | null
0 | result0 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagB
2 | result2 | tagA
2 | result2 | tagC
 "mappings": { 
  "res": { 
   "properties": { 
    "id": { "type": "long"},
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": { "tagname": { "type": "string" }}
input {
 jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => "jtds-1.3.1.jar"
  jdbc_driver_class => "Java::net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
  jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:jtds:sybase://hostname.com:1234/schema"
  jdbc_user => "george"
  jdbc_password => "monkey"
  jdbc_fetch_size => 100
  statement_filepath => "/home/george/sql"
output {
 elasticsearch {
  action => "update"
  index => "myres"
  document_type => "res"
  document_id => "%{res.id}"
  script_lang => "groovy"
  hosts => [ "my.other.host.com:5921" ]
  upsert => ' {
    "id" : %{res.id},
    "name" : "%{res.name}",
    "tags" :[{ "tagname": "%{tag.name}" }]
  script => '
    if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue(null)) {
      // if null has been added replace it with actual value
      cts._source.res.tags = [{"tagname": "%{tag.name}" }];
    else {
      // if you find the tag, then do nothing
      if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue("%{tag.name}")) {}
      else {
        // if the value you try to add is not null
        if (%{tag.name} != null)
           // add it as a new object into the tag array
           ctx._source.res.tags += {"tagname": "%{tag.name}"};
    [400] {"error":"ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 
1: script or doc is missing;
2: script or doc is missing;
3: script or doc is missing;],"status":400]} {:class=> ... bla bla ...}

select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name'
from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag
where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id
res.id | res.name | tag.name
0 | result0 | null
0 | result0 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagB
2 | result2 | tagA
2 | result2 | tagC
 "mappings": { 
  "res": { 
   "properties": { 
    "id": { "type": "long"},
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": { "tagname": { "type": "string" }}
input {
 jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => "jtds-1.3.1.jar"
  jdbc_driver_class => "Java::net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
  jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:jtds:sybase://hostname.com:1234/schema"
  jdbc_user => "george"
  jdbc_password => "monkey"
  jdbc_fetch_size => 100
  statement_filepath => "/home/george/sql"
output {
 elasticsearch {
  action => "update"
  index => "myres"
  document_type => "res"
  document_id => "%{res.id}"
  script_lang => "groovy"
  hosts => [ "my.other.host.com:5921" ]
  upsert => ' {
    "id" : %{res.id},
    "name" : "%{res.name}",
    "tags" :[{ "tagname": "%{tag.name}" }]
  script => '
    if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue(null)) {
      // if null has been added replace it with actual value
      cts._source.res.tags = [{"tagname": "%{tag.name}" }];
    else {
      // if you find the tag, then do nothing
      if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue("%{tag.name}")) {}
      else {
        // if the value you try to add is not null
        if (%{tag.name} != null)
           // add it as a new object into the tag array
           ctx._source.res.tags += {"tagname": "%{tag.name}"};
    [400] {"error":"ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 
1: script or doc is missing;
2: script or doc is missing;
3: script or doc is missing;],"status":400]} {:class=> ... bla bla ...}


 "hits": {
   "total": 3,
   "max_score": 1,
   "hits": [ {
     "_index": "myres",
     "_type": "res",
     "_id": 0,
     "_score": 1,
     "_source": {
       "res": {
         "name": "result0",
         "tags": [{"tagname": "tagA"}],
         "@version": "2",
         "@timestamp": "2016-xx-yy..."
     "_index": "myres",
     "_type": "res",
     "_id": 1,
     "_score": 1,
     "_source": {
       "res": {
         "name": "result1",
         "tags": [{"tagname": "tagA"},{"tagname": "tagB"}],
         "@version": "2",
         "@timestamp": "2016-xx-yy..."
     "_index": "myres",
     "_type": "res",
     "_id": 2,
     "_score": 1,
     "_source": {
       "res": {
         "name": "result2",
         "tags": [{"tagname": "tagA"},{"tagname": "tagC"],
         "@version": "2",
         "@timestamp": "2016-xx-yy..."



select res.id as 'res.id', res.name as 'res.name', tag.name as 'tag.name'
from Res res, ResTags rt, Tags tag
where res.id *= rt.resrow and rt.tagid *= tag.id
res.id | res.name | tag.name
0 | result0 | null
0 | result0 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagA
1 | result1 | tagB
2 | result2 | tagA
2 | result2 | tagC
 "mappings": { 
  "res": { 
   "properties": { 
    "id": { "type": "long"},
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": { "tagname": { "type": "string" }}
input {
 jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => "jtds-1.3.1.jar"
  jdbc_driver_class => "Java::net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
  jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:jtds:sybase://hostname.com:1234/schema"
  jdbc_user => "george"
  jdbc_password => "monkey"
  jdbc_fetch_size => 100
  statement_filepath => "/home/george/sql"
output {
 elasticsearch {
  action => "update"
  index => "myres"
  document_type => "res"
  document_id => "%{res.id}"
  script_lang => "groovy"
  hosts => [ "my.other.host.com:5921" ]
  upsert => ' {
    "id" : %{res.id},
    "name" : "%{res.name}",
    "tags" :[{ "tagname": "%{tag.name}" }]
  script => '
    if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue(null)) {
      // if null has been added replace it with actual value
      cts._source.res.tags = [{"tagname": "%{tag.name}" }];
    else {
      // if you find the tag, then do nothing
      if (ctx._source.res.tags.containsValue("%{tag.name}")) {}
      else {
        // if the value you try to add is not null
        if (%{tag.name} != null)
           // add it as a new object into the tag array
           ctx._source.res.tags += {"tagname": "%{tag.name}"};
    [400] {"error":"ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 
1: script or doc is missing;
2: script or doc is missing;
3: script or doc is missing;],"status":400]} {:class=> ... bla bla ...}

  • 为了避免浪费人们的时间,doc\u as\u upsert=>true也不能按预期工作。它只会不断更新/覆盖数据库,只会保留数据库的最新一行
  • 另外,jdbc到ES的river插件不支持嵌套结构的嵌套,因此无法正常工作

scripted\u upsert
script\u type:file