Ember.js 自动提交对具有余烬数据的其他记录的附带更改

Ember.js 自动提交对具有余烬数据的其他记录的附带更改,ember.js,commit,ember-data,sideloading,Ember.js,Commit,Ember Data,Sideloading,我有一个应用程序,其中一个用户有一个团队 我在你创建新团队的表格上。当我创建一个团队时,我的api返回新团队的json,还返回其所有者用户的一些json,因为创建一个团队会更改用户中的标志 { "team": { "id":139, "name":"myteam", "manager_nickname":"Miguel", "stadium_name":"riazr", "user_id":10, "next_match_id":null,



  "team": {
我的应用程序在初始化控制器时创建事务,并调用createRecord以填充控制器的模型。 此模型的属性会自动填充到表单字段的绑定。 提交操作验证客户端中的一些字段,如果所有字段都正确,则提交事务


App.TeamsNewController = Ember.Controller.extend(Ember.Validations.Mixin,{
  // Validations
  // ..code omitted..

  // Bindings
  // ..code omitted..

  // Observers
  transitionAfterSave: function(){
    if (this.get('model.id')){
      // At this point the team has been successfully saved.
      // App.get('currentTeam.isDirty') # => false
      // App.get('currentUser.isDirty') # => true
      // The transaction committed the changes in the team record. Committing those
      // changes bring some other changes to the team's user via side-load, and those
      // changes are not commited yet.
      // I can understand it, since the commit was made before these data where
      // returned, but I think that it should be a way to autocommit changes from
      // sideloaded data.
      // If commit a change returns side-loaded data from the server, this data should
      // be commited as well. Server's word is sacred, isn't it?
      var team = this.get('model');
      App.set('currentUser.team', team);
      App.set('currentTeam', team);

  // Actions
  // This function is called in the #setupController method of the route
  buildTeam: function(){
    this.transaction = this.get('store').transaction();
    var team = this.transaction.createRecord(
      { managerNickname: App.get('currentUser.firstName') }
    this.set('model', team);

  submit: function() {
    var controller = this;
      if (controller.get('isValid')){
        controller.transaction = null;




  transitionAfterSave: function(){
    if (this.get('model.id')){
      var team = this.get('model');

      App.set('currentUser.team', team);
      // Was this line the one that marked the record as dirty.
      // I realized that the current user was not automatically caching the team
      // identity map mechanism as the own. I didn't gave importance to this and
      // just stablished the relation manually. BAD IDEA
      // Identity map should recognise automatically the relation.
      // The problem was in the json. I added a team_id: XXX key on the side
      // loaded data of the user, all worked.
      // Is still strange to me to send foreign_keys that don't really exist in the 
      // database (is team the one that has a user_id field) and I didn't realized
      // that ember is a different world.
      // Now this line has gone and all works.

      App.set('currentTeam', team);