Encoding Gnuplot读取的不是区域设置编码文件

Encoding Gnuplot读取的不是区域设置编码文件,encoding,plot,gnuplot,iso-8859-1,Encoding,Plot,Gnuplot,Iso 8859 1,我想将ISO_8859_1编码文件的数据绘制为两列数字。这些是文件的前10个数据点: #Pe2 1 0.8000 2 0.8000 3 0.8000 4 0.8000 5 0.8000 6 0.8000 7 0.8000 8 0.8000 9 0.8000 10 0.8000 原始文件有15000个


        1   0.8000
        2   0.8000
        3   0.8000
        4   0.8000
        5   0.8000
        6   0.8000
        7   0.8000
        8   0.8000
        9   0.8000
       10   0.8000

 slCharacterEncoding('ISO-8859-1');             %Instruction before writing anything to the file.

 fprintf(fileID,'  %7d  %7.4f',Tempo(i),y(i));  %For loop in this instruction

 fprintf(fileID,'\r');                          %Closing the file
这是我运行的脚本。此文件使用默认的Windows txt文件编码:

set encoding iso_8859_1
set terminal wxt size 1000,551 
# Line width of the axes
set border linewidth 1.5
# Line styles
set style line 1 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 0   # red
# Axes label
set xlabel 'tiempo'
set ylabel 'valor'
plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
        G N U P L O T
        Version 4.6 patchlevel 5    last modified February 2014
        Build System: MS-Windows 32 bit 

        Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2014
        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

        gnuplot home:     http://www.gnuplot.info
        faq, bugs, etc:   type "help FAQ"
        immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')

Terminal type set to 'wxt'
gnuplot> cd 'C:\Example'
gnuplot> load 'script.txt'
         "script.txt", line 10: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points

gnuplot> plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
         "script.txt", line 10: x range is invalid

gnuplot> show encoding

        nominal character encoding is iso_8859_1
        however LC_CTYPE in current locale is Spanish_Spain.1252


set encoding iso_8859_1
set terminal wxt size 1000,551 
# Line width of the axes
set border linewidth 1.5
# Line styles
set style line 1 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 0   # red
# Axes label
set xlabel 'tiempo'
set ylabel 'valor'
plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
        G N U P L O T
        Version 4.6 patchlevel 5    last modified February 2014
        Build System: MS-Windows 32 bit 

        Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2014
        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

        gnuplot home:     http://www.gnuplot.info
        faq, bugs, etc:   type "help FAQ"
        immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')

Terminal type set to 'wxt'
gnuplot> cd 'C:\Example'
gnuplot> load 'script.txt'
         "script.txt", line 10: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points

gnuplot> plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
         "script.txt", line 10: x range is invalid

gnuplot> show encoding

        nominal character encoding is iso_8859_1
        however LC_CTYPE in current locale is Spanish_Spain.1252




Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");


StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(dir + @"\" + + (k+1) + "_" + nombre  + extension);

                Writer.WriteLine("#" + (k+1) + "_" + nombre);
                Writer.WriteLine("{0,32} {1,32}", "#tiempo", "#valor");

                for (int i = 0; i < tiempo.GetLength(0); i++)
                    Writer.WriteLine("{0,32} {1,32}", tiempo[i].ToString(), valor[i, k]);


您的文件只有回车符\r 0xd作为换行符,这不适用于gnuplot。您必须只使用换行符0xa,但\r\n也可以使用。
