Excel vba 将透视表中的主题颜色应用于相邻单元格

Excel vba 将透视表中的主题颜色应用于相邻单元格,excel-vba,excel,vba,colors,themes,pivot-table,Excel Vba,Excel,Vba,Colors,Themes,Pivot Table,我想将一个单元格的颜色复制到下一个单元格时遇到问题,但当它复制时,颜色总是白色或“无填充” 以下代码示例是问题区域: 'If the status cell('E') is empty (is not a table header) If rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "" Then 'Apply the color of 'C' column to the cells in the status('E') and note('

我想将一个单元格的颜色复制到下一个单元格时遇到问题,但当它复制时,颜色总是白色或“无填充” 以下代码示例是问题区域:

'If the status cell('E') is empty (is not a table header)
        If rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "" Then

           'Apply the color of 'C' column to the cells in the status('E') and note('F') column
            rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Interior.ThemeColor = rngCell.Interior.ThemeColor
            rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Interior.ThemeColor = rngCell.Interior.ThemeColor
        End If
我认为问题在于我试图将透视表中单元格的颜色复制到透视表之外的单元格。这就是我使用“.ThemeColor;”的原因颜色设置为Pivot Style Medium 2,使用.ColorIndex时该颜色不可用



'Initialize variables to save cell ranges
Dim rngTables As range
Dim rngClick As range
Dim rngCell As range

'Set the range of cells to be checked
'We want to check the description fields to check if there is description text
'Cells with descriptions are the parameters being tested
Set rngTables = range("C4:C200")

'Loop through the cells in rngTables using rngCell to check each cell individually
For Each rngCell In rngTables

    'Add cells to rngClick if they are NOT Blank
    If Not rngCell.Value = "" And Not rngCell.Value = "Description" Then
        If Not rngClick Is Nothing Then

            'Add the 2nd, 3rd, 4th... Cell to our new range, rng2
            'This is the most common outcome so place it first in the IF test (faster coding)
            Set rngClick = Union(rngClick, rngCell.Offset(0, 2))

            'The first valid cell becomes rngClick
            Set rngClick = rngCell.Offset(0, 2)
        End If

        'If the status cell('E') is empty (is not a table header)
        If rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "" Then

           'Apply the color of 'C' column to the cells in the status('E') and note('F') column
            rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Interior.ThemeColor = rngCell.Interior.ThemeColor
            rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Interior.ThemeColor = rngCell.Interior.ThemeColor
        End If
    End If
Next rngCell


If rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "" Then

           'Apply the color of 'C' column to the cells in the status('E') and note('F') column
            rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Interior.Color = rngCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
            rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Interior.Color = rngCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
        End If