excel vba中带有复制的VBScript的外部过程无效

excel vba中带有复制的VBScript的外部过程无效,excel,vba,vbscript,Excel,Vba,Vbscript,我正在尝试在Excel中的函数中以VBA代码的形式运行: Option Explicit MsgBox(DoubleMetaphone(InputBox("Enter String"), 6)) Function DoubleMetaphone(strOriginal, intThreshhold) Dim isSlavoGermanic, strPrimary, strSecondary, i, intJump, iB Dim intLength, cP, cS, arr,


Option Explicit

MsgBox(DoubleMetaphone(InputBox("Enter String"), 6))

Function DoubleMetaphone(strOriginal, intThreshhold)
    Dim isSlavoGermanic, strPrimary, strSecondary, i, intJump, iB
    Dim intLength, cP, cS, arr, x, intPad

isSlavoGermanic = False
iB = 4
intPad = 6
x = iB
intLength = Len(strOriginal) + iB - 1
strOriginal = UCase(strOriginal)

If (InStr(strOriginal, "W") + InStr(strOriginal, "K") + InStr(strOriginal, "CZ") + InStr(strOriginal, "WITZ")) <> 0 Then
    isSlavoGermanic = True
End If

ReDim arr(intLength + intPad + 1)

For i = 0 To iB-1
    arr(i) = vbTab

For i = iB To intLength
    arr(i) = Mid(strOriginal, i-iB+1, 1)

For i = intLength+1 To UBound(arr)
    arr(i) = vbTab

Select Case (arr(x) & arr(x+1))
    Case "AC"
        strPrimary = "AKS"
        strSecondary = "AKS"
        x = x + 4
    Case "GN", "KN", "PN", "PS"
        x = x + 1
    Case "HA", "HE", "HI", "HO", "HU", "HY"
        strPrimary = "H"
        strSecondary = "H"
        x = x + 2
    Case "WA", "WE", "WI", "WO", "WU", "WY"
        strPrimary = "A"
        strSecondary = "F"
        x = x + 2
    Case "WH"
        strPrimary = "A"
        strSecondary = "A"
        x = x + 1
    Case "SM", "SN", "SL", "SW"
        strPrimary = "S"
        strSecondary = "X"
        x = x + 1
    Case "GY"
        strPrimary = "K"
        strSecondary = "J"
        x = x + 2
End Select

If x = iB Then
    If arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "JOSE" Then
        If (x = iB And arr(x+4) = " ") Then
            strPrimary = "HS"
            strSecondary = "HS"
            x = x + 4
        End If
    ElseIf arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "SUGAR" Then
        strPrimary = "XK"
        strSecondary = "SK"
        x = x + 5
    ElseIf arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) & arr(x+5) = "CAESAR" Then
        strPrimary = "SSR"
        strSecondary = "SSR"
        x = x + 6
    ElseIf (arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) & arr(x+5) = "CHARAC" Or _
    arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) & arr(x+5) = "CHARIS" Or _
    arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "CHOR" Or _
    arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "CHYM" Or _
    arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "CHEM") And _
    arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) <> "CHORE" Then
        strPrimary = "K"
        strSecondary = "K"
        x = x + 2
    End If
End If

If x = iB Then
    Select Case arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2)
        Case "GES", "GEP", "GEB", "GEL", "GEY", "GIB", "GIL", "GIN", "GIE", "GEI", "GER"
            strPrimary = "K"
            strSecondary = "J"
            x = x + 2
        Case "GHI"
            strPrimary = "J"
            strSecondary = "J"
            x = x + 3
        Case "AGN", "EGN", "IGN", "OGN", "UGN", "UGY"
            If Not isSlavoGermanic Then
                strPrimary = "AKN"
                strSecondary = "AN"
                x = x + 3
            End If
    End Select
End If

If x = iB Then
    Select Case arr(x)
        Case "X"
            strPrimary = "S"
            strSecondary = "S"
            x = x + 1
        Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y"
            strPrimary = "A"
            strSecondary = "A"
            x = x + 1
        Case "J"
            strPrimary = "J"
            strSecondary = "A"
            x = x + 1
    End Select
End If

Do While x <= intLength
    If Len(strPrimary) >= intThreshhold Then
        Exit Do
    End If

    intJump = 1
    cP = arr(x)
    cS = arr(x)

    Select Case arr(x)
        Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y"
            cP = ""
            cS = ""

        Case "B"
            cP = "P"
            cS = "P"

        Case "Ç"
            cP = "S"
            cS = "S"

        Case "C"
            If x > iB+1 And arr(x-2) <> "A" And arr(x-2) <> "E" And arr(x-2) <> "I" And arr(x-2) <> "O" And arr(x-2) <> "U" And _
            arr(x-2) <> "Y" And arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) = "AH" And ((arr(x+2) <> "I" And arr(x+2) <> "E") Or _
            arr(x-2) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "BER" Or arr(x-2) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "MER") Then
                cP = "K"
                cS = "K"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "HIA" Then
                cP = "K"
                cS = "K"
                intJump = 4
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "H" Then
                If x > iB And arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "AE" Then
                    cP = "K"
                    cS = "X"
                    intJump = 2
                ElseIf arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) = "VAN " Or _
                arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) = "VON " Or _
                arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) = "SCH" Or arr(x+2) = "T" Or arr(x+2) = "S" Or _
                arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ORHES" Or _
                arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ARHIT" Or _
                arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ORHID" Or _ 
                ((arr(x-2) = "A" Or arr(x-2) = "E" Or arr(x-2) = "O" Or arr(x-2) = "U" Or x = iB) And _
                (arr(x+2) = "L" Or arr(x+2) = "R" Or arr(x+2) = "N" Or arr(x+2) = "M" Or arr(x+2) = "B" Or _
                arr(x+2) = "H" Or arr(x+2) = "F" Or arr(x+2) = "V" Or arr(x+2) = "W" Or arr(x+2) = " "))Then
                    cP = "K"
                    cS = "K"
                    intJump = 2
                    intJump = 2

                    If x > iB Then
                        If arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) = "MC" Then
                            cP = "K"
                            cS = "K"
                            cP = "X"
                            cS = "K"
                        End If
                        cP = "X"
                        cS = "X"
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "Z" And arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) <> "WI" Then
                cP = "S"
                cS = "X"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+2) = "CIA" Then
                cP = "X"
                cS = "X"
                intJump = 3
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "C" And Not (x = iB+1 And arr(iB) = "M") Then
                If (arr(x+2) = "I" Or arr(x+2) = "E" Or arr(x+2) = "H") And arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) <> "HU" Then
                    If arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "UCEE" Or _
                    arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "UCES" Then
                        cP = "KS"
                        cS = "KS"
                        intJump = 3
                        cP = "X"
                        cS = "X"
                        intJump = 3
                    End If
                    cP = "K"
                    cS = "K"
                    intJump = 2
                End If
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "K" Or arr(x+1) = "G" Or arr(x+1) = "Q" Then
                cP = "K"
                cS = "K"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "I" Or arr(x+1) = "E" Or arr(x+1) = "Y" Then
                If arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IO" Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IE" Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IA" Then
                    cP = "S"
                    cS = "X"
                    intJump = 2
                    cP = "S"
                    cS = "S"
                    intJump = 2
                End If
                cP = "K"
                cS = "K"

                If arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = " C" Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = " Q" Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = " G" Then
                    intJump = 3
                    If (arr(x+1) = "C" Or arr(x+1) = "K" Or arr(x+1) = "Q") And _
                    arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) <> "CE" And arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) <> "CI" Then 
                        intJump = 2
                    End If
                End If
            End If

        Case "D"
            If arr(x+1) = "G" Then
                If arr(x+2) = "I" Or _
                arr(x+2) = "E" Or _
                arr(x+2) = "Y" Then
                    cP = "J"
                    cS = "J"
                    intJump = 3
                    cP = "TK"
                    cS = "TK"
                    intJump = 2
                End If
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "T" Then
                cP = "T"
                cS = "T"
                intJump = 2
                cP = "T"
                cS = "T"
            End If

        Case "G"
            If arr(x+1) = "H" Then
                If x <> iB And arr(x-1) <> "A" And arr(x-1) <> "E" And arr(x-1) <> "I" _
                And arr(x-1) <> "O" And arr(x-1) <> "U" And arr(x-1) <> "Y" Then
                    cP = "K"
                    cS = "K"
                    intJump = 2
                ElseIf (x > iB+1 And (arr(x-2) = "B" Or arr(x-2) = "H" Or arr(x-2) = "D")) Or _
                (x > iB+2 And (arr(x-3) = "B" Or arr(x-3) = "H" Or arr(x-3) = "D")) Or _
                (x > iB+3 And (arr(x-4) = "B" Or arr(x-4) = "H")) Then
                    cP = ""
                    cS = ""
                    intJump = 2
                    If x > iB+2 And arr(x-1) = "U" And _
                    (arr(x-3) = "C" Or arr(x-3) = "G" Or arr(x-3) = "L" Or arr(x-3) = "R" Or arr(x-3) = "T") Then
                        cP = "F"
                        cS = "F"
                        intJump = 2
                    ElseIf x > iB And arr(x-1) <> "I" Then
                        cP = "K"
                        cS = "K"
                        intJump = 2
                        cP = ""
                        cS = ""
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "N" Then
                cS = "KN"
                intJump = 2

                If arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) <> "EY" And Not isSlavoGermanic Then
                    cP = "N"
                    cP = "KN"
                End If
            ElseIf arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "LI" And Not isSlavoGermanic Then
                cP = "KL"
                cS = "L"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf (arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ER" Or arr(x+1) = "Y") And _
            arr(x-1) <> "E" And arr(x-1) <> "I" And _
            arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) <> "RY" And _
            arr(x-1) & arr(x+1) <> "OY" And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) & arr(iB+4) & arr(iB+5) <> "DANGER" And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) & arr(iB+4) & arr(iB+5) <> "RANGER" And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) & arr(iB+4) & arr(iB+5) <> "MANGER" Then
                cP = "K"
                cS = "J"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "E" Or arr(x+1) = "I" Or arr(x+1) = "Y" Or _
            arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "AGGI" Or _
            arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "OGGI" Then
                If arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) = "VON " Or _
                arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) = "VAN " Or _
                arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) = "SCH" Or _
                arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ET" Then
                    cP = "K"
                    cS = "K"
                    intJump = 2
                    cP = "J"
                    If arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "IER " Then
                        cS = "J"
                        intJump = 3
                        cS = "K"
                        intJump = 2
                    End If
                End If
                cP = "K"
                cS = "K"
            End If

        Case "H"
            If (arr(x-1) = "A" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "E" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "I" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "O" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "U" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "Y") And _
            (arr(x+1) = "A" Or _
            arr(x+1) = "E" Or _
            arr(x+1) = "I" Or _
            arr(x+1) = "O" Or _
            arr(x+1) = "U" Or _
            arr(x+1) = "Y") Then
                intJump = 2
                cP = ""
                cS = ""
            End If

        Case "J"
            If arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) = "SAN " Then
                cP = "H"
                cS = "H"
                If Not isSlavoGermanic And ( _
                arr(x-1) = "A" Or _
                arr(x-1) = "E" Or _
                arr(x-1) = "I" Or _
                arr(x-1) = "O" Or _
                arr(x-1) = "U" Or _
                arr(x-1) = "Y") And ( _
                arr(x+1) = "A" Or _
                arr(x+1) = "O") Then
                    cS = "H"
                    If x = intLength Then
                        cS = ""
                        If arr(x+1) = "L" Or arr(x+1) = "T" Or arr(x+1) = "K" Or _
                        arr(x+1) = "S" Or arr(x+1) = "N" Or arr(x+1) = "M" Or _
                        arr(x+1) = "B" Or arr(x+1) = "Z" Or _
                        arr(x-1) = "S" Or arr(x-1) = "K" Or arr(x-1) = "L" Then
                            cP = ""
                            cS = ""
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If

        Case "L"
            If arr(x+1) = "L" Then
                intJump = 2

                If ((x = intLength-2 And ( _
                arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ILLO" Or _
                arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ILLA" Or _
                arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ALLE" _
                )) Or (( _
                arr(intLength-1) & arr(intLength) = "AS" Or _
                arr(intLength-1) & arr(intLength) = "OS" Or _
                arr(intLength) = "A" Or arr(intLength) = "O") And _
                arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ALLE")) Then
                    cS = ""
                End If
            End If

        Case "M"
            If arr(x-1) & arr(x) & arr(x+1) = "UMB" And _
            (x = intLength-1 Or arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ER") Then
                intJump = 2
            End If

        Case "P"
            Select Case arr(x+1)
                Case "H"
                    cP = "F"
                    cS = "F"
                    intJump = 2
                Case "B"
                    intJump = 2
            End Select

        Case "Q"
            cP = "K"
            cS = "K"

        Case "R"
            If x = intLength And Not isSlavoGermanic And _
            arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) = "IE" And _
            arr(x-4) & arr(x-3) <> "ME" And _
            arr(x-4) & arr(x-3) <> "MA" Then
                cP = ""
            End If

        Case "S"
            If arr(x+1) = "L" And (arr(x-1) = "I" Or arr(x-1) = "Y") Then
                cP = ""
                cS = ""
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "H" And _
            arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) <> "EIM" And _
            arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) <> "OEK" And _
            arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) <> "OLM" And _
            arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) <> "OLZ" Then
                intJump = 2
                cP = "X"
                cS = "X"
            ElseIf Not isSlavoGermanic And ( _
            arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IA" Or _
            arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IO") Then
                intJump = 3
                cS = "X"
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "Z" Then
                cS = "X"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "C" Then
                intJump = 3

                If arr(x+2) = "H" Then
                    If arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "OO" Or _
                    arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "ER" Or _
                    arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "EN" Or _
                    arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "UY" Or _
                    arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "ED" Or _
                    arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "EM" Then
                        cS = "SK"

                        If arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "ER" Or _
                        arr(x+3) & arr(x+4) = "EN" Then
                            cP = "X"
                            cP = "SK"
                        End If
                        cP = "X"

                        If x <> iB Or arr(iB+3) = "W" Or arr(iB+3) = "A" Or _
                        arr(iB+3) = "E" Or arr(iB+3) = "I" Or arr(iB+3) = "O" Or _
                        arr(iB+3) = "U" Or arr(iB+3) = "Y" Then
                            cS = "X"
                        End If
                    End If
                ElseIf arr(x+2) = "I" Or arr(x+2) = "E" Or arr(x+2) = "Y" Then
                    cP = "SK"
                    cS = "SK"
                End If
            ElseIf x = intLength And arr(x-1) = "I" And ( _
            arr(x-2) = "A" Or arr(x-2) = "O") Then
                cP = ""
            End If

        Case "T"
            If arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ION" _
            Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "IA" _
            Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "CH" Then
                cP = "X"
                cS = "X"
                intJump = 3
            ElseIf (arr(x+1) = "H" Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "TH") And _
            (arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) <> "OM" And _
            arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) <> "AM" And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) <> "SCH" And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) <> "VAN " And _
            arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) & arr(iB+3) <> "VON ") Then
                cP = "0"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(x+1) = "D" Then
                intJump = 2
            End If

        Case "V"
            cP = "F"
            cS = "F"

        Case "W"
            If arr(x+1) = "R" Then
                cP = "R"
                cS = "R"
                intJump = 2
            ElseIf arr(iB) & arr(iB+1) & arr(iB+2) = "SCH" _
            Or (x = intLength And ( _
            arr(x-1) = "A" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "E" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "I" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "O" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "U" Or _
            arr(x-1) = "Y")) _
            Or ((arr(x-1) = "E" Or arr(x-1) = "O") And _
            (arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "SKI" Or _
            arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "SKY")) Then
                cP = ""
                cS = "F"
            ElseIf arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ICZ" _
            Or arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) & arr(x+3) = "ITZ" Then
                cP = "TS"
                cS = "FX"
                intJump = 4
                cP = ""
                cS = ""
            End If

        Case "X"
            If x = intLength And _
            (arr(x-3) & arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) = "IAU" Or _ 
            arr(x-3) & arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) = "EAU" Or _
            arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) = "AU" Or _
            arr(x-2) & arr(x-1) = "OU") Then
                cP = ""
                cS = ""
                cP = "KS"
                cS = "KS"
            End If

            If arr(x+1) = "C" Then
                intJump = 2
            End If

        Case "Z"
            If arr(x+1) = "H" Then
                cP = "J"
                cS = "J"
            ElseIf (arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ZO" Or _
            arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ZI" Or _
            arr(x+1) & arr(x+2) = "ZA") _
            Or (isSlavoGermanic And x <> iB And arr(x-1) = "T") Then
                cP = "S"
                cS = "TS"
                cP = "S"
                cS = "S"
            End If
    End Select

    strPrimary = strPrimary & cP
    strSecondary = strSecondary & cS

    If arr(x) = arr(x+1) And arr(x) <> "C" Then
        intJump = intJump + 1
    End If
    x = x + intJump

For i = 1 To intThreshhold
    strPrimary = strPrimary & " "
    strSecondary = strSecondary & " "

DoubleMetaphone = Left(strPrimary, intThreshhold) & Left(strSecondary, intThreshhold)
End Function



Sub Whatever()
    MsgBox DoubleMetaphone(InputBox("Enter String"), 6)
End Sub
Sub Whatever()
    MsgBox DoubleMetaphone(InputBox("Enter String"), 6)
End Sub