
Excel:通过另一个列ID充实列数据,excel,Excel,我有一个excel文件,其中有多行具有相同的“主题ID”,其中一列(值a)始终具有相同的主题ID值(或为空)。例如: ╔══════════════════════════╗ ║ | subject id | value A | ║ ╠══════════════════════════╣ ║ |:----------:|---------| ║ ║ | 1 | A | ║ ║ | 1 | A | ║ ║ | 1 |


║ | subject id | value A | ║
║ |:----------:|---------| ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |         | ║
║ |      1     |         | ║
║ |      2     |         | ║
║ |      2     |         | ║
║ |      2     |    B    | ║


║ | subject id | value A | ║
║ |:----------:|---------| ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |         | ║
║ |      1     |         | ║
║ |      2     |         | ║
║ |      2     |         | ║
║ |      2     |    B    | ║
║ | subject id | value A | ║
║ |:----------:|---------| ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      1     |    A    | ║
║ |      2     |    B    | ║
║ |      2     |    B    | ║
║ |      2     |    B    | ║








=IF(A1>26,CHAR(QUOTIENT(A1-1,26)+64),"") & CHAR(1+MOD(A1-1,26)+64)

1   A
2   B
26  Z
27  AA
28  AB
29  AC
44  AR
45  AS
53  BA
54  BB
55  BC


=IF(A1>26,CHAR(QUOTIENT(A1-1,26)+64),"") & CHAR(1+MOD(A1-1,26)+64)

1   A
2   B
26  Z
27  AA
28  AB
29  AC
44  AR
45  AS
53  BA
54  BB
55  BC

| subject id | value A | Formula result |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 | Hello   | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 | World   | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          4 |         | D              |
|          4 | D       | D              |
|          4 |         | D              |
|          4 |         | D              |


Function GetCode(InputValue As String, SearchRange As Range, ColOffset As Long)
Dim TempVal As String, FirstFoundRow As Long, LastFoundRow As Long, X As Long
On Error Resume Next 'If not found the result will be null
TempVal = Null
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange, InputValue) > 0 Then
    FirstFoundRow = SearchRange.Find(InputValue).Row 'Determine the rows to check
    LastFoundRow = SearchRange.Find(InputValue, , , , , xlPrevious).Row 'Find the last row, no need to test after that
    For X = FirstFoundRow To LastFoundRow 'Loop the checking rows
        TempVal = SearchRange.Cells(X, ColOffset + 1).Text 'Assign the value of the offset column for the tested row
        If TempVal <> "" Then Exit For 'Quit the loop if it has found the answer
End If
GetCode = TempVal
End Function
函数GetCode(InputValue为字符串,SearchRange为范围,ColOffset为长) Dim TempVal为字符串,FirstFoundRow为长,LastFoundRow为长,X为长 在错误“继续下一步”时,如果未找到,结果将为空 TempVal=Null 如果工作表function.CountIf(SearchRange,InputValue)>0,则 FirstFoundRow=SearchRange.Find(InputValue).Row'确定要检查的行 LastFoundRow=SearchRange.Find(InputValue,,,xlPrevious).Row'查找最后一行,之后无需测试 对于X=FirstFoundRow到LastFoundRow'循环检查行 TempVal=SearchRange.Cells(X,ColOffset+1).Text'为测试行指定偏移量列的值 如果为TempVal“”,则退出“如果找到答案,则退出循环” 下一个 如果结束 GetCode=TempVal 端函数 假设: 主题ID已排序。如果不是,它将给出错误的结果,那么修改代码以搜索非连续数据中的实例就足够简单了




| subject id | value A | Formula result |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 | Hello   | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          1 |         | Hello          |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 |         | B              |
|          2 | B       | B              |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 | World   | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          3 |         | World          |
|          4 |         | D              |
|          4 | D       | D              |
|          4 |         | D              |
|          4 |         | D              |


Function GetCode(InputValue As String, SearchRange As Range, ColOffset As Long)
Dim TempVal As String, FirstFoundRow As Long, LastFoundRow As Long, X As Long
On Error Resume Next 'If not found the result will be null
TempVal = Null
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange, InputValue) > 0 Then
    FirstFoundRow = SearchRange.Find(InputValue).Row 'Determine the rows to check
    LastFoundRow = SearchRange.Find(InputValue, , , , , xlPrevious).Row 'Find the last row, no need to test after that
    For X = FirstFoundRow To LastFoundRow 'Loop the checking rows
        TempVal = SearchRange.Cells(X, ColOffset + 1).Text 'Assign the value of the offset column for the tested row
        If TempVal <> "" Then Exit For 'Quit the loop if it has found the answer
End If
GetCode = TempVal
End Function
函数GetCode(InputValue为字符串,SearchRange为范围,ColOffset为长) Dim TempVal为字符串,FirstFoundRow为长,LastFoundRow为长,X为长 在错误“继续下一步”时,如果未找到,结果将为空 TempVal=Null 如果工作表function.CountIf(SearchRange,InputValue)>0,则 FirstFoundRow=SearchRange.Find(InputValue).Row'确定要检查的行 LastFoundRow=SearchRange.Find(InputValue,,,xlPrevious).Row'查找最后一行,之后无需测试 对于X=FirstFoundRow到LastFoundRow'循环检查行 TempVal=SearchRange.Cells(X,ColOffset+1).Text'为测试行指定偏移量列的值 如果为TempVal“”,则退出“如果找到答案,则退出循环” 下一个 如果结束 GetCode=TempVal 端函数 假设: 主题ID已排序。如果不是,它将给出错误的结果,那么修改代码以搜索非连续数据中的实例就足够简单了


