
如何在Excel中使用VBA进行搜索和替换?,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我是VBA Excel编程新手。考虑一个具有NXN值的Excel表。我的任务是从列中搜索名为“牙刷击球”的文本。一列由多个“牙刷”值组成 一旦在单元格A11中找到该值,则我需要将D11 ie对应D列中的文本更改为“BATTERY”。D11已经有一些文字了,我需要用“电池”替换这些文字 我的代码是 Sub replacement() Dim S As String Dim H As String S = "TOOTHBRUSH BATT" For i =

我是VBA Excel编程新手。考虑一个具有NXN值的Excel表。我的任务是从列中搜索名为“牙刷击球”的文本。一列由多个“牙刷”值组成

一旦在单元格A11中找到该值,则我需要将D11 ie对应D列中的文本更改为“BATTERY”。D11已经有一些文字了,我需要用“电池”替换这些文字


Sub replacement()

    Dim S  As String
    Dim H  As String


    For i = 1 To Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
        If Range("A" & i) = S Then
            Range("D" & i) = "BATTERY"
        End If
    Next i

End Sub



' Declare range  to set to the first cell we find
Dim find as Range
set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT")

' This is the cell Address (in case it keeps looping back to beginning)
Dim addy as string
if not find is nothing then addy = find.address

' If we've found a cell then Keep Do something with it
Do while not find is nothing
    find.Value = "BATTERY"

    ' Find the next Cell
    set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT", After:= find)
    ' If the next found cell is the first one then exit sub/function
    if find.address = addy then exit sub


' Declare range  to set to the first cell we find
Dim find as Range
set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT")

' This is the cell Address (in case it keeps looping back to beginning)
Dim addy as string
if not find is nothing then addy = find.address

' If we've found a cell then Keep Do something with it
Do while not find is nothing
    find.Value = "BATTERY"

    ' Find the next Cell
    set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT", After:= find)
    ' If the next found cell is the first one then exit sub/function
    if find.address = addy then exit sub

' Declare range  to set to the first cell we find
Dim find as Range
set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT")

' This is the cell Address (in case it keeps looping back to beginning)
Dim addy as string
if not find is nothing then addy = find.address

' If we've found a cell then Keep Do something with it
Do while not find is nothing
    find.Value = "BATTERY"

    ' Find the next Cell
    set find = Range("A:A").Cells.Find(What:="TOOTHBRUSH BATT", After:= find)
    ' If the next found cell is the first one then exit sub/function
    if find.address = addy then exit sub