Excel 读取一张包含值列表的工作表,将其拉入另一张计算器工作表,然后将计算出的值复制回第一张工作表

Excel 读取一张包含值列表的工作表,将其拉入另一张计算器工作表,然后将计算出的值复制回第一张工作表,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我想把C度(带压力补偿)转换成PPMv 我有两张床单。第一张表是包含原始数据的表。我有另一个计算器表(我从网上得到的),它是把C度转换成PPMv。我想将两种类型的数据(C度和压力)复制到计算器,然后将计算值复制回第一张图纸 代码: 我相信这是您的代码的更好版本: Sub CaculatePPM() Dim Iteration As Integer 'Set iteration to the first row to be processed Iteration





Sub CaculatePPM()
    Dim Iteration As Integer

    'Set iteration to the first row to be processed    
    Iteration = 7

    'Loop while there is data to be processed
    Do Until Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "D").Value = ""
        'Copy data to Calculator sheet
        Sheets("Calculator").Range("D14").Value = Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "D").Value
        Sheets("Calculator").Range("D16").Value = Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "F").Value

        'This next statement is probably not necessary, but I have included
        'it just in case Excel is set to Manual Calculation

        'Copy results back to DewPoint sheet
        Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "G").Value = Sheets("Calculator").Range("B19").Value

        'This originally said "Iteration = Iteration - 1"
        'Change it back if you are trying to process rows starting from 7 and working UPWARDS
        Iteration = Iteration + 1

End Sub
Sub CaculatePPM()
    Dim Iteration As Integer

    'Set iteration to the first row to be processed    
    Iteration = 7

    'Loop while there is data to be processed
    Do Until Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "D").Value = ""
        'Copy data to Calculator sheet
        Sheets("Calculator").Range("D14").Value = Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "D").Value
        Sheets("Calculator").Range("D16").Value = Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "F").Value

        'This next statement is probably not necessary, but I have included
        'it just in case Excel is set to Manual Calculation

        'Copy results back to DewPoint sheet
        Sheets("DewPoint").Cells(Iteration, "G").Value = Sheets("Calculator").Range("B19").Value

        'This originally said "Iteration = Iteration - 1"
        'Change it back if you are trying to process rows starting from 7 and working UPWARDS
        Iteration = Iteration + 1

End Sub