Excel 如何使用VBA将我的图片放置在现有powerpoint幻灯片的幻灯片中心?

Excel 如何使用VBA将我的图片放置在现有powerpoint幻灯片的幻灯片中心?,excel,vba,charts,powerpoint,Excel,Vba,Charts,Powerpoint,首先,我的图表被复制为图片,当我尝试粘贴它时,对象不支持此属性或方法。PPTPres.Slides28中每个oSh的行出现错误。但最终,我希望我的照片粘贴在幻灯片28的中心,稍微小一点。有谁能告诉我我哪里做错了,我该如何纠正 Option Explicit Sub ExportChartsToPowerPoint_SingleWorksheettesting() 'Declare PowerPoint Variables Dim PPTApp As Object


 Option Explicit

 Sub ExportChartsToPowerPoint_SingleWorksheettesting()

    'Declare PowerPoint Variables
    Dim PPTApp As Object
    Dim PPTPres As Object
    Dim PPTShape As Object
    Dim mySlide As Object
    Dim myslide2 As Object

        Dim i As Long

    'Declare Excel Variables
    Dim Chrt As ChartObject

If PPTApp Is Nothing Then _
Set PPTApp = CreateObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")

On Error GoTo 0
        PPTApp.Visible = True

    'Create new presentation in the PowerPoint application.
      Set PPTPres = PPTApp.Presentations.Open(Filename:="\\fab2crp-nas1\home22\kkang2\Profile\Desktop\myassignment3\mypresentationsample.pptx")

   Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
        Set ppSlide = PPTPres.Slides(28)

        Dim j As Integer
        For j = ppSlide.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
            If ppSlide.Shapes(j).Type = msoPicture Then
            End If
        Next j

With PPTPres.Slides(28)
End With

    Dim oSh As Shape

        For Each oSh In PPTPres.Slides(28) '<---object doesn't support this property or method
            With oSh
                If .Type = msoLinkedPicture _
                Or .Type = msoPicture Then

                ' position it to taste
                .Left = 100
                .Top = 100

                End If
            End With
        Next    ' Shape

End Sub




Sub Tester()

    Dim PPTApp As Object
    Dim PPTPres As Object
    Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim Chrt As ChartObject
    Dim oSh 'As ShapeRange
    Dim pgSet

    'using already open PPT for testing....
    Set PPTApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application") 'get open ppt
    Set ppSlide = PPTApp.Presentations(1).Slides(1)    'the open presentation
    Set pgSet = PPTApp.Presentations(1).PageSetup      'for slide width/height

    Set oSh = ppSlide.Shapes.Paste() '<< get the pasted shape

    'center on slide
    With oSh
        .Left = (pgSet.SlideWidth - .Width) / 2
        .Top = (pgSet.SlideHeight - .Height) / 2
    End With

End Sub

Sub Tester()

    Dim PPTApp As Object
    Dim PPTPres As Object
    Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim Chrt As ChartObject
    Dim oSh 'As ShapeRange
    Dim pgSet

    'using already open PPT for testing....
    Set PPTApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application") 'get open ppt
    Set ppSlide = PPTApp.Presentations(1).Slides(1)    'the open presentation
    Set pgSet = PPTApp.Presentations(1).PageSetup      'for slide width/height

    Set oSh = ppSlide.Shapes.Paste() '<< get the pasted shape

    'center on slide
    With oSh
        .Left = (pgSet.SlideWidth - .Width) / 2
        .Top = (pgSet.SlideHeight - .Height) / 2
    End With

End Sub
