Excel 宏的运行时间越来越长

Excel 宏的运行时间越来越长,excel,performance,vba,optimization,time,Excel,Performance,Vba,Optimization,Time,我的代码可以运行,但问题是运行时间越来越长,每次使用宏时,完成计算所需的时间都在增加。我已经尝试了sytax的各种变体和修改,但由于我对VBA非常陌生,我还没有取得很大的进展。下面是我正在运行的代码(注意,它是作为一个子集运行的,并且ScreenUpdate=False): 这段代码基本上通过删除整行从数据中删除零值结果。最初,它的运行时间约为12秒,但很快就变为55秒,这已经演变为越来越长的运行时间,现在“快”的运行时间为5分钟。下面是一个电子表格,其中记录了运行时和相应的更改: Runtim



Runtime Changes
6:30    None
7:50    None
5:37    Manually stepped through code
7:45    Run with .cells instead of .range("B1:B" & lastRow)
5:21    Run with .Range(B:B)  instead of .range("B1:B" & lastRow)
9:20    Run with application.calculation disabled/enabled, range unchanged
5:35    Run with application.enableEvents disabled/enabled, range unchanged
11:08   Run with application.enableEvents disabled/enabled, Range(B:B)
5:12    None
7:57    Run with Alternative code (old code)
5:45    Range changed to .Range(cells(2,2), Cells(lastRow,2)
10:25   Range changed to .Range(cells(2,2), Cells(lastRow,2), Application.Calculation Disabled/enabled
5:34    Range set to rngB  for .delete portion (range assigned to variable)
9:59    Range set as rng("B1:F" & lastRow)
5:58    Changed system settings for Excel to "High Priority", code reverted to original
9:41    Rerun of old code for comparison
9:26    Reun with change in old code criteria to "0.000"
0:10    Moved SpecialCells……..Delete into 2nd With/End With
5:15    Rerun  SpecialCells……..Delete into 2nd With/End With
11:31   Rerun  SpecialCells……..Delete into 2nd With/End With
11:38   Excel restart; Rerun  SpecialCells……..Delete into 2nd With/End With
5:18    Excel restart; Rerun  SpecialCells……..Delete into 2nd With/End With
6:49    Removed 2nd with 'loop'; all data put into first with statement




Start 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM
Start copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM    lastRow=50000
End copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM for 12270 rows
Start print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM
End print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM
Finished 8/6/2014 1:51:14 PM

Start 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM
Start copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM    lastRow=50000
End copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM for 12339 rows
Start print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM
End print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM
Finished 8/6/2014 1:51:15 PM

Start 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM
Start copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM    lastRow=50000
End copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM for 12275 rows
Start print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM
End print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM
Finished 8/6/2014 1:51:16 PM

Start 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM
Start copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM    lastRow=50000
End copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM for 12178 rows
Start print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM
End print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM
Finished 8/6/2014 1:51:17 PM

Start 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM
Start copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM    lastRow=50000
End copy data to array 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM for 12130 rows
Start print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM
End print to sheet 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM
Finished 8/6/2014 1:51:18 PM

Sub TimerLoop()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 5
End Sub

Public Sub deleteRows()
Range("B2:F50000").Formula = "=Round(Rand(),2)"

Dim values As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim visible As Range
Dim a As Range, r As Range
Dim nextRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim totalRows As Long
Dim i As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Debug.Print "Start " & Now()

    With ActiveSheet
        .AutoFilterMode = False
        lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

        'Use a range variable instaead of literal construction:
        Set rng = .Range("B2:F" & lastRow)

            With rng
                .AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">0.500", Operator:=xlFilterValues
                .AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=">0.500", Operator:=xlFilterValues
            End With

            'Assign the values to an array:
            Debug.Print "Start copy data to array " & Now() & vbTab & "lastRow=" & lastRow

            Set visible = rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

            For Each a In visible.Areas
                For Each r In a.Rows
                totalRows = totalRows + 1
                'values(i) = r.Value

            ReDim values(1 To totalRows)

            For Each a In visible.Areas
                For Each r In a.Rows
                    i = i + 1
                    values(i) = r.Value

            'Turn off autofilter, clear the cells
            .AutoFilterMode = False
            Debug.Print "End copy data to array " & Now() & " for " & totalRows & " rows"
            'Put the values back in to the sheet, from the array
            Debug.Print "Start print to sheet " & Now()

            rng.Rows(1).Resize(totalRows).Value = _

            Debug.Print "End print to sheet " & Now()

        .AutoFilterMode = False
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    End With
Debug.Print "Finished " & Now() & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


PS:运行时日志中引用的“旧代码”可以在此处找到:是格式重要吗?如果没有,可以尝试使用ADO查询出所需的单元格(字段2和5 0.000)并将记录集粘贴到新的工作表(甚至删除整个范围并仅粘贴查询的结果)?我看到了类似的问题,尽管我的第一次大约25秒,现在大约90秒用于后续运行。问题似乎出现在
Public Sub deleteRows()
Range("B2:F50000").Formula = "=Round(Rand(),2)"

Dim values As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim visible As Range
Dim a As Range, r As Range
Dim nextRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim totalRows As Long
Dim i As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Debug.Print "Start " & Now()

    With ActiveSheet
        .AutoFilterMode = False
        lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

        'Use a range variable instaead of literal construction:
        Set rng = .Range("B2:F" & lastRow)

            With rng
                .AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">0.500", Operator:=xlFilterValues
                .AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=">0.500", Operator:=xlFilterValues
            End With

            'Assign the values to an array:
            Debug.Print "Start copy data to array " & Now() & vbTab & "lastRow=" & lastRow

            Set visible = rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

            For Each a In visible.Areas
                For Each r In a.Rows
                totalRows = totalRows + 1
                'values(i) = r.Value

            ReDim values(1 To totalRows)

            For Each a In visible.Areas
                For Each r In a.Rows
                    i = i + 1
                    values(i) = r.Value

            'Turn off autofilter, clear the cells
            .AutoFilterMode = False
            Debug.Print "End copy data to array " & Now() & " for " & totalRows & " rows"
            'Put the values back in to the sheet, from the array
            Debug.Print "Start print to sheet " & Now()

            rng.Rows(1).Resize(totalRows).Value = _

            Debug.Print "End print to sheet " & Now()

        .AutoFilterMode = False
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    End With
Debug.Print "Finished " & Now() & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub