Exception 部署后无法连接到Azure远程计算机异常

Exception 部署后无法连接到Azure远程计算机异常,exception,azure,deployment,visual-studio-2013,continuous-integration,Exception,Azure,Deployment,Visual Studio 2013,Continuous Integration,我有一个使用EF6的MVC5互联网应用程序,在部署到Azure时遇到问题。我在过去成功地部署到同一个url,唯一的区别是我现在使用的是BizSpark帐户 我正在使用连续集成,并从Visual Studio Online进行部署 以下是错误消息: Exception Message: Could not connect to the remote computer ("canfindlocation.scm.azurewebsites.net"). On the remote computer,


我正在使用连续集成,并从Visual Studio Online进行部署


Exception Message: Could not connect to the remote computer ("canfindlocation.scm.azurewebsites.net"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started.  Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE. (type DeploymentDetailedException)

Diagnosis - Web Management Service or Remote Agent is not installed or unreachable on the remote computer.
Resolution - Verify that Remote Agent Service or Web Management Service are started on the remote computer, depending on which one you are connecting to. You can do a "net start wmsvc & net start msdepsvc" on the remote computer to ensure these services are started. Also, ensure that a firewall is not interrupting communications with the destination.
