Facebook graph api 我如何授予Facebook应用程序发布到Facebook页面的特权(我两者都拥有)?

Facebook graph api 我如何授予Facebook应用程序发布到Facebook页面的特权(我两者都拥有)?,facebook-graph-api,permissions,Facebook Graph Api,Permissions,我不了解有关权限以及如何授予权限的重要内容。我制作了一个Facebook页面,我还制作了一个应用程序。我希望该应用程序能够发布到该页面 下面是我的代码。我正在使用fb_图形ruby gem,顺便说一句() 这就是错误: FbGraph::Unauthorized: OAuthException :: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions 我已经在应用程序和页面设置中找到了所有我能想到的地方,但不知道如何做到这一点。谢谢你的帮助


下面是我的代码。我正在使用fb_图形ruby gem,顺便说一句()


FbGraph::Unauthorized: OAuthException :: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions


您需要通过用户访问令牌授予访问权限。 本例中的当前令牌是应用程序访问令牌




So, getting the right access tokens is f***ing hard, and here's my current understanding:

In order to get a token that last forever so that my app can post to a page I have to do this:

1. Create a short-lived user access token with the right scope for the app (manage_pages, publish_actions) using the explorer
    - page access tokens can be obtained via /me/accounts from the explorer page
    - if the user access token that is "live" during the /me/accounts request is short lived then this page access token will be too
    - if it is an extended long-lived token the page access token will have no expiry according to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens

2. Extend short-lived user access token to a long-lived one via a graph api call, also using exploer (see below)
3. Execute the /me/accounts call to get a page token that doesn't expire

 How to get a long lived user access token

    client_id          = App Id
    &client_secret     = App Secret
    &fb_exchange_token = short lived user access token via explorer with proper scope

 This gives you the following long lived access token

 This is an extended user access_token
 This token can be used to post to the page it was genrated for.
 It can also be used to get a no-expiry page access token when used to issue /me/accounts



So, getting the right access tokens is f***ing hard, and here's my current understanding:

In order to get a token that last forever so that my app can post to a page I have to do this:

1. Create a short-lived user access token with the right scope for the app (manage_pages, publish_actions) using the explorer
    - page access tokens can be obtained via /me/accounts from the explorer page
    - if the user access token that is "live" during the /me/accounts request is short lived then this page access token will be too
    - if it is an extended long-lived token the page access token will have no expiry according to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens

2. Extend short-lived user access token to a long-lived one via a graph api call, also using exploer (see below)
3. Execute the /me/accounts call to get a page token that doesn't expire

 How to get a long lived user access token

    client_id          = App Id
    &client_secret     = App Secret
    &fb_exchange_token = short lived user access token via explorer with proper scope

 This gives you the following long lived access token

 This is an extended user access_token
 This token can be used to post to the page it was genrated for.
 It can also be used to get a no-expiry page access token when used to issue /me/accounts