Firebase “如何运行地理信息系统”;“附近”;使用firestore进行查询?

Firebase “如何运行地理信息系统”;“附近”;使用firestore进行查询?,firebase,google-cloud-firestore,Firebase,Google Cloud Firestore,firebase的新firestore数据库是否本机支持基于位置的地理查询?i、 e.在10英里内找到柱子,或找到最近的50根柱子 我看到一些现有的实时firebase数据库项目,比如geofire——这些项目是否也可以应用于firestore?到今天为止,还没有办法进行这样的查询。SO中还有其他与之相关的问题: 在我当前的Android项目中,我可能会在Firebase团队开发本机支持时添加geohash字段 像其他问题中建议的那样使用Firebase实时数据库意味着您无法同时按位置和其

firebase的新firestore数据库是否本机支持基于位置的地理查询?i、 e.在10英里内找到柱子,或找到最近的50根柱子








SWIFT 3.0版

func getDocumentNearBy(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, distance: Double) {

    // ~1 mile of lat and lon in degrees
    let lat = 0.0144927536231884
    let lon = 0.0181818181818182

    let lowerLat = latitude - (lat * distance)
    let lowerLon = longitude - (lon * distance)

    let greaterLat = latitude + (lat * distance)
    let greaterLon = longitude + (lon * distance)

    let lesserGeopoint = GeoPoint(latitude: lowerLat, longitude: lowerLon)
    let greaterGeopoint = GeoPoint(latitude: greaterLat, longitude: greaterLon)

    let docRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("locations")
    let query = docRef.whereField("location", isGreaterThan: lesserGeopoint).whereField("location", isLessThan: greaterGeopoint)

    query.getDocuments { snapshot, error in
        if let error = error {
            print("Error getting documents: \(error)")
        } else {
            for document in snapshot!.documents {
                print("\(document.documentID) => \(")


func run() {
    // Get all locations within 10 miles of Google Headquarters
    getDocumentNearBy(latitude: 37.422000, longitude: -122.084057, distance: 10)




因此,我制作了一个如下所示的JavaScript函数(这基本上是Ryan Lee答案的JS版本)

const lesserGeopoint=新的地质点(box.swCorner.latitude,box.swCorner.longitude);




  const geoQuery = geoFirestore.query({
    center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(10.38, 2.41),
    radius: 10.5


/// Checks if these coordinates are valid geo coordinates.
/// [latitude]  The latitude must be in the range [-90, 90]
/// [longitude] The longitude must be in the range [-180, 180]
/// returns [true] if these are valid geo coordinates
bool coordinatesValid(double latitude, double longitude) {
  return (latitude >= -90 && latitude <= 90 && longitude >= -180 && longitude <= 180);

/// Checks if the coordinates  of a GeopPoint are valid geo coordinates.
/// [latitude]  The latitude must be in the range [-90, 90]
/// [longitude] The longitude must be in the range [-180, 180]
/// returns [true] if these are valid geo coordinates
bool geoPointValid(GeoPoint point) {
  return (point.latitude >= -90 &&
      point.latitude <= 90 &&
      point.longitude >= -180 &&
      point.longitude <= 180);

/// Wraps the longitude to [-180,180].
/// [longitude] The longitude to wrap.
/// returns The resulting longitude.
double wrapLongitude(double longitude) {
  if (longitude <= 180 && longitude >= -180) {
    return longitude;
  final adjusted = longitude + 180;
  if (adjusted > 0) {
    return (adjusted % 360) - 180;
  // else
  return 180 - (-adjusted % 360);

double degreesToRadians(double degrees) {
  return (degrees * math.pi) / 180;

///Calculates the number of degrees a given distance is at a given latitude.
/// [distance] The distance to convert.
/// [latitude] The latitude at which to calculate.
/// returns the number of degrees the distance corresponds to.
double kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(double distance, double latitude) {
  const EARTH_EQ_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
  // this is a super, fancy magic number that the GeoFire lib can explain (maybe)
  const E2 = 0.00669447819799;
  const EPSILON = 1e-12;
  final radians = degreesToRadians(latitude);
  final numerator = math.cos(radians) * EARTH_EQ_RADIUS * math.pi / 180;
  final denom = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - E2 * math.sin(radians) * math.sin(radians));
  final deltaDeg = numerator * denom;
  if (deltaDeg < EPSILON) {
    return distance > 0 ? 360.0 : 0.0;
  // else
  return math.min(360.0, distance / deltaDeg);

/// Defines the boundingbox for the query based
/// on its south-west and north-east corners
class GeoBoundingBox {
  final GeoPoint swCorner;
  final GeoPoint neCorner;

  GeoBoundingBox({this.swCorner, this.neCorner});

/// Defines the search area by a  circle [center] / [radiusInKilometers]
/// Based on the limitations of FireStore we can only search in rectangles
/// which means that from this definition a final search square is calculated
/// that contains the circle
class Area {
  final GeoPoint center;
  final double radiusInKilometers;

  Area(, this.radiusInKilometers): 
  assert(geoPointValid(center)), assert(radiusInKilometers >= 0);

  factory Area.inMeters(GeoPoint gp, int radiusInMeters) {
    return new Area(gp, radiusInMeters / 1000.0);

  factory Area.inMiles(GeoPoint gp, int radiusMiles) {
    return new Area(gp, radiusMiles * 1.60934);

  /// returns the distance in km of [point] to center
  double distanceToCenter(GeoPoint point) {
    return distanceInKilometers(center, point);

///Calculates the SW and NE corners of a bounding box around a center point for a given radius;
/// [area] with the center given as .latitude and .longitude
/// and the radius of the box (in kilometers)
GeoBoundingBox boundingBoxCoordinates(Area area) {
  const KM_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE = 110.574;
  final latDegrees = area.radiusInKilometers / KM_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE;
  final latitudeNorth = math.min(90.0, + latDegrees);
  final latitudeSouth = math.max(-90.0, - latDegrees);
  // calculate longitude based on current latitude
  final longDegsNorth = kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(area.radiusInKilometers, latitudeNorth);
  final longDegsSouth = kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(area.radiusInKilometers, latitudeSouth);
  final longDegs = math.max(longDegsNorth, longDegsSouth);
  return new GeoBoundingBox(
      swCorner: new GeoPoint(latitudeSouth, wrapLongitude( - longDegs)),
      neCorner: new GeoPoint(latitudeNorth, wrapLongitude( + longDegs)));

/// Calculates the distance, in kilometers, between two locations, via the
/// Haversine formula. Note that this is approximate due to the fact that
/// the Earth's radius varies between 6356.752 km and 6378.137 km.
/// [location1] The first location given
/// [location2] The second location given
/// sreturn the distance, in kilometers, between the two locations.
double distanceInKilometers(GeoPoint location1, GeoPoint location2) {
  const radius = 6371; // Earth's radius in kilometers
  final latDelta = degreesToRadians(location2.latitude - location1.latitude);
  final lonDelta = degreesToRadians(location2.longitude - location1.longitude);

  final a = (math.sin(latDelta / 2) * math.sin(latDelta / 2)) +
      (math.cos(degreesToRadians(location1.latitude)) *
          math.cos(degreesToRadians(location2.latitude)) *
          math.sin(lonDelta / 2) *
          math.sin(lonDelta / 2));

  final c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a));

  return radius * c;
/// Checks if these coordinates are valid geo coordinates.
/// [latitude]  The latitude must be in the range [-90, 90]
/// [longitude] The longitude must be in the range [-180, 180]
/// returns [true] if these are valid geo coordinates
bool coordinatesValid(double latitude, double longitude) {
  return (latitude >= -90 && latitude <= 90 && longitude >= -180 && longitude <= 180);

/// Checks if the coordinates  of a GeopPoint are valid geo coordinates.
/// [latitude]  The latitude must be in the range [-90, 90]
/// [longitude] The longitude must be in the range [-180, 180]
/// returns [true] if these are valid geo coordinates
bool geoPointValid(GeoPoint point) {
  return (point.latitude >= -90 &&
      point.latitude <= 90 &&
      point.longitude >= -180 &&
      point.longitude <= 180);

/// Wraps the longitude to [-180,180].
/// [longitude] The longitude to wrap.
/// returns The resulting longitude.
double wrapLongitude(double longitude) {
  if (longitude <= 180 && longitude >= -180) {
    return longitude;
  final adjusted = longitude + 180;
  if (adjusted > 0) {
    return (adjusted % 360) - 180;
  // else
  return 180 - (-adjusted % 360);

double degreesToRadians(double degrees) {
  return (degrees * math.pi) / 180;

///Calculates the number of degrees a given distance is at a given latitude.
/// [distance] The distance to convert.
/// [latitude] The latitude at which to calculate.
/// returns the number of degrees the distance corresponds to.
double kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(double distance, double latitude) {
  const EARTH_EQ_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
  // this is a super, fancy magic number that the GeoFire lib can explain (maybe)
  const E2 = 0.00669447819799;
  const EPSILON = 1e-12;
  final radians = degreesToRadians(latitude);
  final numerator = math.cos(radians) * EARTH_EQ_RADIUS * math.pi / 180;
  final denom = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - E2 * math.sin(radians) * math.sin(radians));
  final deltaDeg = numerator * denom;
  if (deltaDeg < EPSILON) {
    return distance > 0 ? 360.0 : 0.0;
  // else
  return math.min(360.0, distance / deltaDeg);

/// Defines the boundingbox for the query based
/// on its south-west and north-east corners
class GeoBoundingBox {
  final GeoPoint swCorner;
  final GeoPoint neCorner;

  GeoBoundingBox({this.swCorner, this.neCorner});

/// Defines the search area by a  circle [center] / [radiusInKilometers]
/// Based on the limitations of FireStore we can only search in rectangles
/// which means that from this definition a final search square is calculated
/// that contains the circle
class Area {
  final GeoPoint center;
  final double radiusInKilometers;

  Area(, this.radiusInKilometers): 
  assert(geoPointValid(center)), assert(radiusInKilometers >= 0);

  factory Area.inMeters(GeoPoint gp, int radiusInMeters) {
    return new Area(gp, radiusInMeters / 1000.0);

  factory Area.inMiles(GeoPoint gp, int radiusMiles) {
    return new Area(gp, radiusMiles * 1.60934);

  /// returns the distance in km of [point] to center
  double distanceToCenter(GeoPoint point) {
    return distanceInKilometers(center, point);

///Calculates the SW and NE corners of a bounding box around a center point for a given radius;
/// [area] with the center given as .latitude and .longitude
/// and the radius of the box (in kilometers)
GeoBoundingBox boundingBoxCoordinates(Area area) {
  const KM_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE = 110.574;
  final latDegrees = area.radiusInKilometers / KM_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE;
  final latitudeNorth = math.min(90.0, + latDegrees);
  final latitudeSouth = math.max(-90.0, - latDegrees);
  // calculate longitude based on current latitude
  final longDegsNorth = kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(area.radiusInKilometers, latitudeNorth);
  final longDegsSouth = kilometersToLongitudeDegrees(area.radiusInKilometers, latitudeSouth);
  final longDegs = math.max(longDegsNorth, longDegsSouth);
  return new GeoBoundingBox(
      swCorner: new GeoPoint(latitudeSouth, wrapLongitude( - longDegs)),
      neCorner: new GeoPoint(latitudeNorth, wrapLongitude( + longDegs)));

/// Calculates the distance, in kilometers, between two locations, via the
/// Haversine formula. Note that this is approximate due to the fact that
/// the Earth's radius varies between 6356.752 km and 6378.137 km.
/// [location1] The first location given
/// [location2] The second location given
/// sreturn the distance, in kilometers, between the two locations.
double distanceInKilometers(GeoPoint location1, GeoPoint location2) {
  const radius = 6371; // Earth's radius in kilometers
  final latDelta = degreesToRadians(location2.latitude - location1.latitude);
  final lonDelta = degreesToRadians(location2.longitude - location1.longitude);

  final a = (math.sin(latDelta / 2) * math.sin(latDelta / 2)) +
      (math.cos(degreesToRadians(location1.latitude)) *
          math.cos(degreesToRadians(location2.latitude)) *
          math.sin(lonDelta / 2) *
          math.sin(lonDelta / 2));

  final c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a));

  return radius * c;
func getDocumentNearBy(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, meters: Double) {

    let myGeopoint = GeoPoint(latitude:latitude, longitude:longitude )
    let r_earth : Double = 6378137  // Radius of earth in Meters

    // 1 degree lat in m
    let kLat = (2 * Double.pi / 360) * r_earth
    let kLon = (2 * Double.pi / 360) * r_earth * __cospi(latitude/180.0)

    let deltaLat = meters / kLat
    let deltaLon = meters / kLon

    let swGeopoint = GeoPoint(latitude: latitude - deltaLat, longitude: longitude - deltaLon)
    let neGeopoint = GeoPoint(latitude: latitude + deltaLat, longitude: longitude + deltaLon)

    let docRef : CollectionReference = appDelegate.db.collection("restos")

    let query = docRef.whereField("location", isGreaterThan: swGeopoint).whereField("location", isLessThan: neGeopoint)
    query.getDocuments { snapshot, error in
      guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
        print("Error fetching snapshot results: \(error!)")
      self.documents = snapshot.documents.filter { (document)  in
        if let location = document.get("location") as? GeoPoint {
          let myDistance = self.distanceBetween(geoPoint1:myGeopoint,geoPoint2:location)
          print("myDistance:\(myDistance) distance:\(meters)")
          return myDistance <= meters
        return false
func distanceBetween(geoPoint1:GeoPoint, geoPoint2:GeoPoint) -> Double{
    return distanceBetween(lat1: geoPoint1.latitude,
                           lon1: geoPoint1.longitude,
                           lat2: geoPoint2.latitude,
                           lon2: geoPoint2.longitude)
func distanceBetween(lat1:Double, lon1:Double, lat2:Double, lon2:Double) -> Double{  // generally used geo measurement function
    let R : Double = 6378.137; // Radius of earth in KM
    let dLat = lat2 * Double.pi / 180 - lat1 * Double.pi / 180;
    let dLon = lon2 * Double.pi / 180 - lon1 * Double.pi / 180;
    let a = sin(dLat/2) * sin(dLat/2) +
      cos(lat1 * Double.pi / 180) * cos(lat2 * Double.pi / 180) *
      sin(dLon/2) * sin(dLon/2);
    let c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
    let d = R * c;
    return d * 1000; // meters
public void getUsersForTwentyMiles() {
    FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();

    double latitude = 33.0076665;
    double longitude = 35.1011336;

    int distance = 20;   //20 milles

    GeoPoint lg = new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude);

    // ~1 mile of lat and lon in degrees
    double lat = 0.0144927536231884;
    double lon = 0.0181818181818182;

    final double lowerLat = latitude - (lat * distance);
    final double lowerLon = longitude - (lon * distance);

    double greaterLat = latitude + (lat * distance);
    final double greaterLon = longitude + (lon * distance);

    final GeoPoint lesserGeopoint = new GeoPoint(lowerLat, lowerLon);
    final GeoPoint greaterGeopoint = new GeoPoint(greaterLat, greaterLon);

    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "local general lovation " + lg);
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "local lesserGeopoint " + lesserGeopoint);
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "local greaterGeopoint " + greaterGeopoint);

    //get users for twenty miles by only a latitude 
            .whereGreaterThan("location", lesserGeopoint)
            .whereLessThan("location", greaterGeopoint)
            .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
                public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
                    if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                        for (QueryDocumentSnapshot document : task.getResult()) {

                            UserData user = document.toObject(UserData.class);

                            //here a longitude condition (myLocation - 20 <= myLocation <= myLocation +20)
                            if (lowerLon <= user.getUserGeoPoint().getLongitude() && user.getUserGeoPoint().getLongitude() <= greaterLon) {
                                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "location: " + document.getId());
                    } else {
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Error getting documents: ", task.getException());
if (lowerLon <= user.getUserGeoPoint().getLongitude() && user.getUserGeoPoint().getLongitude() <= greaterLon) {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "location: " + document.getId());
QueryLocation queryLocation = QueryLocation.fromDegrees(latitude, longitude);
Distance searchDistance = new Distance(1.0, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS);
    .whereNearTo(queryLocation, distance)
const db = firebase.firestore();

import { GeoCollectionReference, GeoFirestore, GeoQuery, GeoQuerySnapshot } from 'geofirestore';

// Create a GeoFirestore reference
const geofirestore: GeoFirestore = new GeoFirestore(db);

// Create a GeoCollection reference
const geocollection: GeoCollectionReference = geofirestore.collection('<Your_collection_name>');

const query: GeoQuery = geocollectionDrivers.near({ 
        center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(location.latitude, location.longitude), 
        radius: 10000 
    query.onSnapshot(gquerySnapshot => {
        gquerySnapshot.forEach(res => {
pod 'Geofirestore', :git => ''
let location: CLLocation = CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: lng)
yourCollection.setLocation(location: location, forDocumentWithID: "YourDocId") { (error) in }
collection.removeLocation(forDocumentWithID: "YourDocId")
let center = CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: lng)
let collection = "Your collection path"
let circleQuery = collection.query(withCenter: center, radius: Double(yourRadiusVal))
let _ = circleQuery.observe(.documentEntered, with: { (key, location) in
        //Use info as per your need