Fonts 游戏中“myFont=createFont(“Verdana”,48,true);”的字体错误

Fonts 游戏中“myFont=createFont(“Verdana”,48,true);”的字体错误,fonts,processing,Fonts,Processing,遇到错误时,找不到任何名为myFont的内容。使用myFont=createFontVerdana,48,true;在一个游戏程序中,我不确定我是否有输入错误或真正的错误。对程序进行多次校对,但没有任何结果。 如果这是一个打字错误,我会觉得很傻。。。 试图通过收费箱加载,但似乎也不起作用。。。 有课程和课堂部分-将发布这两个部分 卡片: class Cards { int show = 0; // shows the back of the card PImage cardImage;

遇到错误时,找不到任何名为myFont的内容。使用myFont=createFontVerdana,48,true;在一个游戏程序中,我不确定我是否有输入错误或真正的错误。对程序进行多次校对,但没有任何结果。 如果这是一个打字错误,我会觉得很傻。。。 试图通过收费箱加载,但似乎也不起作用。。。 有课程和课堂部分-将发布这两个部分


class Cards
  int show = 0; // shows the back of the card
  PImage cardImage;

  int cardX = 0;
  int cardY = 0;
  int faceValue = 0;
  int myPoints = 0;

  // card back is 00 so there are '53' cards vs 52

  String[] cardName = {
    "00.png", "01.png", "02.png", "03.png", "04.png", "05.png", "06.png", "07.png", "08.png", "08.png", 
    "09.png", "10.png", "11.png", "12.png", "13.png", "14.png", "15.png", "16.png", "17.png", "18.png", 
    "19.png", "20.png", "21.png", "22.png", "23.png"     

  Cards (int x, int y, int fv, int mp)
    cardX = x;
    cardy = y;
    faceValue = fv;
    myPoints = mp;  //keeps track of the points J=11, Q=12, K=13

  void display()
    cardImage= loadImage(cardName[show]); //Display loads the images.
    image(cardImage, cardX, cardY);

  void setX(int newX)  //move the card from the deck to the center and 
    cardX = newX;
    show = faceValue;

  int getPoints()  //gets the points from the card values compare the left to the right.
    return (myPoints);

void setup()    
  int myY =75;
  int myX1 = 430;  //each pile has its own x value
  int myX2 = 50;
  size(600, 600);
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  myFont = createFont("Verdana", 48, true);
  for (int i = 0; i<20; i++)
    y[i] = myY;
    fv[i] = i+1;
    points [i] = currentPoint;
    currentPoint ++;
    if (currentPoint > 10)  //since only doing 10 cards each side - total 20 change this
      currentPoint=1;  //then resetting at one - counts  -10 and then starts over.
      //so the point value matchs the face value of the cards. ace =1, 2=2, etc j=11, q=12, k=13

    if (i%2==0)    
      x[i] = myX1;
      myY+=2;  //changes the pixels of the cards so they are not all on top of eachother
      // the cards will show slightlu fanned down and to the right with these functions
      x[i] = myX2;

  shuffle(); // shuffle a couple of times

  for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
    myCard[i] = new Cards (x[i], y[i], fv[i], points[i]);

void draw()
  text(leftPoint, 75, 50);
  text(rightPoint, 515, 50);
  rect(200, 400, 200, 100);
  for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
    myCard[i].display();  //display cards on the screen

  if (leftDeck>19)  //CHANGE means went throug all the cards
    if (leftPoint > rightPoint)
      text("Left Wins!", 250, 350);
    else if (leftPoint<rightPoint)
      text("Right Wins!", 250, 350);
      text("you TIED!!!!", 250, 350);

void mouseClicked()
  if (mouseX<400 && mouseX>200 && mouseY<500 && mouseY>400)
    myCard[leftDeck].setX(190);  //set x value for left card display
    myCard[rightDeck].setX(310); //sets x value for right card display
    if (myCard[leftDeck].getPoints()>myCard[rightDeck].getPoints())
    else if (myCard[leftDeck].getPoints()<myCard[rightDeck].getPoints())

void shuffle()
  int temp = 0;
  int tempPoint =0;
  int rand = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<20; i++)  //CHANGE to 52
    rand = int(random(0, 20));  //showing 20 needs to be 52
    temp = fv[i];
    tempPoint = points[i];
    fv[i] = fv[rand];
    points[i] = points[rand];  //have to move the point value with the facevalue
    fv[rand] = temp;
    points[rand] = tempPoint;


Font myFont;

