For loop 如何向多个股票数据添加符号

For loop 如何向多个股票数据添加符号,for-loop,web-scraping,jupyter-notebook,For Loop,Web Scraping,Jupyter Notebook,#我已删除了下面的数据是我的代码,现在我想在各自的公司数据中添加一列符号,请指导我如何将符号添加到各自的公司数据中 #代码如下 from time import sleep import pandas as pd import os import numpy as np from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from selenium import webdriver from import ChromeDriv



from time import sleep

import pandas as pd

import os

import numpy as np

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from selenium import webdriver

from import ChromeDriverManager

browser = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())

symbols =['FATIMA',

company = 1

for ThisSymbol in symbols :

    # Get first symbol from the above python list
    company = 2

    # In the URL, make symbol as variable
    url = '' + ThisSymbol

    # The below command will get all the contents from the url
    html = browser.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML")
    # So we will supply the contents to beautiful soup and we tell to consider this text as a html, with the following command
    soup = BeautifulSoup (html, "html.parser")

    for rn in range(0,9) :
        plist = []
        r = soup.find_all('tr')[rn]

        # Condition: if first row, then th, otherwise td
        if (rn==0) :
            celltag = 'th'
        else :
            celltag = 'td'

        # Now use the celltag instead of using fixed td or th
        col = r.find_all(celltag)
        if col[i] == 0:
            print ("")
            for i in range(0,4) :
                cell = col[i].text
                clean = cell.replace('\xa0 ', '')
                clean = clean.replace (' ', '')

        # If first row, create df, otherwise add to it
        if (rn == 0) :
            df = pd.DataFrame(plist)

        else :
            df2 = pd.DataFrame(plist)
            colname = 'y' + str(2019-rn)
            df[colname] = df2

    if (company == 1):
        dft = df.T
        # Get header Column
        head = dft.iloc[0]

        # Exclude first row from the data
        dft = dft[1:]
        dft.columns = head
        dft = dft.reset_index()

        # Assign Headers
        dft = dft.drop(['index'], axis = 'columns')
        dft2 = df.T

        # Get header Column
        head = dft2.iloc[0]

        # Exclude first row from the data
        dft2 = dft2[1:]
        dft2.columns = head
        dft2 = dft2.reset_index()

        # Assign Headers
        dft2 = dft2.drop(['index'], axis = 'columns')
        dft['Symbol'] = ThisSymbol
    dft = dft.append(dft2, sort=['Year','Symbol'])

    company = company +1

我的输出是这样的,我希望每个公司数据都有一个符号列 符号,我已经补充了

