Formatting TexMaker中的列表格式不一致

Formatting TexMaker中的列表格式不一致,formatting,latex,texmaker,Formatting,Latex,Texmaker,列表中项目名称(括号内)有的任何项目有两个选项。例如:使用新命令自己格式化项目。然后你可以自己决定间距 \newcommand{\myitem}[2]{ \item[] \textbf{#1} \newline \hspace*{.5cm} #2} \begin{document} \begin{Glossary} \myitem{Uvic} University of Victoria \myitem{2-FSK} 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying


\item[] \textbf{#1} \newline \hspace*{.5cm} #2}


    \myitem{Uvic} University of Victoria
    \myitem{2-FSK} 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{Core blocks} The pre installed modules and blocks in Gnuradio
    \myitem{CSA} Canadian Space Agency
    \myitem{CubeSat} A miniaturized space satellite for research
    \myitem{DSP} Digital Signal Processor
    \myitem{FM} Frequency Modulation
    \myitem{FPGA} Field-Programmable Gate Array
    \myitem{FSK} Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GFSK} Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GNU Radio} A DSP and SDR creation software
    \myitem{GPIO} General Purpose Input/Output
    \myitem{GRC} GNU Radio Companion, GUI interface for GNU Radio
    \myitem{gr\_modtool} A script that simplifies the process of creating OOT Modules
    \myitem{GUI} Graphical User Interface
    \myitem{IO} Input/Output
    \myitem{OS} Operating System
    \myitem{OOT Module} Out-of-tree Module
    \myitem{PDU} Protocol Data Unit, A PMT that is a pair of a dictionary and a uniform vector type
    \myitem{PMT} Polymorphic Type, An opaque data type designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed between blocks in Gnuradio



    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO\phantom{XYZ}] Input/Output
    \item[OS\phantom{XYZ}] Operating System

    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO\phantom{XYZ}] Input/Output
    \item[OS\phantom{XYZ}] Operating System