使用4D Fortran数组将mpi_发送/接收转换为mpi_散点格式

使用4D Fortran数组将mpi_发送/接收转换为mpi_散点格式,fortran,mpi,send,scatterview,Fortran,Mpi,Send,Scatterview,我目前正在尝试将以下mpi\u send/recv调用转换为一个mpi\u scatterv,因为将阵列复制到临时缓冲区并发送临时缓冲区会对性能造成相当大的影响。与等效的串行实现相比,它仍然是值得的,但我希望在不必复制到临时缓冲区的情况下分发工作。看来我想要的功能是mpi_scatterv,但我在实现方面的各种尝试都没有奏效,而且大部分都很混乱 执行mpi_发送/接收调用的代码如下: if(me_image.eq.root_image) then do i = 0, ma

mpi\u send/recv
mpi\u scatterv


    if(me_image.eq.root_image) then
        do i = 0, max_proc-1, 1
            allocate(temp_dCpqdR(3*nat_sl, 3*nat_sl, n_pairs(i+1), 3))

            do j = 1, n_pairs(i+1), 1
                temp_dCpqdR(:,:,j,:) = dCpqdR(:,:,j+offset,:)
                end do
            offset = offset + n_pairs(i+1)
            if(i.ne.0) then
                call mpi_send(temp_dCpqdR, 3*nat_sl*3*nat_sl*3*n_pairs(i+1), mpi_double_precision,&
                              i, 0, intra_image_comm,ierr)

                call mpi_send(Cpq, 3*nat_sl*3*nat_sl, mpi_double_precision,&
                              i, 1, intra_image_comm,ierr)

                call mpi_send(eigenvalues, 3*nat_sl, mpi_double_precision,&
                              i, 2, intra_image_comm,ierr)
                my_dCpqdR(:,:,:,:) = temp_dCpqdR(:,:,:,:)
                end if
            end do
            if(me_image.le.(max_proc-1)) then
                call mpi_recv(my_dCpqdR,& ! Buffer
                              3*nat_sl*3*nat_sl*3*n_pairs(me_image+1),& ! Count
                              mpi_double_precision,& ! Type
                              0,& ! Source
                              0,& ! Tag
                              intra_image_comm,& ! Communicator
                              rstatus,& ! Status var
                              ierr) ! Error flag

                call mpi_recv(Cpq,& ! Buffer
                              3*nat_sl*3*nat_sl,& ! Count
                              mpi_double_precision,& ! Type
                              0,& ! Source
                              1,& ! Tag
                              intra_image_comm,& ! Communicator
                              rstatus,& ! Status var
                              ierr) ! Error flag

                call mpi_recv(eigenvalues,& ! Buffer
                              3*nat_sl,& ! Count
                              mpi_double_precision,& ! Type
                              0,& ! Source
                              2,& ! Tag
                              intra_image_comm,& ! Communicator
                              rstatus,& ! Status var
                              ierr) ! Error flag
                end if

        end if

call mpi_type_create_subarray(4, (/ nat_sl, nat_sl, nat, 3 /), (/nat_sl, nat_sl, n_pairs(me_image+1), 3/),&
                              (/0, 0, 0, 0/), mpi_order_fortran, mpi_double_precision, subarr_typ, ierr)
call mpi_type_commit(subarr_typ, ierr)


extent = 3*nat_sl*3*nat_sl*3*n_pairs(me_image+1)
call MPI_Type_create_resized(subarr_typ, 0, extent, resized_subarr, ierr)
call MPI_Type_commit(resized_subarr, ierr)

[MathBook Pro:58100] *** An error occurred in MPI_Type_create_subarray
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** reported by process [2560884737,2314885530279477248]
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** MPI_ERR_ARG: invalid argument of some other kind
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort,
[MathBook Pro:58100] ***    and potentially your MPI job)

[MathBook Pro:58100] *** An error occurred in MPI_Type_create_subarray
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** reported by process [2560884737,2314885530279477248]
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** MPI_ERR_ARG: invalid argument of some other kind
[MathBook Pro:58100] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort,
[MathBook Pro:58100] ***    and potentially your MPI job)