F# 如何用任意数量的参数约束函数的返回类型?

F# 如何用任意数量的参数约束函数的返回类型?,f#,F#,我想创建一个带有类型注释的记录类型,约束条件是注释必须是返回特定类型的函数。考虑下面的例子: 输入Foo int>={ 函数:'Input->int } 类型ReturnsInt=FSharpFunc={ 函数:'ArgumentTuples->int } {Function=fun a,b,c,d,e,f,g->2}// {Function=fun a->2}//有效 {Function=fun a->}//不起作用 虽然这种方法有其自身的问题,并且不是原始问题的具体答案,但这种变通方法/工作


输入Foo int>={ 函数:'Input->int } 类型ReturnsInt=FSharpFunc={ 函数:'ArgumentTuples->int } {Function=fun a,b,c,d,e,f,g->2}// {Function=fun a->2}//有效 {Function=fun a->}//不起作用


module FunctionTests

//define function types templates
type F1<'a> = 'a -> int
type F2<'a, 'b> = 'a -> 'b -> int
type F3<'a, 'b, 'c> = 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> int
type F4<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> = 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> int

//define actual functions
let f1 : F1<string> = fun x -> 
                        printf "calling f1: %s\n" x
let f2 : F2<string, string> = fun x y -> 
                        printf "calling f2: %s; %s\n" x y
let f3 : F3<string, string, int> = fun x y z -> 
                        printf "calling f2: %s; %s; %d\n" x y z
let f4 : F4<string, string, int, int> = fun x y z v -> 
                        printf "calling f2: %s; %s; %d; %d\n" x y z v

//define DU limiting to a subset of functions
type FunctionChooser = 
    | FF1 of F1<string>
    | FF2 of F2<string, string>
    | FF3 of F3<string, string, int>
    | FF4 of F4<string, string, int, int>

//define a record with the DU
type FunctionRec = {Function : FunctionChooser}

//testing harness
let callFunction (functiondefs : FunctionRec) data otherdata intparam1 intparam2 = 
    match functiondefs.Function with
    | FF1 fn -> fn data
    | FF2 fn -> fn data otherdata
    | FF3 fn -> fn data otherdata intparam1
    | FF4 fn -> fn data otherdata intparam1 intparam2

let res1 = callFunction {Function=FF1 f1} "somedata" "otherdata" 13 14
let res2 = callFunction {Function=FF2 f2} "somedata" "otherdata" 13 14
let res3 = callFunction {Function=FF3 f3} "somedata" "otherdata" 13 14
let res4 = callFunction {Function=FF4 f4} "somedata" "otherdata" 13 14


type Foo<'InputType> = {
    Function: ('InputType -> int)

type Foo<'InputType, 'OutputType> = {
    Function: ('InputType -> 'OutputType)
编辑:好的,我看到问题了。 因此,要使用Fyodors溶液,请执行以下操作:

type Foo<'InputType> = {
    Function: ('InputType -> int)

let add a b = a + b

let myFunction = {
    Function = (fun (a,b) -> add a b)

type Foo<'InputType, 'OutputType> = {
    Function: ('InputType -> 'OutputType)
type Foo<'InputType> = {
    Function: ('InputType -> int)

let add a b = a + b

let myFunction = {
    Function = (fun (a,b) -> add a b)