Gatsby 盖茨比成百上千次生成同一个化身

Gatsby 盖茨比成百上千次生成同一个化身,gatsby,netlify,Gatsby,Netlify,我有一个博客,里面有近200篇文章,其中一个GraphQL查询获取了每篇文章的作者(姓名、信息、化身)。问题是,我只有两个作者在那里,但在建立网站时,盖茨比正在一遍又一遍地为每一篇文章重新创建那个化身。我可以在Netlify的控制台日志中看到: 8:13:53 PM: warning 8:13:53 PM: The requested width "120px" for a resolutions field for 8:13:53 PM:


8:13:53 PM: warning
8:13:53 PM:                  The requested width "120px" for a resolutions field for
8:13:53 PM:                  the file /opt/build/repo/static/images/uploads/authors/rick.png
8:13:53 PM:                  was larger than the actual image width of 96px!
8:13:53 PM:                  If possible, replace the current image with a larger one.
8:13:53 PM: warning
8:13:53 PM:                  The requested width "120px" for a resolutions field for
8:13:53 PM:                  the file /opt/build/repo/static/images/uploads/authors/rick.png
8:13:53 PM:                  was larger than the actual image width of 96px!
8:13:53 PM:                  If possible, replace the current image with a larger one.
8:13:53 PM: warning
8:13:53 PM:                  The requested width "120px" for a resolutions field for
8:13:53 PM:                  the file /opt/build/repo/static/images/uploads/authors/morty.png
8:13:53 PM:                  was larger than the actual image width of 96px!
8:13:53 PM:                  If possible, replace the current image with a larger one.
8:13:53 PM: warning
8:13:53 PM:                  The requested width "120px" for a resolutions field for
8:13:53 PM:                  the file /opt/build/repo/static/images/uploads/authors/rick.png
8:13:53 PM:                  was larger than the actual image width of 96px!
8:13:53 PM:                  If possible, replace the current image with a larger one.


