Github actions github操作:可重用库?

Github actions github操作:可重用库?,github-actions,Github Actions,希洛- 我们在数据中心安装了github enterprise server,我们正在尝试在github上执行POC操作,其中: 我们有AWS EKS kubernetes gitub操作应在AWS EKS上部署的pod上运行工作流 然而,我们是否有一个“可重用”的库可以用于一个组织下的所有回购协议?我们有什么例子吗?也就是说,我们正试图这样做: - without manually storing/adding the AWS EKS secrets in the organization


我们在数据中心安装了github enterprise server,我们正在尝试在github上执行POC操作,其中:

  • 我们有AWS EKS kubernetes
  • gitub操作应在AWS EKS上部署的pod上运行工作流

- without manually storing/adding the AWS EKS secrets in the organization wise "secrets", store in the  "reusable" library so that from any repo, one can use "library", add to the .gitub/workflows/file.yml and run the github action ?
- So that, based on the action workflow script, git repo which will be having standard template added, the workflow will pull the image, run the maven command on the container.

()操纵组织机密()来执行脚本操作(部署在AWS EKS上)?