Google api 谷歌分析API请求返回验证码?

Google api 谷歌分析API请求返回验证码?,google-api,google-analytics-api,google-api-php-client,Google Api,Google Analytics Api,Google Api Php Client,从昨天开始,我们与Google Analytics API的连接返回一个HTML页面,其中包含。。。验证码。有人经历过这样的事情吗 我们将API与PHP库一起使用。我们用于检索报表的代码(它包装在我们自己的类中,但使用google/apiclient包): 我们捕获到一个Google服务异常,错误消息如下: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head>

从昨天开始,我们与Google Analytics API的连接返回一个HTML页面,其中包含。。。验证码。有人经历过这样的事情吗



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<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1"><title></title></head>
<body style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; color: #000; padding:20px; font-size:18px;" onload="e=document.getElementById('captcha');if(e){e.focus();}">
<div style="max-width:400px;">
<hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;"><br>
<form id="captcha-form" action="index" method="post">
To continue, please type the characters below:<br><br>
<img src="/sorry/image?id=14645528721876966739&amp;q=EgSIkL9bGIjOzu4FIhkA8aeDSycUmKeaKy3bPExiN-Ol2PpxQzOfMgFj&amp;hl=en&amp;continue=" border="1" alt="Please enable images"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="captcha" value="" id="captcha" size="12" style="font-size:16px; padding:3px 0 3px 5px; margin-left:0px;"><br><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="btn-submit" value="Submit" style="font-size:18px; padding:4px 0;">
<input type='hidden' name='q' value='EgSIkL9bGIjOzu4FIhkA8aeDSycUmKeaKy3bPExiN-Ol2PpxQzOfMgFj'><input type="hidden" name="continue" value="">
<hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;">

<div style="font-size:13px;">
<b>About this page</b><br><br>

Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network.  This page checks to see if it&#39;s really you sending the requests, and not a robot.  <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('infoDiv').style.display='block';">Why did this happen?</a><br><br>

<div id="infoDiv" style="display:none; background-color:#eee; padding:10px; margin:0 0 15px 0; line-height:1.4em;">
This page appears when Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of the <a href="//">Terms of Service</a>. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop.  In the meantime, solving the above CAPTCHA will let you continue to use our services.<br><br>This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests.  If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help &mdash; a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible.  <a href="//">Learn more</a><br><br>Sometimes you may be asked to solve the CAPTCHA if you are using advanced terms that robots are known to use, or sending requests very quickly.

IP address:<br>Time: 2019-11-19T08:25:44Z<br>URL:<br>






如果您使用的是已知机器人使用的高级术语,或者发送请求非常快,有时可能会要求您解决验证码问题。 IP地址




“我们将从2019年11月4日起将Google Analytics API升级到新的技术基础架构堆栈。由于这一更改,客户端将在失败API请求的响应错误消息文本中看到一些差异。”

“如果您的应用程序或日志分析工作流依赖于管理API v3或核心报告API v3响应中提供的特定措辞,则需要更新代码以反映新的错误响应文本。请注意,由于准确的错误消息措辞可能随时发生变化,我们强烈建议在处理API响应时,不要硬编码特定的消息文本。”

今天我的请求失败了,在我的错误日志中提供了一个验证码图像,生成了404。 我收到的错误:





<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1"><title></title></head>
<body style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; color: #000; padding:20px; font-size:18px;" onload="e=document.getElementById('captcha');if(e){e.focus();}">
<div style="max-width:400px;">
<hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;"><br>
<form id="captcha-form" action="index" method="post">
To continue, please type the characters below:<br><br>
<img src="/sorry/image?id=14645528721876966739&amp;q=EgSIkL9bGIjOzu4FIhkA8aeDSycUmKeaKy3bPExiN-Ol2PpxQzOfMgFj&amp;hl=en&amp;continue=" border="1" alt="Please enable images"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="captcha" value="" id="captcha" size="12" style="font-size:16px; padding:3px 0 3px 5px; margin-left:0px;"><br><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="btn-submit" value="Submit" style="font-size:18px; padding:4px 0;">
<input type='hidden' name='q' value='EgSIkL9bGIjOzu4FIhkA8aeDSycUmKeaKy3bPExiN-Ol2PpxQzOfMgFj'><input type="hidden" name="continue" value="">
<hr noshade size="1" style="color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc;">

<div style="font-size:13px;">
<b>About this page</b><br><br>

Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network.  This page checks to see if it&#39;s really you sending the requests, and not a robot.  <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('infoDiv').style.display='block';">Why did this happen?</a><br><br>

<div id="infoDiv" style="display:none; background-color:#eee; padding:10px; margin:0 0 15px 0; line-height:1.4em;">
This page appears when Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of the <a href="//">Terms of Service</a>. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop.  In the meantime, solving the above CAPTCHA will let you continue to use our services.<br><br>This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests.  If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help &mdash; a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible.  <a href="//">Learn more</a><br><br>Sometimes you may be asked to solve the CAPTCHA if you are using advanced terms that robots are known to use, or sending requests very quickly.

IP address:<br>Time: 2019-11-19T08:25:44Z<br>URL:<br>