Google app engine 如何将环境变量添加到Google应用程序引擎

Google app engine 如何将环境变量添加到Google应用程序引擎,google-app-engine,environment-variables,Google App Engine,Environment Variables,我已经将我的Django项目部署到Google App Engine,我需要添加环境变量 文档说要将它们添加到app.yaml中,但这似乎是一种糟糕的做法,因为app.yaml应该在您的git存储库中 有没有什么方法可以像在Cloud Run>Services>variables&Secrets中添加环境变量一样,将环境变量添加到App Engine中?Google Secret Manager从今年春天开始提供: 从或以编程方式创建秘密(代码示例来自官方文档): 使用应用程

我已经将我的Django项目部署到Google App Engine,我需要添加环境变量


有没有什么方法可以像在Cloud Run>Services>variables&Secrets中添加环境变量一样,将环境变量添加到App Engine中?

Google Secret Manager从今年春天开始提供:

  • 从或以编程方式创建秘密(代码示例来自官方文档):

  • 使用应用程序中的机密,而不是环境变量:


作为部署过程的一部分,我们使用Bitbucket管道将几个文件重写到App engine。可以在工作区级别(跨多个存储库)、存储库内以及为定义的每个部署目标定义变量。可以保护这些变量,使其不可读。

def create_secret(project_id, secret_id):
    Create a new secret with the given name. A secret is a logical wrapper
    around a collection of secret versions. Secret versions hold the actual
    secret material.

    # Import the Secret Manager client library.
    from import secretmanager

    # Create the Secret Manager client.
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()

    # Build the resource name of the parent project.
    parent = client.project_path(project_id)

    # Create the secret.
    response = client.create_secret(parent, secret_id, {
        'replication': {
            'automatic': {},

    # Print the new secret name.
    print('Created secret: {}'.format(
def access_secret_version(project_id, secret_id, version_id):
    Access the payload for the given secret version if one exists. The version
    can be a version number as a string (e.g. "5") or an alias (e.g. "latest").

    # Import the Secret Manager client library.
    from import secretmanager

    # Create the Secret Manager client.
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()

    # Build the resource name of the secret version.
    name = client.secret_version_path(project_id, secret_id, version_id)

    # Access the secret version.
    response = client.access_secret_version(name)

    # Print the secret payload.
    # WARNING: Do not print the secret in a production environment - this
    # snippet is showing how to access the secret material.
    payload ='UTF-8')
    print('Plaintext: {}'.format(payload))
build: &build
  - step:
      name: Update configuration for deployment
        - find . -type f -name "*.yaml" -exec sed -i "s/\[secret-key-placeholder\]/$SECRET_KEY/g" {} +