Google app engine google cloudbuild部署失败-无法验证Node.js二进制文件

Google app engine google cloudbuild部署失败-无法验证Node.js二进制文件,google-app-engine,gcloud,google-cloud-build,Google App Engine,Gcloud,Google Cloud Build,我正在使用cloudbuild将我的MERN应用程序部署到AppEngineFlex中,它一直工作得很好。 现在,在部署步骤中出现以下错误: Step #5: Step #2: gpg: Signature made Tue Oct 27 16:02:59 2020 UTC using RSA key ID C17AB93C gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found Step #5: Step #2: The Node.js binary

我正在使用cloudbuild将我的MERN应用程序部署到AppEngineFlex中,它一直工作得很好。 现在,在部署步骤中出现以下错误:

Step #5: Step #2: gpg: Signature made Tue Oct 27 16:02:59 2020 UTC using RSA key ID C17AB93C gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
Step #5: Step #2: The Node.js binary could not be verified.
Step #5: Step #2: This means it may not be an officially released Node.js binary
Step #5: Step #2: or may have been tampered with.
Step #5: Step #2: 
Step #5: Step #2: Aborting the installation.
Step #5: Step #2: 
Step #5: Step #2: The installation can be forced using the --ignore-verification-failure
Step #5: Step #2: flag. However, it is strongly recommended that you install a version
Step #5: Step #2: of Node.js that can be verified.
Step #5: Step #2: 
Step #5: Step #2: Node installation failed: /opt/gcp/runtime/bootstrap_node exited with a non-zero exit code: 1
Step #5: Step #2: error building image: error building stage: waiting for process to exit: exit status 1
Step #5: Finished Step #2
Step #5: ERROR
Step #5: ERROR: build step 2 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
Step #5: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step #5: 
Step #5: Updating service [staging-frontend] (this may take several minutes)...
Step #5: ...................................failed.
Step #5: ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build e924ba43-f18e-453c-b897-240bbeb67fe6 status: FAILURE
Step #5: Build error details: Build error details not available.
My cloudbuild.yaml:

# Step 0: BACKEND npm install
- name: 'node:14.15.0'
  entrypoint: npm
  dir: 'backend'
  args: ['install']
  timeout: "5m"

# Step 1: FRONTEND npm install
- name: 'node:14.15.0'
  entrypoint: npm
  dir: 'frontend'
  args: ['install']
  timeout: "5m"

# Step 2: ADMIN npm install
- name: 'node:14.15.0'
  entrypoint: npm
  dir: 'admin'
  args: ['install']
  timeout: "5m"

# Step 3: FRONTEND optimized build
- name: 'node:14.15.0'
  entrypoint: npm
  dir: 'frontend'
  args: ['run', 'build']
  timeout: "10m"

# Step 4: ADMIN optimized build
- name: 'node:14.15.0'
  entrypoint: npm
  dir: 'admin'
  args: ['run', 'build']
  timeout: "10m"

# Step 5: FRONTEND Deploy cloud app frontend
- name: ""
  args: ["beta", "app", "deploy", "-v", "${_VERSION}", "app-staging.yaml"]
  dir: 'frontend'
  timeout: "20m"
在my package.json中,我指定了要使用的节点版本:

    "engines": {
        "node": "14.15.0"
我找到了这个答案: 但是如果我从json包中删除了这个版本,google就会使用GN node 10(!!!!!!!)部署应用程序,所有的程序都会崩溃。还有其他方法可以告诉google在部署阶段使用哪个版本的节点


包.json中使用Node 14的早期版本,如您共享的答案中提到的14.9?节点15呢?